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Jessi, James and a Box of Donuts

By: Frogwoman

Alternate Dimensions #5

Disclaimer: I don't own Jessi or James or Meowth or any of the Pokémon stuff.

Rating: G

Note: This is really, really short story. Jessi and James have a silly, hyper morning. (I wrote this on paper in Career and Personal Planning and liked it, but couldn't work it into a story, hope you like!)


Jessi, James and a Box of Donuts


Jessi dropped a box in front of his face on the grass, waking him up

rather harshly. He jumped, raising his head and staring up at her with his

beautiful green eyes.

Jessi restrained herself from kissing him.

With great difficulty.

He pushed himself up out of his sleeping bag painfully, struggling

just to get into a sitting position.

"There, James, I got that for you from town." she said, indicating

the box and opening the little paper bag of makeup she'd purchased for

herself. She sighed, content with her purchases. This red, sparkly nail

polish was just perfect...

"Huh?" James replied. He stared blankly at the box in front of his

face, then looked up at her again. He was *not* a morning person.

"Come *on* James, wake up already! It's 9:00!"

James just mumbled something incomprehensible.

"Just open the box. That'll wake you up!" she said, pushing the box

towards him. James fumbled with the flap on the box, his fingers not

working much better than his brain. And the long sleeves of the sweatshirt

he slept in didn't help. Jessi took the box away from him and opened it,

reached her fingers inside and took out a large, dripping, jelly-filled


James's eyes got three times bigger than they already were.

She moved it towards him, "Okay, open up!"

He obediently opened his mouth and she shoved the donut half in,

managing to get it all over his face and her hands. They both burst out

laughing, James trying not to spew donut everywhere. James bit the donut

off so he could get it out of his mouth. He set it carefully on the grass

and started licking his fingers off.

"Jessi!" he giggled. Jessi started licking off her fingers too.

"I knew those donuts would be fun!" she grinned, picking up the

half-donut and taking a bite from where he'd left off. They often shared

food that way. They didn't care if they shared germs or whatever it was

that little kids complained about. 'Boy germs' or 'Girl germs' or whatever.

James took the donut out of her hand and grinned, "Do *you* want

some, Jessi?" he said in a flirty voice, dangling the donut in front of her


She decided to take the bait and opened her mouth, but instead of

shoving it in her face, he just broke off a little bit and gently poked it

in her mouth. She chewed it thoughtfully and watched James pick up another

donut in both hands and nibble on it like a cute little Pikachu with a ball

of Pokémon food.

Meowth stretched, yawned and looked around. The first thing he saw

was Jessi and James giggling with donut all over them. Meowth rolled his


"What's with you two?" he demanded. Jessi looked over at him.

"I got donuts...want one?" she said.

"I suppose..." Meowth said, reaching his hand out.

"No, Meowth." James said between giggles, "You have to open your

mouth like this and..." he said, opening his mouth. Jessi shoved the donut


They collapsed on the ground laughing. Meowth scratched his head,

"How much coffee have you two had this morning?"

"None." Jessi choked.


"Just...the...donuts..." James gasped between laughs and bites of


Meowth sighed, "Calm down, you two!" he snarled.

They laughed, and Meowth scratch attacked.

They laughed some more, and Meowth gave up.

It was a very interesting day.


Author's Note: Give me some feedback, please...I know this was an

odd one, but.....(