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The Ski Weekend: Part One

Megan pulled up the driveway that seemed to be ten miles long because it took her twenty minutes to get up it because of the snow, even with her Ford Ranger 4X4. There were already two cars parked in the garage, so she hurried up and parked beside the house. She could see three very cold looking people sitting outside by the frozen swimming pool, this caused her to hurry just a little more. “Where the hell have you been? We’ve been waiting out her forever freezing our nipples off! You know I'm not used to all this frozen white shit.” Molly said, with only a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“So I got side tracked a little and was late getting off, if you were with a Edward Norton look alike you would get a little off schedule as well. Have you guys been waiting long?” Megan said as she un-locked the door and let the other girls in.

“No, just about fifteen minutes, Megan told me to turn off on the wrong exit, and I’m surprised we’re not in Kansas by now.” Sus said, giving a sneering glance to her co-webmaster Megan.

Molly threw her stuff down, and with an exasperated sigh said, “Whoa, this is going to confuse me beyond belief. My Megan is going to be called Meg during this trip to save us from any pandemonium.”

“Sounds good to me, at least you didn’t suggest any of that Megan 1 and Megan 2 stuff, cause I’m always 2.” Megan claimed as she drug her bags in and set them on the floor.

"Ok then." Molly said with a perplexed look on her face. “Too bad there aren’t any guys here, I could always use some lovin’ when I’m away from mommy and daddy. Not to mention that I go to a friggin’ all girl catholic school, I’m surrounded by estrogen all day, every day. I really don’t understand why I chose to spend my spring break in a log cabin, in the middle of a snowy wilderness with the three of you, shouldn’t I go to the beach or something?” Molly said as she pulled off her platform sneakers and rubber the blisters that had caused on her feet.

“Did you bring any other shoes?” Said Meg, noticing her ill fitted shoe selection.

“No, should I have?”

“Well, we are in the woods. Were you planning on having any visitors that you were going to have to dress up for?”

“Sure, Joey Fatone could burst through the door and say ‘I want you, because I like your shoes’ and you girls would be shit out of luck, because I would be the one pregnant with an ‘N Sync baby.”

“WooHoo, hold me back there girl, I might have to mud wrestle you over that one. The thought of having another of Joey’s love children sends shivers down my spine.” Sus says as she picks her bags up and heads down the hall, “What room can I take?”

“Anyone that’s not mine.” Says Meg.

“Well, which one is that?”

“The best one of course. Mine’s the one at the very end of the hall, the three of you will have to fight over the others, but try not to get blood on the carpet, my mom just had it replaced.”

The girls all picked up their stuff and followed Sus down the hall. “Whoa Meg, what the hell do your parents do for a living? Your dad isn’t Bill Gates is he?” Megan exclaimed as she walked into the first bedroom and noted the canopy bed and fireplace.

“Not quite, my mom got this house when my grandparent’s died, but she hates it up here because her cell phone doesn’t work.”

“But it’s perfect, it’s got fireplaces, bear skin rugs, leather couches, and CABLE!!!!! SUS! They have MTV and The BOX and EVEN VH-1!! No more zooging for you!” Molly practically screamed from the living room.

"Score!" Sus yelled.

“Yeah, it’s a nice place, but I hardly get to come up here anymore, school keeps me pretty busy these days. Besides, I always had to entertain Matt, but now that I came to my senses and realized what a douche bag he is, I have just a little more time to do fun things.” said Megan as she walked out of the master bedroom and into the living room, taking a seat next to Molly.

Everyone got settled in and congregated in the living room and began to talk about school, and shitty ex-boyfriends. Light flurries started to fall outside, then large flakes, then a full out blizzard was in effect, at least six inches fell in thirty minutes. After a while the girls got hungry, so they made a steak dinner then snow ice cream for desert. Meg found Trivial Pursuit in one of the closets and they settled down on the rug by the fireplace to play.

“What’s that sound?” Molly said out of nowhere.

“I hear it too. It sounds like a snow mobile.” Said Sus.

“It sounds like more than one, more like five.” Said Megan.

“What kind of stupid people would be out riding snow machines in a friggin’ blizzard, they must be idiots. Look, you can see their lights, lets go see if they need any help.” Said Meg as she got up and began to walk to the back of the house.

When she reached the back door the snow machines had pulled up and were turning off. They were all brand new Artic Cats, and the guys riding them all had expensive Mustang suits on. One took off his helmet as soon as the other three girls reached the door. It was as if the world stopped and everything was going in slow motion. It was Justin Timberlake that was walking towards them. Meg blinked to make sure she was not seeing things, but no, he was still him afterwards.

“Hey, I think we’re kinda lost. I don’t suppose you could be any help to us what so ever?” Justin said as he reached the door.

“Well, what kind of help are you looking for? Between the four of us, we’re good at many things.” Meg said, trying desperately to sound normal.

“We saw your lights and we were wondering if we could wait out the storm here. I think it would be pretty bad to get lost out there, especially since we’re lost now.” JC said as he walked up behind Justin.

