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O-Town Live? What I Think.

First of all why is A.J. dressed different from the rest of the guys?

Speaking of A.J., why does he scream so much? Did he decide to abandon pop and go straight for Alternative? With his look he would probably fit more in the alternative catagory.

Why does Nick pour that water on his head during the first song? Is he that out of shape that he's hot after a half of a song?

Did you ever notice how much A.J. makes fun of the crowd. He's such a bastard and I love that about him.

Where's Kev's solo in "I Just Wanna Be Colse To You."

I feel sorry for the girl that cought Howie's sweaty rose, imagine the winking germs she got. I have a question about Howie's winking. Does he do it to be sexy or does he have a serious problem I wanna know because if he does it to be sexy then i will still make fun of him but if he has a real problem then he might could suck some pitty from me.

Lay Down Beside Me! OH MY GOD!!!!!! Of course I liked this song, I named my page after it. Who ever picked out his clothes for this should get an award.

You know for a ballroom dance instructor Kev sure has aweful rythm.

Kev, how are they supposed to sing along when they don't know the song?

This was my dad's comment about Brian's solo: "What is this crap, he's only playing one cord, is that supposed to be talent, a monkey could do that."

Gee Nick, showing off just a little on your solo, did ya catch a Timberlake Flu?

For some reason I get tingles from the way Nick says Orlando affter his solo, I just love it.

Ok, now I'm tired of watching this. Maybe someday I'll finish it but don't hold your breath.
