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Gimme an "S"! Gimme a "U"! Gimme another "S"! Yaay Sus!

Well Sus, Justin came by the other night (you know after he swings by Kentwood for a quickie he stops by here for some REAL lovin) and he had some kinda not so good news for me, but you may like it. EnJOEY! hur hur...

First he told me that he loved you. Yes, YOU! I was upset at first, but he promissed to hook me up with a certain Italian dude with fuchsia hair, so I got over it.

He confessed that all of the songs he sings are dedicated to you.

He told me you make him do weird things.

He also said you make him feel all warm and tingly ALL OVER. He thinks about you all the time, even when on stage. Yowza!

He even told me that the whole "twin" thing was TRUE! But he told me to keep it on the D.L. Word!

In fact, he even showed me a picture of him with one of y'all's chillens. Cute kid, Sus, good job!

So now he wants to prove his love for you...He says he'll do ANYTHING for you....

He'll do your laundry...Ok, so he'll atleast do HIS. It's a start.

He said he'd dye his hair highlighter yellow. Don't really know how this proves his love for you, but ya know. I guess it's sweet.

He even said he'd cake on the makeup for you. Gee, J-Dawg, how romantic...It's so...nice?

He even said he'd be your pimp daddy, Sus.

Wow, Sus, you are one lucky lady! Now you can practice your "cheerleader rituals" ALLLLLLL the time.