“I’m not sure how long you guys might be here. This storm is supposed to last for a few days, we might run out of food and have to eat Molly.”

“Why me?” Molly squealed, trying to keep from grabbing Joey’s necklace. “Because I’m the oldest and I said so. Come on in guys, make yourself at home.” Said Meg, sticking her tongue out at Molly.

"Damn...that's a pretty good reason..." Molly said.

The guys all walked in the house, one after the other, and stood in a line in the middle of the den. "By the way, I'm Jc, this is Justin, Lance, Joey, and Chris."

"And we're 'N Sync!" They all said in unison.

"First of all, that is so damn gay, there aren't any cameras around so wipe those cheesy grins off your face. And secondly, do we look like idiots? We know damn well who you are. We know your full names, favorite colors, shoe siz....Nevermind, we know who you are." Meg said.

"Sorry" they said, once again in unison. The girls rolled their eyes.

They began to stink up the house with the exhaust fumes and Sus began to cough.

“Well, that’s hardly making yourself at home, why don’t you start by taking those stinky things off.” Megan said, followed by “We’ll deal with the other stuff a little later.

“Huh?!?!?!?!” Said Joey, almost choking.

“Oh, did I say that out loud???? I have a little problem keeping some things to myself.” Megan said, trying to sound innocent, but quite aware that she was not fooling anyone. The guys took off their suits and the girls went to the living room in a huge giggling mass. A faint "Whatever you do Molly, don't jump on their heads" was heard from Sus. They exchanged confused and worried glances but shrugged it off.

After stripping down, the guys followed suit into the living room. Joey and Justin sat down on the loveseat and Molly, Meg and Sus instantly pounced. Molly jumped on top of Joey's lap, grabbing his hubcap necklace and falling into a trance while Meg shimmied her way in between the 2 men, knocking sus hard on her ass.

Quick to her wits, Sus spoke up, "So guys, where do you wanna sleep? Justin you can share my room," she rushed in.

"Ooh! Ooh! Joey you can stay with me, big guy. I need someone to keep me warm because I'm not used to this cold weather...and since you are the 'Fat-one'...." Molly wriggled her eyes suggestively.

"Supid Bitch," Meg mumbled. "Well anyone else can slee-I mean, STAY with me." "I wi-"JC satred.

"EXCEPT you," Meg interupted.

Megan, who was practically on top of the skinny man, said, "Don't worry, cutie, I have a big bed."

"Well I guess me and Chris will share your room...uhh what was your name?" Lance piped in.

"Dude, you can take the couch" Chris added in.

"My name's Meg. And the bitch over there on top of Joey-Shit! I mean the girl next to Joey is Molly, the one who looks like she's about to gnaw her arm off from keeping herself from mounting Justin is Sus, and the one entranced by JC is Megan."

"Speaking of jumping on top of me," Justin looked over at Molly, "You seem strangely familiar."

"Out of you 5 I wouldn't expect you, Mr. Ice Queen, to remember lil' old me."

"I'll let that slide. And it's not every day girls hug me so tight I fear my life."

"Uh, yeah it is J," Chris said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah, I guess it is. But anyways, I do remember your friend vividly and you and you too, Meg."

"Well you ARE my stalker, I'm not suprised."

"Huh??" Justin asked, confused.

"Nevermind." Meg covered up.

"We remember you guys, too" The other 4 said, in synch, of course.

Molly and Megan jumped up suddenly and ran into the kitchen. An ear piercing scream was heard then the girls walked out nonchalantly a second later with piping hot choclate and both in completely different outfits, each scantily clad in purple skin tight leather. "How in the hell?" Megan and Sus mumbled.

"So boys, what do you want to do?" Megan asked.

"Well what I really wanna do is get na-"

"Shut up, Joey!" Lance interupted.

Joey sank down into his seat and Molly and Meg ran over to comfort him, their leather squeaking the whole time.

"This is going to be interesting..." Sus thought out loud.

"Oh! Let's do makeovers!" Lance suggested enthusiastically. He was met by questioning glances. "Or we could......umm....roast marshmallows!"

"YUMMAY!" JC yelled and ran to get the treats. He came back with strange 8-inch long marshmallows and Sus and Meg grabbed them and started sucking on them. The others stared back in shock.

"Cheerleadingrituals" Molly coughed out. Joey scooted closer to Megan while she continued to suck away. "Sheprobablyhasmorestd'sthanyou," she hacked out again. Joey got a look of horror on his face and whispered disbelieveingly, "More than me!?"

"Uh-huh," Molly replied.

He scooted back over to Molly who sat there with a satisfied grin.

"The REST OF Us can ROAST ours," Molly said, grabbing wire hangers.

After they were done with their mallows, they tried to think of something else to do.

"Hey, I noticed a pool outside. Let's go swimming!" Joey suggested in an absolutely serious tone.

"God you are a friggin retard, huh?? You're lucky I don't mind 'em dense," Molly said.

"You like me?!?!?" Joey asked grinning.

"Oh geez," Molly said slapping her forehead, "I'm gonna have to work with you."

