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Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. What? Did you think they did?

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Comet

Act I

Episode 1

Go And Catch A Falling Star

Oshiokiyo! Musashi no karei naru henshin!

I'll punish you! Musashi's splendid transformation!

Three strangers walked the streets of Tokyo. It was late on a November night, and it was getting cold. As the travelers wandered through the Azabu Juuban district, they realized how lonely and quiet the streets were. One of them, a young girl only about ten or twelve years old, with red hair pulled into a ponytail on the side of her head, spoke up.

"Gee, it sure is quiet out here. Ash, do you know where we're going? ", the girl said, clutching the egg-like creature she was carrying.

"Togep-briii!", the small creature squealed.

"Well, we're going to the Pokemon Center. It's supposed to be in the Azabu Juuban district. I guess that's around here, somewhere." Ash looked at the map he was carrying. A small yellow creature, looking something like a cross between a mouse and a rabbit, looked at the map from over Ash's shoulder.

"Pikachu!", the rodent exclaimed. Pikachu sat tamely on Ash's shoulder. The tallest traveler in the group craned his neck to see the map. He took it out of Ash's hands and squinted at it.

"What do you think, Brock?", Ash asked his older companion.

"I think Ash "Einstein" Ketchum has gotten us all lost again!", the redhead said, turning her nose in the air. "I don't even know why we let you hold the map!"

"Hey, we are not lost, Misty!", Ash yelled at his red-haired companion. Misty just snorted. Brock continued to study the map.

"It should be just a few more blocks down this street," Brock said confidently. "Let's hurry up and get there. I'm about to freeze!", he added.

Misty heard a purring noise behind her. She turned to see a white cat with a small yellow crescent moon on his forehead. He ran to join the group, and began to rub Misty's leg. "Ummm, hello, kitty," she said, looking down.

"Meow!", the white cat replied.


"Do you see them yet?", a red-haired woman asked her partner. She turned to see him peering through a set of binoculars. He looked down the street from their vantage point in a small, dark alley. He turned, causing his bluish-purple hair to shine in the moonlight. He lowered the binoculars from his face and looked at his partner and their small, catlike companion. The woman's white outfit stood out in the dark alley. Her shirt was adorned with a bright red "R."

"They're still quite a way down the street, Jesse," the blue-haired man responded. His own white uniform stood out in the moonlight. The small, catlike creature sauntered over to his companions. He looked up to meet their eyes.

"I hope they get here soon! Meowth is about to freeze his whiskers off!", the furry thing said, referring to himself. Jesse turned her head, causing her bright red hair to gleam in the moonlight. She glared at Meowth.

"It will all be worth it if we can steal that Pikachu. Isn't that right, James?", Jesse said, clinching a fist. She turned to her blue-haired partner for a response. He nodded in agreement and returned to keeping lookout. Jesse felt something rubbing against her leg. She warily looked down and saw a small black cat with a yellow crescent moon on its forehead. "Hmmm? Aren't you a pretty kitty!", she said, bending down to pet her. Jesse scratched the cat under the chin.

"Meow!", the cat responded through her purrs.

"Hey! What a cute she-cat!", Meowth said. He began to pad his way over to the small black cat. However, before he could speak, James called to his companions.

"Here they are!", James whispered, grinning wickedly.


Ash and his two companions continued to walk down the street, arguing as usual, the white tomcat following close behind. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a cloud of smoke appeared before the group. "Oh, no," Misty groaned. "Not again."

"Prepare for trouble!", a female voice cried out.

"And make it double!", a male voice followed. The smoke began to clear, and the figures of Jesse and James emerged.

"To protect the world from devastation!", Jesse exclaimed.

"To unite all peoples within our nation!", James followed, holding a red rose close to his face.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!", Jesse proclaimed, forming a malicious grin.

"To extend our reach to the stars above!", James said, raising his hand in the air theatrically.



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!", Jesse continued, going into her "blast off" pose.

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!", James finished.

"Meowth! That's right!", Meowth said, jumping in front of his teammates.

"Ummm, could you guys maybe come back later?", Ash said, wholly unimpressed by Team Rocket's display. "We're all getting pretty cold out here."

