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Select Pictures of My Boo

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Something has happened to my boo. Nicky, you look like hell. Whoa!!!! That's all I can say about this one. If you don't think he's hot in this picture then your brain dead.

Is this Nick or that little shit Aaron? This one picture has made me reconsider my love for Nick. They just look too much alike for comfort.

OH GOD, I have been replaced by Flipper. Don't I feel like a looser about now.

Nick in a wife beater!!! now normaly I would say, "Woooo Hooooo, take it all off baby!" but right now I am reconsidering what I said about him being chunky. All I notice in this picture are those skinny ass arms.

Look he's dreaming about his dream girl. Lets see, she's about 5'8" with brown eyes and hair that changes color about as often as AJ's. Golly Gee, that sounds just like me, imagine that.