"I like the sound of that," Joey said slipping his arm around her shoulder.

"ANYWAYS," Meg, Sus and Megan said.

"I got it, Truth or Dare!" Justin put forth.

"And exactly how old are we?" Megan asked sarcastically.

"Actually, this could be VERy interesting. Getting the truth out of you guys and daring you to do something that would send the 12 year old teenies home crying to momy. I'm down," Sus said.

"And what's so wrong with running home crying to mommy??" Justin pouted.

"Yeah...I'll act like you didn't say that. Who's gonna go first?" Molly asked.

"I'll gladly go first," Meg called first, “Joey, Truth are Dare????”

“Umm, Dare.”

“I dare you to french kiss any guy in this room.” Meg said with a coy look on her face.

“Oh hell no!!!! I’ll French kiss you though.”

“How is that a dare???? Dares are supposed to be something bad, so that must mean that you find me pretty repulsive or something.”

“Dares can also be something that scares you, and kissing a beautiful woman always scares me. See, so we really wouldn’t be going against the rules here.”

“I think I heard that line from a sailor in Mexico once, and you know what the funny thing is? It worked then too.” Meg said as she leaned over and kissed Joey in the middle of the rug.

“Ok, Joey’s turn, and it’s against the rules to do a dare that your gonna like.” Molly said as she tried to kick Meg with her shoe.

“Sus, Truth or Dare?”


“Was that really a cheerleading ritual you and Meg were doing with the mallows? I mean, do you get together after a game and just suck on things????” Meg and Sus fall to the floor and are laughing so hard that an answer is not possible. Joey just sits there with a confused look on his face until JC whispers something in his ear. “Oh, I get it.” Was his triumphant remark.

“Ok Justin, truth or dare?” Sus said when she came back to her senses.

“Truth, I don’t wanna have to have JC’s kid or something.”

“Do you and Brit ever knock them boots??”


“Come on J, you can tell us. We promise not to beat you to hard in the tender areas.” Megan yelled from the couch across the room where she was sitting with JC.

“Ok, so we’ve fooled around before. You four would do the same thing if you were a guy, she fucking fine as hell!” Justin said before hiding his face in a pillow. When they all stopped laughing at him he looked up and said, “Megan, truth or dare?”


“What’s that moving out the window? It looks like someone is walking this way.” Justin said as he got up off his place on the rug and walked to the window.

“Was that my question??” Megan asked confused.

"Hey yeah, it looks like a big guy." Chris said as he jumped up from his seat in the circle. Everyone else got up and followed him to the window to look out into the blinding snow. JC and Lance were the first to break the silence, "Oh My God, it's him!" they said in unison with a hint of terror on their voices.

"Who???" Molly squealed as she tried to climb on Joey's back to get a better look.

"How did he find us? No one knew we were coming up here." Lance said when he reached the window and got a good look at the intruder.

"Did Adam and Eve have navels?" Chris said out of nowhere. Everyone turned and stared at him with blank faces. "You weren't breast fed as a child were you?" Meg said to break the silence. In disgust they all turned back to the window but to their shock there was nothing outside but the undisturbed fallen snow.

"Maybe it was just a shadow on the snow, or the furnace is leaking and we are all hallucinating." The simple minded Molly chirped in. Everyone chose to ignore her statement and went back to playing a more tame version of truth or dare. About midnight everyone went to his or her respected rooms. Justin to Sus', Joey to Molly's, JC to Megan's, and Chris to Meg's, leaving Lance to sleep on the couch.

Lance laid there with Meg's pooh blanket tightly tucked under his chin, his shallow breathing the only sound in the house. He began to let his imagination run wild and began to get really scared "mommy" he cried out in a spasm of fear. Meg rushed into the living room with a terrified look on her face but it melted into a soft smile when she figured out the problem. "Oh lance, it's okay" and she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and rubbed his tummy. "Do you want me to tell you a story?" Lance nodded and sniffled as he wiped away a tear. " Once upon a time there was this little boy who…." But she was suddenly distracted by the figure of Chris with out his shirt, slowly wagging his pointer finger toward her. She sucked in a quivery breath and quickly said " and he lived happily ever after good night" and left at a sprint. Lance pulled the covers closer and tried to think happy thoughts. He tried desperately to sleep, but the cries of "Ride It Superman! Show Me How Italians Do It!!!!" and "Bounce Those Twins Girl, Let Me See What Your Made Of!!!" kept him awake long into the night.

The next morning Meg and Sus walked out of their rooms at the same time.

"Hey, did you sleep well Sus?"

"Yeah, like a baby, except when Justin had a nightmare and started crying for his mommy."

"Hey baby? I have the most amazing desire for Borscht right now, will you go make me some?" Was heard to coming out of Meg's room.

"Huh? Why the hell does he want Borscht?" Sus asked.

"Who knows? All I know is that he kept wanting to do it Ukrainian style last night, what ever the hell that is."

Meg and Sus walked into the living room and looked around for Lance whom was nowhere to be found, the only thing that proved he was ever there was some tweezers and Wacky Taffy Nail Polish in the end table.