"We're not leaving until we get that Pikachu, " Jesse said, grinning evilly. Pikachu just cowered behind Ash a little. Before anyone could move to confront their opponent, however, a loud growling sound was heard. Everyone looked up, down, left, and right, and couldn't locate the source of the noise. Suddenly, a large creature jumped down in between Ash's group and Team Rocket. It hit the sidewalk so hard that the asphalt cracked. It looked to be about six feet tall, and somewhat resembled a werewolf. Jesse gasped, and James immediately latched onto her in fright, squealing. Meowth growled and Misty and Brock stood frozen with fear. The small black and white cats both hissed. Ash pointed his pokedex at the strange creature.

"No entry found," the little computer responded.

"I sense the crystal!", the creature snarled, swinging around to face Jesse. "Give it to me now!", the creature hissed. It raised one of it's clawed hands to strike her.

"Leave her alone!", James cried, in a rare moment of bravery. He stepped between the monster and a very frightened Jesse. He produced a red and white pokeball from his outfit and threw it at the monster. "Wheezing, go! Tackle attack!", he ordered as the large, purple, ball-shaped pokemon emerged from its pokeball.

"Wheezing!", the pokemon said, obeying its master.

Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu looked on in amazement and fear as the monster backhanded Wheezing. The pokemon slammed into James and Meowth and all three flew into the alley. "James!", Jesse shouted after her partner. The monster lunged for her but she ducked out of the way. She turned, terrified, and fled down the street, with the small black cat following close behind. The monster gave chase and the small white cat ran after them.

"What're you guys standing around for?!", Misty asked furiously. "We've got to help her!"

"Why should we help HER?!", Ash exclaimed. "All Jesse's ever done is cause us trouble!"

"I know that!", Misty replied, infuriated. "Even so, she doesn't deserve to die! If you guys aren't going to help her, I'll do it on my own! Here," she said, handing Brock her tiny egg pokemon, Togepi. "Take care of him! I'll be back in a minute!" Misty began to run in the direction the monster had chased Jesse moments before.


Jesse panted as she ducked into a dark alley. Her lungs hurt from having to run so fast. She leaned against a wall and put her hand on her chest as she gasped for breath. She hoped James was all right - he'd been her partner for so long, and she couldn't bear to think that he might not be okay. She heard a noise behind her.

"Meow?", the small black cat cried inquisitively. Jesse looked at it, stunned. She couldn't believe it had followed her. However, before she could reach down to pick up the little cat, she heard the familiar growling noise. Jesse looked up, petrified. There stood the monster, claws gleaming in the moonlight. She backed herself into the alley's dead end and cringed there, waiting for the worst.

"Hey, you big, nasty, jerk!", a voice came from between Jesse and the monster. Jesse looked up to see Misty and the small white cat standing between her and her death. The monster growled and knocked Misty into the wall. She crouched down beside Jesse, injured. "OOWWW! That hurt!", she whined. Jesse latched onto Misty and whimpered. The two held onto each other for dear life and yelled at the top of their lungs. As they yelled, a symbol appeared on each of their foreheads. A sort of star with a trident in it appeared on Misty's forehead, and a circle with a tail appeared on Jesse's forehead. Both symbols glowed brighter as the girls screamed louder.

"I knew it!", the small black cat exclaimed. Jesse and Misty both looked up, puzzled. "Artemis, you know what we have to do!", the cat ordered.

The white tomcat nodded. "Sure do, Luna!", he said. Both cats jumped into the air, turning a sort of flip. From thin air, where Luna had jumped, a red and white pen appeared. From where Artemis had jumped, a yellow and teal green pen appeared. Both cats grabbed their respective pens in their mouths. Luna threw hers at a very surprised Jesse, and Artemis threw his at a stunned Misty. Each caught their pen and stared at it.

"What're we supposed to do with these? Throw them at the monster?", Jesse asked in a bored voice. Luna got an annoyed look on her face, and the monster towered over the group, roaring. Jesse and Misty cringed.

"Lift that pen in the air and say, 'Comet Power'! Do it now!", the black cat screeched at Jesse.

"Lift yours in the air and say, 'Nereid Power', Misty!", Artemis shouted.

