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Ain't no stoppin these boys...yet

Ok, so on Thursday night I attended an 'N Sync concert. Damn, that's all I have to say. It was great. Those boys really do put on a good show. Well, ok, so I do have more to say. Like you were going to get away with just that! Ha!

First and foremost, the opening acts:
Well, I barely saw 3rd storee and what I did see wasn't all that great. Yawn, moving on.

Next came Shanice, now I knew I remembered this name from somewhere. I'm pretty sure I remember her from Family Matters. I think she was the one that Laura loved and she performed at their high school, ANYWAYS! Ok, so then she performed a song from waaay back in '92 (most of the people there were born in '92) and I knew the words and I got all excited cuz I love music from that..uh era...Anyways she was cool till she sang a song and said it was Justin's favorite song on her album. Oh yeah, that'll make me go get that one...moving on.

Next came Jordan. Whoo baby! I sure hope that man isn't gay b/c that would be a waste of man. So I liked him a lot for some reason. I just may go get his album...if it's on sale (CD's are so friggin expensive and I usually end up not listening to them don't care, do you?) So he went on and I would scream at inappropriate times either "Whooo Jordan" or "Joey McIntyre" and I think "NKOTB FOREVER." Needless to say, I got some looks from people, but hell, that's what I wanted.

Now on to 'N Stink...or uhhh 'N Sync:
Well, the waiting for them to come on was a bitch. First the commercial comes on the screen and the little girls go butt wild. Then every time a song ended the crowd would chant "'N Sync, 'N Sync." Spare me. The show would've been so very much better if there was either only 20,000 people, or maybe if you could only get in if you were 16 and over. That would've been perfect. Anyways, they FINALLY come on and they did that gay ass intro and the dude in the beginning said...dare I even mention, CRAP? Ooooohh...bad word!!! Anyways, they sing old stuff (like my friend said, they should've performed new stuff) and then they did the 60's to 90's thing. Ok, that, I thought was great. Of course my personal fave was the 80's, MY BABY SANG!!!! YAYYYY! And what a good voice it is! I was in heaven. He REALLY deserves more solos, thank you. Ok, I'm sure you could give a rat's ass. All righty, they showed the "U Drive me Crazy Video" I love this song. I loved it when they showed the guys doing their thing and they showed Joey looking at a girlie magazine. I DIED. It was sooo hilarious. I hope they put that video on their next home video. Ok, so the rest of the show was good but I was really disappointed they didn't do "Sailing." I really wanted to see them "fly." Oh well. Well, that's it. I guess. Sorry if I bored you!
