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Disclaimer: You know, nobody reads these things....yada, yada, yada, 4kids, Nintendo, yada, yada, yada, yada, yada, yada......

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Comet

Act I

Episode 2

Story Time

Yomigaeru kioku! Choukako no message!

Returning memories! Message from the ancient past!

In a dark, sinister cave, a pair of hands hovered over a glowing crystal ball. The claws belonging to the hand gleamed and reflected a vicious red color. Slowly, the hands floated down and around the ball. It glowed brighter, illuminating the owner of the hands. She was a wicked-looking woman with long red hair and a low cut, floor length purple dress. She raised the pair of yellow and red eyes that glared above her red lips and fangs. Her black headdress glistened eerily. Her pointed ears pricked up as her voice echoed through her throne room.

"Malachite!" Almost instantly, her faithful general appeared, head bowed, before her throne. "Prince Darien!" Almost as quickly as Malachite, Prince Darien materialized before the throne. Darien was a tall man, over six feet tall. His ink black hair gleamed in the darkling light. His black armor shined as he shot a nasty look at Malachite, his rival.

Malachite returned the sentiment. He didn't trust Darien to put their queen's interests before his own at all times. Malachite could not forget that at one time, Darien had been the hero Tuxedo Mask, loyal to the Sailor Scouts, and Sailor Moon in particular. Malachite could also not forget that Darien was indirectly responsible for his lover, Zoycite's, death. Now instead of training Zoycite, he was stuck watching over Darien. Malachite snapped out of his reverie and gave his full attention back to his queen. "Yes, my liege?", he said cordially.

"I'm giving you the responsibility of tracking down the Imperium Silver Crystal, Malachite. You are solely responsible for this mission. You are my best general, and I trust you will succeed," the queen said cooly.

"Thank you, Queen Beryl," Malachite responded, taking a deep bow of respect. "I'm honored."

"As for you, Prince Darien," Beryl continued, "I have special business for you here."

"Yes, my queen," Darien said, bowing.

"Malachite, this is for you," Beryl said, drawing a black crystal out of her crystal ball. The crystal shard flew straight to its new master. Malachite took it in his hand and studied it. It looked familiar.

"Is this...?"

"No, it's not the same one Zoycite had. It is specifically tuned to find the Imperium Silver Crystal. It can reveal the general location of its target, and react when in close proximity to the crystal. Wherever those wretched cats have hidden it, I have faith that you shall find it," she said. "Now go; those two new Scouts must be dealt with as well..."

"Yes, Queen Beryl," Malachite responded. He held the black crystal up in his hand. "Black Crystal, show me where the Silver Crystal lies!", he said as the crystal began to glow. It projected a picture onto a nearby wall. "The Cherry Hill Temple..."


Jesse wiped a tiny bit of sweat from her forehead. She placed her broom in a corner of the porch and leaned against a wall. Her red and white temple robes rustled in the cool autumn breeze. "I don't like all this hard work, at all," she thought. She had barely swept half of the porch, and it wasn't a very large porch. "And this sweat can't be good for my complexion." She pulled out a small compact and began to touch up her make-up. Jesse was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. "A visitor," she thought, reluctantly putting away her make-up. "Welcome to the Cherry Hill Temple! Would you like to buy a love charm?", she said, trying not to sound irritated at having to work. The girl she spoke to wore a green windbreaker, and had a white tomcat in tow.

"You mean like those ten or twelve tied to your ankle, there?", the girl said, pointing down at Jesse's foot. Jesse looked a little embarrassed, and then raised her eyes at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Oh. It's just you Misty." Jesse did not try to hide her irritation then. Being anywhere near that girl made Jesse short-tempered. Especially after that time Misty had called her an "old hag." That was unforgivable. "What do you want?", Jesse asked, not really caring.

"Luna called me over. She said she had some things she wanted to talk to us about," Misty said in her oh-so-chipper way. Her enthusiasm made Jesse want to smack her. Hard.