"What the Hell is a Nereid?", Jesse said under her breath. Luna growled at her. "Oh, okay," Jesse sighed. "Comet Power!", she shouted, lifting the pen in the air.

Misty followed suit, just a little puzzled by the whole thing. "Nereid Power!", she yelled, lifting her pen in the air. Before either girl knew what had happened, sparks and ribbons flew out of the pens, enveloping their bodies. When the light from the pens had faded, each girl stood in a sailor suit. Jesse's had a red bib, white bow, and a red skirt. Misty's had a teal bib and skirt, and a yellow bow, with a bare midriff. Jesse wore white boots that came up to her thighs and white gloves that had red trim and reached her elbows. Misty's boots were green and barely reached halfway to her knees, and her gloves were white, trimmed in green and reached past her elbows. The monster looked puzzled.

"Sailor Scouts?", the creature growled. "Of course. Who else would possess the crystal?", it reasoned. Jesse looked down at the black cat.

"What now?", Jesse asked Luna, glaring daggers at her.

"Attack it!!!", Luna screamed back.

"How do I do that? I don't know how!", Jesse exclaimed.

"I think I know...", Misty said, as she raised her arms over her head. The star-shaped clasp on her ponytail began to glow. She lowered her hands in front of her chest, keeping the light from the clasp within them. "Nereid Staryu...Tackle!", Misty shouted, hurling a star-shaped ball of light at the werewolf. The attack hit its target, and the creature staggered back.

"We can mimic our pokemon's attacks?", Jesse asked, amazed. "In that case," she said as she lifted her right hand above her head, "Comet Echins...Bind!" Light swirled around her arm and took the form of a snake. The light shot out from around her arm and wrapped the monster. The apparition tightened around the monster's chest, and the creature gasped for breath. Infuriated, the creature charged, knocking Jesse into the alley's dead end. As she slumped against the wall, the monster raised its claws, ready to finish the fight.

"No!", Misty cried. Before she could take action, however, a white flash dropped into the alley, scooped Jesse up, and landed on a fire escape above. Now that the flash was still, Misty could make out what it was. It appeared to be a man with silverish-blue, shoulder-length hair, black glasses, and a silvery outfit, complete with long silver cape. Jesse opened her eyes and looked up.

"Wh-who are you?", she asked, hoping the answer was something she would like. The man gave her a warm smile and put her back on her feet.

"I'm Shooting Star," he replied. Meanwhile, below, Misty was powering up for another attack. "You'd better get down there and help her," Shooting Star said, looking at Jesse.

"Of course," Jesse said softly. She was blushing just a little. "He's so handsome!", she thought, not taking her eyes off him.

"Nereid Staryu....Tackle!", Misty shouted below. Jesse turned just as Misty nailed the monster again. The monster staggered. It wiped its mouth and saw blood. It began to back up.

"You've not seen the last of me...", the monster said menacingly. It vanished into thin air. Jesse stopped staring at it long enough to look back over to where Shooting Star had been.

"He's gone!", she exclaimed. Misty looked up.

"Who was that, anyway?", Misty asked as Jesse made her way down the fire escape.

"His name is Shooting Star... How romantic!", Jesse sighed, clasping her hands in front of her chest. Misty just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Right now, I think our furry little friends have some explaining to do. Like, first of all, how come you two can talk?", Misty asked, looking down on Luna and Artemis. The two cats looked at each other and then at Misty.

"You're absolutely right, Misty. And we'll explain everything as soon as we get lodgings," Artemis said.

"Artemis will go with you, Misty, and I'll go with Jesse. I know exactly the right place to stay," Luna said, as she led the foursome out of the alley. "Right now, let's go meet back up with your groups."


Ash looked in a deserted alleyway. "Misty! Are you there?!", he yelled. Brock looked into one across the street, yelling much the same thing.

"What're you yelling for?", Misty asked from behind Ash. Ash jumped at least a foot in the air. Brock ran over to that side of the street.

"Misty, are you okay? What happened with the werewolf?", Brock asked, as he looked Misty up and down and made sure she was all in one piece.

