Brownie tag-a-long in Our Troop!
We also have a tree planting project started and need your dirt.
We are also doing mascots and swaps and one of our Leaders and one of our Girl Scouts is collecting postcards, so if you want to trade postcards , do swaps or mascots, be sure and send us an email with what you would like to trade.
Please sign our guestbook and let us know how you liked our site and tell us about you and where you are from! We love to read it and get excited when there is a new addition added to it!
We received this award on September 20, 1999
From Lady Nice/Fairy Nice Lady.
To See The Shout Click On The Award
We received this Award on October 11, 1999 for the Fairies Choice for DLoudest Cheer Award from DRealm of the Fairies
Click on the award to see our Cheers