"That's right, Misty. I'm glad you could make it," Luna said, stepping out from behind a nearby tree. Her tail swayed from side to side, and her whiskers twitched.

"You and you alone, traitor," Jesse said under her breath.


"Kabuki, come forth," Malachite commanded. Out of the shadows, a female with a white face, red lips, and black hair tied in a bun appeared. Her red and yellow kimono rustled as she stepped toward her master. She bowed.

"What is it you require of me, Lord Malachite?", she inquired.

"Go to the Cherry Hill Temple. Use this crystal to find our target. Retrieve the Imperium Silver Crystal and bring it to me," Malachite said, holding the black object out to his minion.

Kabuki took the crystal and placed it in the folds of her kimono. "As you will, so shall it be done."


The door slowly opened, making a wretched creaking sound as it did. A man's head popped through the doorway. He looked from side to side, shaking his blueish-purple head of hair. "This is nothing but an old maintenance room, Meowth," James said, flicking a switch and turning on a light.

"Purr-fect!", Meowth exclaimed. "It doesn't look like anyone's been in here in ages. It'll be the perfect place!"

"But there aren't any valuables in here," James said, pouting. "What are we supposed to do? Steal the mop bucket in the corner?"

"Moron!", Meowth spat out, jumping up and smacking James in the head. "We weren't casing the place! - okay, well, maybe just a little bit- We were looking for a place to put a temporary base! We need somewhere we can talk to the boss without worrying about that old man or his surfer friend barging in on us," Meowth continued, glaring.

"Right! Ow," James said, rubbing his head.

"Whaddya do, bump into something?" James heard a voice behind him. He spun around, rather nervously, and saw Chad standing behind him. James hoped that Chad hadn't just heard Meowth talk - he might start to ask questions.

"Oh, uh, yeah," James said, smiling anxiously. He rubbed his head. "I was looking for the temple bathroom, and hit my head on something in there," he said, laughing uncomfortably.

"Yeah, well, in that case, the bathroom's down the hall, third door to the right," Chad said, smiling. James gave him a fake smile and scurried off down the hall, with Meowth in tow. "Boy, those new guys sure are weird," Chad thought as he watched them go down the hall in a hurry.


"Before you go any further being Sailor Scouts, Luna and I thought you should know a little something about your past," Artemis began. The foursome sat on the steps of the Cherry Hill Temple. Luna occupied a position at Jesse's feet and Artemis sat on Misty's lap.

"I already know all I care to about my past," Jesse said, in a rather cross tone. She didn't like to bring up the subject of her childhood. It was always a bit of a sore spot. Sure, she could be tough, stubborn, and selfish, but that was because she had survived. And the best way to survive was to be all of those things.

"This is not the past that you remember. It goes back farther than that," Luna explained. She could tell that Jesse didn't fully comprehend what Artemis had said. She continued, "We have all lived before."

"What do you mean, like reincarnation?! You mean that stuff actually exists?", Misty said, getting stars in her eyes. Jesse had begun to look a little interested until Misty spoke. Jesse couldn't stand it anymore; she swung her mallet and nailed Misty right into the steps.

Misty jumped up, rubbing her head and the lump that was rising there. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!", she shouted.

"If you would shut up, maybe these cats would be able to tell us what they're talking about!", Jesse shouted back, getting in Misty's face and trying to seem as imposing as possible.

"I don't have to take that from you!", Misty fumed. She reached into the red backpack that was slung casually over her shoulder. She produced a pokeball. "Starmi, go!", she said, pointing the ball at Jesse. However, instead of the ball producing her pokemon as she had anticipated, a flash of light shot out of her bag.


"Psyduck, you stupid pokemon! I didn't want you!", Misty shouted, hitting Psyduck over his large head. The large yellow duck pokemon stumbled sideways and then regained his balance. "Well, since you're already out, go ahead and give it a try," Misty said, exasperated.

"Pathetic.", Jesse said, glaring. From the folds of her robe she produced a pokeball of her own. "Go, Arbok!", she shouted, sending out her huge cobra pokemon. However, before a battle could take place....