"Oh, we scared it off with our pokemon!", Misty chimed. Artemis meowed his approval. "Come on, guys. Let's go to the Pokemon Center. I'm tired." Brock and Ash just looked at each other with puzzled expressions.



James opened his right eye. Then his left. He looked up into Jesse's eyes. His head was resting gently on her lap. "How do you feel?", she asked, smoothing his hair back.

"I have a little headache, but other than that, fine," he replied. He was actually rather enjoying having Jesse lay his head in her lap and feeling her stroke his hair.

"I'm glad," Jesse replied, as a relieved smile came over her face. Meowth strolled over and looked at his two partners.

"We need to find a place to stay. It's getting cold," Meowth said, shivering. Jesse gave him a nasty look. Couldn't he see she was busy? Luna mewed at Jesse, trying to get her attention. "Hey don't worry, kitty, I'll keep you warm," Meowth remarked to Luna, trying his best to sound suave. Luna growled at him in the nastiest way she knew how.

"Right," Jesse said. "And I know just the place," she said, helping James to his feet.


"So, where are we? This looks like a temple," James said, looking around. Luna meowed, leading the way.

"We're at the Cherry Hill Temple," Jesse replied, repeating what Luna had told her earlier. "I saw a flier for this place in town," Jesse lied, trying to explain her knowledge of her surroundings. In actuality, Luna had informed Jesse of the temple after their fight with the monster. "They're always looking for help," she said nervously, hoping her partner wouldn't call her bluff. "We can get free lodging here for helping out, and we can get payed a little. And they'll actually feed us for a change."

"Food," James muttered, stars in his eyes. When was the last time they had had a good meal, anyway? Meowth had much the same look. "I can't wait to eat...", he said dreamily, clasping his hands in front of his chest.

The two were staggered by a sharp blow from behind. They turned to see Jesse holding a rather large paper fan. She folded her arms, giving them a scowl. "Look sharp," she said, with disgust.

Suddenly, a short, nearsighted, old man ran up to Team Rocket. He was accompanied by a rangy, disheveled, teenage boy. "Good evening, and welcome to the Cherry Hill Temple! I'm sorry, we're no longer selling charms for the day, but you can still make a wish!", the old man said, trying to advertise the temple's services.

"We're not here for any of that," Jesse said, putting her fan away as best she could, and trying to sound sweet and innocent. "Actually, we were looking for work." The old man's eyes lit up. James became a little uneasy at the mention of the word "work." "Don't worry," Jesse whispered to James. "It's only until we can hit the big Pokemon League Tournament in two weeks. This'll be a great hideout!" James eyes lit up at the thought of stealing pokemon.

"Well, you two look like responsible, lovely, young ladies," the old man said, with just a touch of lechery in his voice. "We'd love to have you! I'm Grandpa Hino, but you can just call me Gramps. And this is Chad."Chad nodded hello from underneath his shaggy surfer hair.

"But I'm not a young lady," James said, whining just a bit. "My name is James!"

"Gramps, I told you that you need to wear your glasses!", Chad scolded. "If Raye were here..."

"Raye's not here! That little ingrate ran away!" Gramps began to cry. "Abandoned by my own granddaughter!" Jesse, James, and Meowth all looked a little uneasy from the old man's tears. Luna just hung her head.

"Well, I can get you two situated into your rooms right now. It is a little cold out here," Chad said, rubbing the back of his head, looking just a little embarrassed by Gramps' display.


"Welcome to the Tokyo Pokemon Center! I'm Nurse Joy, how may I help you?" The pink-haired lady in the nurse's uniform smiled at the weary travelers. Brock lost his composure and started drooling at the sight of the pretty nurse. Misty, agitated, pushed him out of the way.

"We were looking for a place to stay for a while," Ash said, hoping to draw her attention away from his slightly embarrassing companions. Nurse Joy smiled.

"Are you three here for the Pokemon League Tournament? It's in two weeks," Nurse Joy said chiperly. Ash drew his jacket open, revealing eight badges. He was incredibly proud of them, especially the eighth one. He had to beat Team Rocket in their boss's gym to get that one.

"Yeah, I can't wait to compete!", Ash said happily. Misty rolled her eyes. Brock was still drooling over Nurse Joy.

