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Megan's Look At The Teen Choice Awards

First of al I must start by saying that their are three ugly shirts in the world and Britney Spears wore both of them, (the third was that Romeo and Juilet inspired one that AJ wore on the VMA's last year.) Now onto what really counts, 'N Sync. Justin looked good, I'll give him that. He did not have one shread of baby-blue on (Thank god, i'm getting really tired of that.) Jc wore a raincoat (Why? What was the meaning of that? Was it damp in there?) and Chris had sparkles in his hair. I didn't really pay attention to what Joey and Lance were wearing (Sorry, I bussy laughing my ass of about Chris's sparkley hair.) I now have a complaint with Christina Aguilera, her clothes needed help (They wern't bad, they were just different.) I love her voice, and hope that she is around alot longer than Brit. Her outfit she wore to present was a whole different story. She looked like a color blind hooker. Then 'N Sync came out and sang their song with Gloria, and I must say that It is begining to grow on me, if the single comes out before i leave Indianna, I'll buy it. At one point Joey was not even singing the right words (I guess Joey, Chris and Lance were lip syncing.) Joey was also wearing the ugliest coat I have seen since Justin's black one at the Disney Concert. My dad walked in while they were singing and he said,"I didn't know they had a girl singing with them."
"What girl" (this was before Gloria came out.)
"The one in the black."
"Dad, that's Lance" (I am totally not making this one up)
They got a few awards but I don't really remember what they said. I know that Justin talked alot (As usual) and that they were going to have to scrap over the phat surf board (Maybe they should have asked Freddie for a few of his.) Then Brit came out and started singing Sometimes, But then to show us how crafty she is she breaks out into You Drive Me Crazy. Did anyone else notice her hair? It looked like shit, If you were going to spend all that money on extensions don't you think you would buy some good ones? Ok, this isn't going to turn into a Britney Bitch fest (I could go on all night.)That's about it, there was nothing to spectacular that went on. But it did piss me off that they decided to show an hour long Whose Line Is It Anyway? when the awards were on, but I'll get over it.