"STOP IT!!! Both of you!", Luna growled as she jumped into Jesse's face, and then Misty's. Both of the girls stood frozen. "Now, if we may continue with our story..."


"Are you sure this is where we left it?", Meowth asked, turning to his comrade.

"I'm positive. The sign back there said McKenna Park, and there's the clump of trees we hid it behind, remember? Now hurry up... All of our equipment's in there, and we need to get it back to the temple," James said. He and Meowth had come down to the park to retrieve the hot air balloon they had hidden when they arrived in Tokyo. It contained all the equipment they would need to set up a temporary base.

"Hey, pretty boy!" James heard someone snarl from behind him. He spun around to see five or six roughnecks in leather jackets coming toward him. "How much money do you have on your prissy self?", the one who looked like the leader said. "Or does your boyfriend carry the checkbook?"

The whole group broke into laughter. Nothing got James' dander up like insinuations like that. Nothing. Meowth could tell he was going to pick a fight. The roughnecks didn't appear to be armed, but they were large. Very large. This looked like it would be a quick fight.

James' eyes furrowed. He reached down into his left boot and pulled out a dagger. He kept it for just such occasions - he would never use it in a pokemon battle. That just wasn't right, even for him. The dagger glinted in the fading sunlight. It had a black handle and a curved, double-edged blade (if anyone can tell me what kind of knife this is exactly, they will earn my eternal respect - e-mail thoughts at -- SN1). James had found it a few months back and picked it up because it had felt "lucky." Now it seemed like it would come in handy.

However, instead of frightening the thugs off, the dagger just made them laugh. Loudly. The leader opened his jacket ever-so-slightly, revealing the handle of a gun. Meowth made a sort of squeaking noise. James looked a little more than taken aback. It was definitely time for a hasty retreat. James popped a smoke bomb on the ground. When the thugs finished coughing and the smoke cleared, their intended victim and his pokemon companion were nowhere to be found.

"Suckers!", Meowth gloated from the basket of the hot air balloon. He looked down on the would-be assailants, who looked rather confused to say the least.

"Hah! Mess with the best, fail like the rest!", James continued. He and Meowth were feeling pretty well invincible after their narrow escape. A little - okay, a lot of - gloating was in order.

"Heh - they're even more incompetent than you, James!", Meowth laughed.


"Once, a thousand years ago, our moon was home to a great civilization called the Moon Kingdom. It was a peaceful time for all the planets, known as "The Silver Millennium." The moon was ruled by Queen Serenity. Serenity was a gracious and benevolent woman, and her daughter, Princess Serena was the Sailor Scout of the moon. The princesses of the other planets were her court, and Sailor Scouts of their own respective planets." Luna flicked her tail back and forth as Jesse and Misty listened intently. They were actually paying attention for once. She could tell that this sounded pretty odd to them, though. However, Luna had a trick up her sleeve. She, as well as Artemis, could use a unique ability called the "Lunar Mind Meld" to show the others their memories. She began the Meld, and Artemis, seeing what she was doing, followed suit. The crescent moons on both the cats' foreheads began to glow. They flashed with a bright golden light for an instant, and suddenly the two girls could see the Moon Kingdom in all its glory.

"Wow," breathed Misty. "I didn't know you could make us see it," she said, looking around. They appeared to be in a huge garden. Tall pillars stood around the path they were on. Aqueducts flowed with water. The Earth was clearly visible in the sky. Gardeners bustled about, taking care of flowers, as noble men and women strolled through the hedgerows.

Jesse looked at the little cats. She had a fascinated look on her face. "So if the other Scouts were princesses, what were we?", she asked, expectantly. "Were we princesses, too?"