"Well, let me show you to our guest's quarters," Nurse Joy said, smiling.


Jesse flopped down in the soft bed. "That cat sure knew what she was talking about," she thought. "This is awfully comfortable." She considered checking up on James one last time to make sure he was okay, but she figured Meowth could take care of him since they were sharing a room. Jesse was startled by Luna jumping onto her bed. The cat climbed onto Jesse's stomach and sat down.

"We need to talk," Luna said. "There are things you need to know about what's happening and why you're a Sailor Scout."

"So, what exactly does a Sailor Scout do? I mean, I am a little new to this," Jesse said dryly.

"Sailor Scouts are warriors, chosen to defend our universe from an evil parallel universe called the Negaverse. The creatures from the Negaverse are ruthless and hope to invade our planet. What you encountered in that alley tonight was one of their minions," Luna explained.

"Huh?" Jesse looked at Luna blankly. She couldn't believe her ears. "But, if there are other Scouts, then where are they? Why do you need me?" Luna shook her head, obviously saddened by the question.

"The other five Scouts are prisoners of the Negaverse. They were captured by a powerful Negaverse general named Malachite. Grandpa Hino's granddaughter, Raye is a Sailor Scout. She was captured, and that's why Gramps thinks she ran away. It's been a great disappointment to me, losing my Scouts. I guess..." Luna looked down. "I guess I just didn't train them well enough," she said, almost in a whisper. Jesse felt bad for the little cat. She hugged Luna.

"I'm sure it's not your fault," Jesse said, in an unusual display of kindness. "So what was that monster saying about a crystal?", Jesse pried. Maybe it was worth some money.

Luna looked up. "The Imperium Silver Crystal. It's all the Negaverse needs to be able to take over the universe. Artemis and I have hidden it cleverly, but if the Negaverse gets their hands on it, the universe is doomed! It's quite possibly one of the most powerful weapons in existence."

Jesse got a irritated look on her face. "So how long do I have to be a Sailor Scout? I mean, I can't just drop everything and go 'do-gooding'! I have a job with Team Rocket and besides - this saving the world gig might ruin my reputation!", Jesse complained. Luna looked exasperated. Serena was never this difficult with her. "Who's going to be afraid of a pokemon thief in a sailor outfit!?", Jesse continued. "I know all this "protecting the world" stuff is important and everything, but how do I get out of it?" Luna's ears drooped.

"Well, how long are you going to be in Tokyo?", Luna sighed.

"Just about two weeks. Why?", Jesse asked, looking skeptical.

"Perhaps if you find the other Scouts before then, we won't need you," Luna reasoned. "Unless you decide you want to stay, that is," Luna added quickly.

"I doubt that's going to happen," Jesse huffed under her breath. "I guess that means," Jesse continued, "that I can't tell anybody about this, huh?" Luna nodded.

"Not even James or Meowth," the cat said in a "matter-of-fact" tone.

"That shouldn't be too hard! Deception is one of the things Team Rocket excels at," Jesse said with a wicked grin. She made a fist and plopped it into her other, open hand. Luna sighed. This was going to be tougher than it looked.

"Before I forget," Luna said, "here's your communicator." Luna produced a little thing that looked like an electric pocket organizer from one of the drawers in the night stand beside Jesse's bed.

"What do I need this for?" Jesse started to eye the gadget carefully.

"It's to communicate with Sailor Nereid in case one of you needs help," Luna said.

"Why should I help that little twerp?", Jesse asked in an annoyed tone. "And what the Hell is a Nereid?!"

"You should help her because she saved your life tonight, and without her, you'd be fighting by yourself," Luna said, getting peeved. "And Nereid is one of the moons of Neptune. In mythology, a Nereid was a water nymph."

"Well," Jesse said, with a certain sneer in her voice, "that certainly fits her."


"I see," Misty said, nodding. Artemis had gone over much the same thing with Misty as Luna had with Jesse. She looked carefully at her communicator, turning it over in her hand. By now, Ash and Brock had both gone to bed, so the coast was clear for Misty and Artemis to discuss "Sailor business."

