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'N Sync, Rosie, and The Roller Coaster

I must say that this quite possibly was the funniest thing about the boys that I have seen in a long time. First of all, I wanna know who that chick was that got to sit next to JC and "Hold hands like were in high school." What was that? So Rosie sat next to Joey (Good choice) on this huge roller coaster, JC sat with some random girl (Whom he asked to hold hands with), and Chris sat with Justin (I wonder if they held hands?). Justin put on the best show that I have seen since MTV News:1515, 15 Questions For ‘N Sync. Chris is funny too when he starts screaming that he's supposed to be let off before the ride starts, and Rosie yells back for him to "Buck Up!" HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I will say now that I have never wanted to be Rosie O'Donnel as much as I want to now, this is defiantly a must see.
