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Dirty Little Secrets

Come on, admit it. Every now and then you take a peep in other people's bathroom drawers. To keep you from having to commit breaking and entering I am going to tell you the secret things that the 'N Syncers have hidden away.

KY Jelly
Pina Coloda flavored condoms
Hidden bag of Jelly Bellies
An empty superman jewlery box, wanna know why it's empty? Because he's wearing all 100 pieces of superman stuff he has.

Bleach and Peroxide
Friz Ease (Too bad he's not using it.)
The Rolling Stone picture of Britney taped to the back of the door.
A sign that says "My mommy loves me."

An unopened box of Rembrant Whitening Toothpaste. ( Present from a secret admirer)
Nytol (As if this boy needs any help getting his z's)
Secret Platinum Antipersprant (He realized that after the Disney Concert he needed something strong enough for a man)

bleach and peroxide
Life size cutout of Danelle behind the door (He just can't get over her damnit)
Hay scented cologne
Those ugly glasses with yellow lenses
Leather pants on the floor

Black shoestrings to use for hair extensions
150 bandanas
flea and tick shampoo for him, oh, I mean Busta