"I need to show you where Jesse will be staying," Artemis said, leading Misty out the door of the Pokemon Center. It was late at night, but since Tokyo was such a big city, a curfew was hard to enforce. The two walked through the lonely nighttime streets of the Azabu Juuban district. "Ever since the Sailor Scouts got captured," Artemis said wistfully, "there have been more attacks by these monsters than ever. They're all trying to find the Silver Crystal. The residents around here have been too scared to come out much after dark."

"But you've got me now," Misty bragged, "and Jesse, too." At the mention of her new partner, Misty got a rather disgusted look on her face. "Er, on second thought, maybe that's not such a good thing," she said flatly.

"Here, kitty, kitty... " Misty and Artemis heard a raspy voice coming from behind them. They turned to see the werewolf- monster from earlier staring them down. "I recognize that cat," it said, snarling. Misty began to scream.

"Run, Misty! Hurry," Artemis cried, breaking into a gallop. Misty followed close behind him. She pulled out her communicator.


"James, what're those handcuffs for?" Luna rolled her eyes. Jesse was talking in her sleep, and was obviously dreaming something that Luna was grateful not to know about. Luna tried to situate herself at the end of Jesse's bed.

"This is going to be more difficult than sleeping around Serena ever was," Luna thought, remembering her first Scout, Sailor Moon. Jesse let out a dreamy giggle. "Oh, brother," Luna sighed, laying her head on her paws.

"I've never done that with butterscotch pudding..." Luna wished something could end the pain. Suddenly, her prayer was answered when Jesse's communicator started beeping. Luna jumped on Jesse's chest, trying to wake her up. Jesse opened her eyes. "What's that beeping?", Jesse asked sleepily.

"It's your communicator! Pick it up! Misty's in trouble," Luna said, trying to urge Jesse to do her duties as a Sailor Scout.

"She can stay in trouble. I was having a nice dream," Jesse said, rolling over on her pillow.

"I noticed," Luna said, trying to work a different angle. Jesse sat up, a little suspicious. "And just what were you doing with butterscotch pudding and handcuffs, anyway?" The sly little cat watched Jesse's face turn bright red. "You talk in your sleep," Luna said smugly. Jesse grabbed the cat.

"WHAT DID YOU HEAR?" Jesse held the cat tightly, shaking her. Luna just smiled.

"Quite a bit, actually," Luna said calmly. "And so will Meowth, and then James if you don't get out of this bed right now." Jesse's face turned even redder (if that's at all humanly possible). Suddenly, a bit of relief crossed her face.

"Hah! You almost had me! But I know you can't talk to them without giving away your secret," Jesse crowed triumphantly. Luna still smiled calmly.

"I can't talk to James, true; but since I'm a cat, I can talk to Meowth without saying a word. All I have to do is meow. And he can tell James, and then whoever else wants to know," Luna said, smiling. Jesse looked defeated. She picked up the communicator.

"What?" she barked into the gadget. Misty's face appeared on the small screen.

"It's about time! Took ya long enough to answer, didn't it?", Misty snarled from the other end. Jesse just sighed.

"I never get my beauty sleep," she said, pouting a little.


"Hurry, transform!" Artemis stood growling at the monster as Misty drew her pen out of her clothes. She held it up in the air.

"Nereid Power!", she yelled, watching as the bright lights, ribbons, and bubbles shot out of the top of the pen. Soon, Sailor Nereid stood where Misty had been. The monster growled, facing its adversary.

"Prepare for trouble!" Sailor Nereid, Artemis, and the monster turned to see a shadowy figure perched high on a lamppost. The figure jumped down with a flip to land next to Sailor Nereid - it was Sailor Comet with Luna in tow.

"And make it double!", Sailor Nereid followed, catching onto the idea.

"To protect our world from the Negaverse!"

"To place all their evils under our curse!"

"To defend the values of all us girls!"

"To protect the people of our world!"

"Sailor Comet!"

"Sailor Nereid!"

"Get ready for defeat!" Sailor Comet pointed straight at the confused monster.

"And a lot of pain, too!" Sailor Nereid made a tight fist and drew it up to her face.

"In the name of our world, we will punish you!", both Sailor Scouts finished.

