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Pictures That Make Ya Say WHOA!!!!

These are some random pictures (and my comments of course) that have cought my eye.

This picture is from Teen People and I must say it's one of the best of these guys I have ever seen. If I was Justin I would feel like a looser next to all of these guys, I bet he dosen't get any chicks with the other guys around. That's ok J. I'll go out with you (after all you know Drew) You know what picture I really wanted but couldn't find? That one from the same magazine where they are looking out into New York and you see all their tattoos, I love that one.

Now I am not a big "Justin Fan," but I love this picture, even though he's wearing a turtle neck (Never trust a man in a turtle neck.) It's just so simple and elegent.

Ok, your probably saying, "Fred Durst? What does he have to do with anything?" Well, I'll tell ya. I love this man. if I had to choose between Fred and Joey it would be Fred, hands down. I'm going to put this picture here because he always makes me say WHOA!!!!!

MMM boy! This is a damn good picture. The only problem is Joey looks a little sad and Justin looks like he has oral herpes. Other than that, Whoo baby!

Well, this is Nick Hexum of 311. Ain't he yummy?? And to top off his yumminess he's at my favorite beach, Makena beach in Maui. Now there's a fantasy...SORRY!

Ok, I had to put 2. This man is just the cutest little thing! He's hilarious and gorgeous (those puppy dog eyes--ahhhh) I just want to be his friend, thats all! He seems so cool...

Well, HELLLLOOOO Lance!! Now, boy, you can come lounge around my house ANY day. If I were one of the guys on that bus I would turn gay and jump him if I saw him laying around and looking like that. But let's just hope they don't!! Eek.
Megan's comment on the above picture~*~Oh my dear sweet god in heaven!!!! Look at Lance. I tell ya, a few more pictures like this one, and I'll say, "Screw Joey, bring me Lance!" Where do you find these Molly?

They all just look so damn happy in this one. I love it when Justin's hair is red, and I am seriously thinking of changing my favorite to Lance, just look at him.

Hello Mr. Timberlake. I have this poster on my wall at my dad's and I must say J really makes the ladies squeel in this one.

Ok, I hate JC more than getting up at 5:30 am but ya gotta admit that the boy looks fine in this picture. If he looked like this all the time he would still not be my favorite but he would move up considerably on the scale.

Well, mmmmm mm, they look GOOD. It'd be perfect if Chris wasn't sporting that raincoat...That's about all I can say, I'm dumbfounded.

Well, this boy looks GOOD. If he'd keep his hair one color and short like in this picture, I just might have to like him if only we could do something about that ego....

~*~This will be an ever expanding section, If you have a pic that you think should go here send it to me and I'll see about it.~*~
