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Words cannot describe how much I hate these people. Oh wait, yes they can!

Ok, this wil be my venting section. When certain people piss me off, I will tell you alllll about it here. Ain't it grand?? You know it!

Ahh, the phenomenon *coughgagbarfhackcough* that is the Lyte Funky Ones. Oh wait, they don't want to be called that anymore, sorry. The good Lord knows how much I utterly hate these 3 guys. I mean, this song is THE most retarded thing EVER written. And dumbass Rich just made stuff rhyme. He didn't even try for it to make sense. Idiot. And they were on MTV News 1515 and one of the guys said that his brother said the song was the worst song ever written. I almost did cart wheels when I heard this. Right on Brotha!! Woops, anyways. Did I say how much these dudes suck?? Good Lord how can anyone like them. And this dude:

...looks like a freakin rat. More rat like than Brian, oh excuse me B-rok (what the hell is that anyway?). God he is ugly...Anyways, these dudes blow. Do me a favor and don't soend any money on these no talent losers, for my sake. Thank you. Oh, Megan, I got you a gift:

You like?? I don't...(yes, he is hot, but he still sucks big time)

God, Sugar Ray. UGH!!! I DESPISE them. Especially Mark McGrath.

I hate hate hate him. I know hate is a strong work, can you tell how much I cannot stand him? Good, that was the point. I don't understand how girls can be attracted to him. He has a nagging frog voice, no neck, and a huge forehead. Their music sucks, he sucks even more. Yes he does, quit arguing with me. If he crossed my path I'd trip him. No Doubt! Ugh, I'm getting sick just thinking about them.

~*~This will also be an ever expanding section. If more people piss me off I will deffinitely tell you. I KNOW! You ARE lucky!!~*~