The monster stood there, confused. It didn't know whether to gut these insolent girls or to start laughing. However, before it had time to decide, Sailor Comet had already begun to attack.

"Comet..." Sailor Comet raised her right arm in the air. "Echins..." Light surrounded her arm and took the form of a snake. "Bind!!!" The glowing snake flew from her arm and wrapped around the monster's chest. "Now, Nereid, while I've got it tied up!", Comet yelled, wearing a wicked grin. She could think of PLENTY of uses for these new powers, and not all of them were nice, or legal.

"Right," Sailor Nereid agreed. "Nereid..." She lifted her arms over her head and her ponytail clasp began to glow. "Staryu..." She brought her hands down, keeping the light from her clasp inside of them. "Tackle!!!" The light flew from her hands in the shape of a star and tackled the monster. It began to glow in a strange way and scream in pain. When the light it gave off faded, nothing was left of the monster but ashes. Sailor Comet and Sailor Nereid began to relax.

"Very good, Sailor girls," an apparition said from where the monster had been standing. The apparition grew more solid and took the form of a man. He wore a grey uniform trimmed in blue and a long cape. His white hair fell down past his shoulders. He crossed his arms over his chest as his ice blue eyes glared at the two new Sailor Scouts.

"Malachite," Luna hissed. Artemis growled and Sailor Nereid's eyes narrowed. The look on Sailor Comet's face suggested that she had some vague recollection of whom this man was and it wasn't pleasant.

"Unfortunately for all of you, you new Scouts aren't half as resilient as the others. And your world shall pay for your shortcomings!" The vision grinned maliciously. As Malachite faded out of view, the Sailor Scouts heard him laugh malevolently.


Jesse and Misty walked through the temple grounds. Artemis and Luna trailed close behind.

"So this is where you'll be staying?", Misty asked. "It looks too peaceful for you and James."

"What's that supposed to mean?!", Jesse asked, looking as though she were about to lose her temper. Misty smiled and shrugged.

"You know no one can see us together like this, don't you? They might figure out that we're Sailor Scouts," Misty said, deftly changing the subject.

"There would be no other reason for me to be near you at all," Jesse replied flatly. Now it was Misty's turn to get a little irritated.

"Jesse?" A familiar voice called from across the temple grounds. Jesse looked at Misty and then they both looked in the direction the voice came from. "Jesse? Are you out here?"

"It's James. I have to go," Jesse whispered to Misty. She turned and went toward the main building.

"Tell him to save some pudding for me, Jesse!", Luna called after her. Jesse spun around and gave Luna her meanest "drop-dead" look. Misty and Artemis just looked confused by the in-joke.


"Get up! I won't pay you to sleep!" Jesse woke to find Grandpa Hino standing beside her bed, broom raised in the air. He brought it down on her head with a loud 'Thump!'.

"What was that for?!", Jesse screamed, jumping out of bed. She looked like she was ready to smack Gramps upside the head with her mallet. He chased her around the room, trying to hit her over the head again with his broom before she got the chance. She ran out the door and down the hall. "James! James!!! Get this loony old man away from me!", she screamed, looking for her teammate.

"I'm not going to pay you to sleep, young lady! You're going to get up on time at my temple," Gramps yelled, chasing Jesse through the temple. He happened to chase her past the kitchen, where James and Meowth were sitting in their newly acquired temple robes. Both were eating breakfast and sipping tea. Jesse ducked into the kitchen and hid behind James.

"James! Do something! Tell him to stop!", Jesse shrieked as Gramps came into the room. James continued to sip his tea. Jesse cowered as Gramps raised his broom over his head again.

"You should have got up, Jesse," James replied calmly. "Meowth and I had to fix breakfast all by ourselves." Gramps brought the broom down on Jesse's head again.


"Misty, get up! We're going to the gym to train our pokemon!"

Misty rolled over and rubbed her eyes. She looked up and saw Brock and Ash dressed and ready to go to the gym. "Whhuu?", she mumbled. "Jus' let me sleep, guys. I'm tired." Ash and Brock shrugged.

"Oh, well," Ash said. "Maybe next time." As they left the room, Misty rolled back over and went back to sleep.

End Episode 1