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Random Thoughts

Over time I (Megan) have looked at countless tapes, and performances, listened to music, and scoured the countless 'N Sync sites on the internet and some things just don't add up. I would like to express these here, if any of you know the answer to these questions please E-mail me with an answer.

What's the deal with Toby the Horse? People are all sad about him dying but as I remember Lance's horse was not Toby. He says, very clearly, on the Disney Concert that Toby was a horse that he rode at camp. Now where in that do people get that Toby was his horse and that he is in deep mourning over his death (if he really is dead? I think somethings rotten in the state of Denmark myself.) Now I am in no way saying that Lance did not have a horse, and that horse could very well be dead. I'm just saying that that horse was not Toby, so get over it people.

Have all of you out there heard Matt Pinfield on the hidden track of Limp Bizkit's Significant Other CD? This was brought to my attention by Wendi at Giddy For 'N Sync, and I must say I am just a little bit offended by it. What gives Matt the right to make fun of people that are richer, more famous, and better looking than he is? 'N Sync is at the forefront of world music and he is a vj on M2 (Who watches that crapy channel anyway?)

Does anyone in the world actually like this man? No? I didn't think so.
