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Weird Things About Megan

Ok, I thought since it's been forever since we gave you guys an update I would indulge you. So here it is, a whole update about me (cause quite frankly I can't think of anything good about the boys right now.)

I'm weird about airplanes. I won't eat, drink, go to the bathroom, or sleep on them. Don't ask me why but it just makes me feel urpy, and I insist on bringing my 50 pound CD case with me because I always want to listen to some random CD that I haven't listened to in months when I'm flying.

I have a plant named Dari (after my favorite Persian king Darius, whom was also my favorite character on Highlander: The Series, I friggin loved that show!!!!!!!!!!!!) whom I watch TV with. I love this plant like it is my child and I baby it more than Chris does Busta.

I love to read historical non-fiction. I have this book on Egyptian mummies that I have read seven times. I'm also big on dinosaurs, Nostrudomus, and ghosts. And that's pretty much the only things I read about. But my favorite novel has got to be "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis, so you can imagine my elation when it was made into a movie staring one of my favorite actors Christian Bale (whom I have wanted ever since Treasure Island.)

I was sitting in Dennys the other night with my friend Brady. While he was doing his homework I was looking through Teen People and I found the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

His name is Kelly Slater, and he's a professional surfer with the most amazing blue eyes. So now I want him. As you should have figured out by now with my countless shrines to different guys that I am a very fickle person and I change my mind about guys all the time (even the ones I'm actually dateing.)

I detest boyfriends as a result of having some very bad ones in the past. So now I keep my dateing down to a minimum and that's how I want it. Although, now that I have voluntarily taken myself off the market for a little while, men seem to find me iresistable (esp. the short little smoothie man) and I am having to beat off the 11:00 booty calls with a sharp stick (I know, I know, woe is me)

I really wanted Darth Maul to win in the Phantom Menace. Don't ask me why, I just like the bad guys for some reason in movies. Maybe because they never win.

I totally and completly love the movie The Mummy. I think the mymmy's hot, I think the Magi guy is hot and of course I think Brendan Frasier is beautiful. Not to mention the chick is just awesome. I watch this movie all the time and everyone should give it the props it deserves.
