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Who's Got More To Brag About Downstairs??

1)Justin Timberlake------48%
2)Nick Carter------------16%
3)Joey Fatone------------14%
4)Kevin Richardson-------12%
5)Nick Lachey------------10%

Megan's comments: Well, you guys are giving Justin a little more credit that I ever would. I was personally going for Joey.

Molly's comments: Well, surprise surprise. I, of course, was also pulling for Joey. I mean come on, he HAS to be equipt! And Nick in second?? I doubt it. I would say Joey, then Kevin, Justin, Nick L, THEN Nick C.


If you were trapped on an island forever, who would you want to have with you???

1)Chris Kirkpatrick------39%
2)Mr. Blue Eyes ---------18%
3)Kevin Richardson-------14%
4)Fred Durst ------------11%
5)J. Brown from 5ive-----11%

Molly's comments: Well I'm very proud of Mr. Kirkpatrick. I surely voted for him, he'd be a trip to be trapped on an island with. But I'm thinking since I'd be with him, the all mighty Chris of 'N Sync, they'd look real hard and we'd hardly have any time together because they'd find him quickly.

Megan's comments: WooHoo, go Mr. Blue Eyes, I know you all could just feel how hot he is. But I actually would have picked Fred Durst, I think he is the one I would be least likley to kill.


Sure Lancie has the Dr. Seuss room in his house, but what other room do you think he has personally decorated?

1)The Country Room----------- 34%
2)The Beanie Baby Room------- 26%
3)The Pleather Room---------- 19%
4)The Rosie O'Donnell Room--- 12%
5)The Antique Room----------- 8%

Megan's Comments: Well, I thought you guys had a little more imagination than to pick the obvious one. I was going for the pleather room myself, only because I think Lance is a sexual freak deep down inside.

Molly's Comments: Come on people!! Lance, pleather...they fit hand in hand!!!!


Once he's bored with the cornrows, which do with Justin choose next??

Short and spiky------------------------------ 49%
Like my dad ran over it with the lawn mower-- 18%
Blood Splattered----------------------------- 14%
Bald----------------------------------------- 9%
Pink with Green dots------------------------- 8%

Molly's Comments: Well, y'all don't have much creativity, no offense. But I know you just chose short and spiky like Matt's because MATT IS PERFECT!! I know because I knew him personally while they were filming down here...I'm not bragging or anything...I couldn't really choose with this one, I think I may have voted for each of them. I'm sure he'll go through each one in his life anyway.


Forget about who's the cutest, which member of 'N Sync is the ugliest??????

Bead-Dazzled, Q-Tip Head, Chia-Pet Justin-----------------------------------------------43%
Superman-Wearing-Freak, Ronald-Mcdonald Hair Joey-----------------------------------16%
Miss (as in woman, not "cuz I'm from Mississippi", just to clarify...) Lance Bass-----------5%
Ex-Pinapple, Fivel-the-Mouse Chris------------------------------------------------------17%
Big-Nose, Gel-Head JC-------------------------------------------------------------------16%

Megan's Comments: Well, the populous has spoken, I guess Lance is the best looking guy in 'N Sync.

Molly's Comments: Personally, I like Joey, but we all knew that. And I'm very surprised Justin got last place. My guess is a bunch of people saw Justin and voted, not bothering to look at the question, SUCKERS!


What do you think about Napster?br>
It's stealing and God says don't steal!!!------------------------------9%
Napster should DIE!!!! Metallica FOREVER!!!!---------------------3%
Metallica should DIE!! Napster FOREVER!!!!---------------------38%
Where the hell else can I find JC singing "I Saw Her First"?---------29%
It's gods gift to music fans. Limp Bizkit RULES!!!!!-----------------16%
I've been living in a cave, what's Napster?--------------------------6%

Molly's Comments: Well, I don't like Metallica at all, and I love Napster, so good going guys. To the 2 people who didn't know what Napster was, are you Amish or something??? And to the on person who voted against napster and for Metallica...well, I better just say no comment *coughlosercough*
