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Disclaimer and Explanation: Okay. You were good. You were nice. You read the last story. Now, as a special treat, you get to read the alternate ending. It picks up where the story starts to deviate from the original. Don't worry - the pink-sugar-Satan-spawn (A.K.A. Reni) still gets it. I just thought of a different twist to put on the story. And there's even a little picture to go with it. Awww. Okay, all the stuff I said in the previous disclaimer still goes. And *insert standard stupid "I don't own them" disclaimer -here-*. And here goes the alternate ending!!!

Days of Future Past


The C.U.R.E. for C.U.T.E.

The Alternate Ending

A trio of travelers headed down a dusty path toward Viridian City. The travelers were a blue haired man, a red haired woman, and a walking, talking cat pokemon. That is to say, Team Rocket - more specifically, Jesse, James, and Meowth. "I wonder why the Boss wants to see you in his office alone, Jesse," James said absentmindedly. Meowth scratched the scruff of his neck.

"I dunno," Jesse shrugged, "I guess we'll find out when we get to Viridian." Suddenly, the sky opened up above the Rockets and a pink-haired demon child fell through a sugar-pink cloud. Reni landed squarely in Jesse's arms. Not accustomed to the extremely high sugar intake associated with coming into contact with Reni, Jesse immediately lapsed into a diabetic coma. Having unwittingly completed her mission, Reni simply vanished - her mere existance would now be considered a time paradox. Jesse fell to the ground, twitching. James ran to her side and began to feel for a pulse.

"Wot was dat?", Meowth asked, puzzled.

"I haven't the foggiest," James said quietly, finally locating a pulse, "Whatever it was, I guess Jesse won't be having that meeting." He looked over to see a pair of tiny feet on the ground beside where he knelt. James and Meowth then noticed the little girl that had taken Reni's place. She wore thigh-high black boots, a white skirt, a white Team Rocket shirt, and black elbow-length gloves - in essence, Jesse's outfit, only smaller. Her hair was a reddish-purple magenta color, and was expertly swept back into two bouncy pigtails. She had slanted, sharp sea green eyes and a nasty grin on her face. She now wore the time key, and instead of a Luna Ball, she was accompanied by a black Meowth. James immediately started to shake violently at seeing the strange little girl. "She looks just like Jessebelle!!!", he shrieked, dodging behind Meowth.

"Who?", the little girl asked boredly, "My name's J.J., mister, not Jeze-whatever."

"You're not related to Jessebelle?", James asked shakily, poking his head around from behind Meowth. J.J. looked even more bored.

"If ya couldn' figger out, we don' even know who dat is," the little black Meowth said, using an accent not at all unlike a Jersey-girl. James and Meowth's jaws both dropped.

"Wot!?!", Meowth squawked, after regaining his composure, "I t'ought I was da only Meowth dat knew how ta talk!" The black Meowth pulled a nail file out of nowhere and began sharpening her claws.

"My dad taught me how ta talk," she said, working on her claws, "An' da name's Belladonna, hon."

"Well," James said, trying to think of something else to say, "How come you have a Team Rocket outfit? They don't let Kindergartners onto the Team." J.J. reached back and belted James. Hard.

"I'm not in Kindergarten yet, stoopid!", she said, watching him hold his bruised jaw, "I got this outfit cuz my parents happened to be in Team Rocket once. And don't think just cuz I'm little don't mean I can't whoop your sorry butt, either!"

"Owww!", James whined, "Look, kid, I'm sorry. Where are your parents, anyway?" J.J. looked highly irritated. She placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot.

"Are you saying I can't take care of myself?", J.J. growled. James shook his head quickly. He didn't want slugged again. Only Jesse had ever hit him that hard.

"N-no, I -", he stuttered before being cut off.

"That's what it sounded like to me," J.J. said, balling her little hands into fists, "Let me show you how I take care of myself!" And with that, she threw herself onto James and began dealing him a fierce beating. Suddenly, a voice boomed from above.

"J.J.!", Sailor Pluto said, "Time to come back!" J.J. quit assaulting James and looked up to the pink cloud Reni had fallen from.

"Awww....", she protested, "But I was having fun!"

"J.J....", Pluto's voice came again, "Now." J.J. scuffed her toe in the dirt.

"I never get to have any fun," she said, pouting. She raised the key in the air and ascended into the cloud with her black Meowth, Belladonna. Then she disappeared.

"Dat was weird," Meowth said. James painfully got to his feet, hoisting the comatose Jesse with him.

"Uhm," James said hesitantly, "Can we possibly not tell the Boss that a little girl just beat me up?"

Meowth gave him a quizzical look. "Uh, yeah," Meowth said, still pondering the comment that Belladonna had made.


Meanwhile, back at the Gates of Time, 5 Rockets are alternating between shock, surprise, and utter happiness. "Wow," Auryn said, "I didn't expect that to happen."

"Reni just got replaced...?", Kilrai asked curiously. He failed to notice Crystal Dawn dancing happily behind him.

"Free!", Crystal Dawn yelled, "I'm finally free of that little blue-haired freak!" Sure enough, Butch had disappeared at the same moment as Reni.

Sailor Pluto turned to Kilrai, ignoring Crystal Dawn's "happy dance." "Not exactly," she said knowingly, "Since Reni ceased to exist, it changed the future in ways that mere mortals can only imagine. J.J. is one of those ways."

"Wow," Kassandra said in awe, "Deep." Just then, J.J. and Belladonna entered through the Gates of Time. Haunter walked over to congratulate the girl.

"Bitchin' beating, kid!", he said, shaking her hand, "Sometime I'll teach you how to drive my tank!"

"So, where did she come from, anyway?", Kilrai asked, "Who are her parents?" Sailor Pluto smiled enigmatically.

"I can't tell you too much about that," Pluto said, "Time has changed around us. We alone have remained unaffected because we exist outside of time, here in the Mists. Only we remember Reni."

"And aren't we all just better people?", Auryn asked snidely.

"I think this calls for tea!", Crystal Dawn happily chirped, drawing two gallon jugs from nowhere. She passed everyone a glass.

"Whoa," J.J. said after taking a sip of tea, "This stuff kicks ass."


Well, that's the alternate ending, folks. Don't worry. If you couldn't figure out where J.J. came from, she's going to be in more stories soon. But the fun's not over yet! Oh, no! I even have an illustration of J.J. for you! Enjoy - you deserve it. Especially if you understood this whole fic.