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FINALLY!!!!!!!!! The Search is Over

I know you all will be happy to find out that I have picked the man that is going to be the father of my children. I am in love with this man and I can think of nothing better than making him scream my name (Ick Gad, did I just say that out loud????) Anyway, I thought I should introduce him to all out loyal fans, so here goes.

His name is Ray Park, isn't he beautiful?????

Lets see, he's a martial arts expert from England who had done just a little bit of acting, you may better recognise him as this wonderful character below.

Yep, he was the guy we all loved to hate in Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. My little infatuation started something like this; I was skipping Sociology one day with my partner in crime Brady. We decided to go watch the new star wars (since we had been playing Jedi Battles but never seen the movie) and I just thought he was the coolest guy in the world because he just kicks ass, then I started to think that maybe, just maybe he could be attractive (he's got a great hocky player attitude agoing on.) So we go to Wal-Mart and there's a poster of him, so I buy it because I thought he kicked ass. But as I looked at this poster I began to see how I could be phisically attracted to him, I mean he has wonderful lips and great bone structure. So just to bother the guys I start going off about how I want him to poke me and stuff, and Brady says that he probably isn't that good looking in person, so i was on a mission to find him on the internet looking normal. Well, it took me an hour to find his name on but after that it was easy to get to an official page and find out everything I ever wanted to know about my little lover, including the pictures you see above. But you want to know what else he was in?

Well by golly, he was Christopher Walkins stunt double in Sleepy Hollow. This guy is just too damn cool, and he is my lover for the time being.
