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The Plan!!!!!!!!!!

~*~Ok, I have decided to let all of you into my sick little mind and reveal my plan for gettin' with Joey. Now I have thought long and hard about this and have come to the best plan I have ever heard, here it is.~*~

I'll move back to my home town of Memphis and find Justin's house. I will then buy the one that happens to be right across the street.

Pretty isn't it, (note to the stupid. this is not across the street from Justin's dad's house. But it is in Memphis, and it is for sale. For $250,000)

I'll then buy a couple of these

(cause all of us from Memphis know how these little boogers are everywhere.) And train them to reak hevoc on Justin's house. After months of this his dad will call in panic and beg him to come and fix the problem. Just as Justin arrives I'll call the raccoons back into their cage, and I'll be seen as some great hero. Justin will be so excited

that he'll ask me to come down to O-Town for a week to show his gratitude. Then I'll spend all my time with Joey untill he falls madly in love with me. I'll hook up Sus with Justin so he can be part of the twins lives, and Molly can have Joey when I'm done with him (To bide her time she hooks up with JC.)
