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The Obsessive Fan

I went to your house and picked some grass
But your mom called the cops way too fast
So I couldn't pee on your lawn
To mark my territory in the early dawn

I tried to lick you that one day
But you pulled your arm back and ran away
You left me in front of your hotel crying hard
While you went off with Britney, that big ole pile of lard

You don't seem to understand how much I love you
I spend so much money on lifesize posters I don't know what to do
I dream of the day of wedding bliss
The day when I wont have to take a piss
To show that your mine all mine
And I can have you ALL the time

You make me moan and groan and scream when i see you
on TV Oh how i wish you would give me an STD
Just so i could say i got a special gift from you
That gives me a burning sensation when i pee and poo

Oh please please return my affection
You great big ole glob of perfection
In my eyes you have no faults
So I wish you'd stop slamming my ass down with those fucking restraining orders claiming "attempted rape, batter, and assault!"

So Justin...
I wish you would stop tempting me with yo thrustin
Before I'm forced to bustin...
A cap in yo ass

By: Molly

I swear to Lance, anyone takes this, I'll eat you....
