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Why No Updates?????

You know, I decided to write this little spilled because of the e-mails we have been getting lately. The one today told me that when I graduated from sixth grade I should be able to write a better web page. Anyway, I got a kick out of this, since I graduated from the sixth grade about eight years ago. Just to get something straight, I am a twenty year old junior at a small liberal arts college in Oregon where I am getting a B.S. in Forensic Anthropology. I spend all my time at school studying, or at my apartment studying. When I'm not doing that I’m sleeping. I’m telling you this so that you can see that I don’t possibly have the time to remove all of the out dated links on the page (aka Lance is gay, Nick hates his brother, Kevin’s an asshole, etc...) Now, I still love ‘N Sync ( I listened to them in the car this morning as a matter of fact), I love their music and if they were all horribly disfigured in an accident I would still love them because their music makes me happy, not like all the loud screaming I usually listen to. I still listen to BSB as well, though I do believe that their new stuff is far to mainstream for me and I do not care for it. I am still in love with Nick and still dislike Aaron Carter (mainly because he is not aimed at my age bracket, so like all other older people I do not care for him, much like I do not care for country or opera.) I also do not care for Brit but her songs are 25, 50, 75, and 100 on the century club tape.

Anyway, getting back to my original purpose , I don’t do the web page for any of you (Don’t get me wrong, I love our fans and I hope to keep hearing from you) I do it for me. It started out as a way to pass a very boring summer before I went to college. The page does not get updated anymore because besides having to maintain a 3.5 GPA I have bills to pay, an apartment to clean, and a very particular boyfriend I want to keep happy. Besides Is ’N Sync really going anything all that great right now anyway??? Nope, all we are left with is to make fun of their clothes (which is far to easy.) And BSB likewise does nothing great anymore either. So I guess what I am trying to say is that I have not been updating no only because I have no time but because there is nothing to update on. Perhaps when this term is over in 5 weeks and I am out for the summer I can find some tome but as of now do not expect any updates for a while.

Thanks, Megan