"Yes, you were princesses of your own domains," Artemis said, not wanting to use the word "planets," since he knew comets weren't considered as such. Suddenly the scenery changed to that of a huge, domed, throne room. A statuesque woman with flowing silver hair tied into pigtails with little buns on top sat on an ornate throne. She wore a warm smile as she looked around. Beside her sat a smaller chair, unoccupied. The intended occupant appeared to be about thirteen or fourteen years old, and like a smaller version of her mother, right down to their nearly identical dresses. The girl stood close to her mother's throne, talking with a member of her court. The courtesan wore a long green dress and had hair the color of wood. She wore rose shaped earrings, and had a strong countenance. The two talked and giggled until trumpets sounded and two guards came through the huge doors at the other end of the room. They let them fall shut once more.

The one on the right spoke first. "Presenting for their highness' pleasure...", he began.

"The Prince and Princess of the Comets!", the left hand guard followed. He motioned to the doors, and he and his comrade bowed and opened the doors. A male and female figure walked through the doorway.

The lady walked ahead of her prince. Her bright, carefully styled, red hair swept down past her waist. She wore red gloves that reached halfway between her elbows and shoulders, and matched her red choker. Her white dress was split all the way up the middle until it reached her waist. Underneath it was a short white skirt and thigh-high white boots. The longer part of the dress had two slips, the first red, and the one closer to the floor, white. Jesse clasped her hands to her chest. Her eyes widened. "That's me!", she breathed. "I always knew I was meant to be a princess!", she said dreamily.

"Yeah, and look who's with you," Misty said, pointing in the prince's direction. He wore a silver dress coat and silver breeches. He had lace on his wrists and at his throat. His cape was silver on the outside, and royal purple on the side closest to his body. His light silverish-purple, almost white, hair framed a pair of black glasses. "Isn't that the same guy we saw last night?", she said, studying him.

Jesse sighed. "It's Shooting Star. He's my prince," she said, in that same, dreamy tone. Misty looked as if she was going to gag. The red-haired princess reached the throne and bowed. The prince followed suit.

"As the Sailor Scout of the Comets, you had a unique ability," Luna said thoughtfully. "As I recall, you could use any of the other Sailor Scouts' weapons. Like Queen Serenity's Crescent Moon Wand." Jesse looked down in admiration.

"Really?", she asked, looking interested.

"I think one time you actually tried to use the Imperium Silver Crystal. As I recall, though, Queen Serenity laughed at you because you couldn't handle it," Artemis continued.

Jesse scoffed at this notion. "Why not?", she asked. "I'm sure I could handle it," she said, sticking her nose in the air.

"You're lucky it didn't kill you!", Luna screeched. "The Silver Crystal is incredibly powerful!"

"Your majesty," the prince and princess said together. The Queen nodded and the couple raised their heads.

"It's good that you could come tonight. I know it's a long trip for you two," the Queen said, smiling. "We wish you could visit us more often. You're always welcome."

"We wouldn't miss this ball for anything, Queen Serenity," the redhead replied. The Moon Princess and her friend came toward her, smiling.

"We missed you, Princess Comet!", the blonde princess said, bubbling with enthusiasm. The mahogany-haired princess smiled quietly.

"I missed you, too, Serena!", she laughed. "But there's no need to be so formal! You can call me Jesse! You won't get in trouble, I'm sure!"

"I love your dress," the brunette finally spoke.

"It's the latest fashion, Lita. I've not seen anyone here today with one like it. I can't wait to wear it to the ball tonight. It's going to be absolutely fabulous!" Princess Jesse looked up from their "girl-huddle" to see what her prince was doing. He was engrossed in a conversation with Queen Serenity. She turned back to her friends. "So, Serena," she said with a smirk, "who's going to be your date? It wouldn't be that guy from Earth would it?" She enjoyed teasing the younger girl.

Serena blushed and looked back to make sure her mother wasn't listening. "Hush, Jesse!", she said under her breath, "You know my mother can't find out! She'll think he's a spy!"

"What about you, Jesse?", Lita asked, pinching the older girl. "Whom are you going with, your prince? Exactly what's going on with you two?"

Princess Jesse looked surprised. "Well, of course I'm going with him! He is my fiancé," she stated matter-of-factly. The modern Jesse, watching from the sidelines with the rest of her group, sighed. Misty just rolled her eyes. Princess Jesse held her left hand up for the other two to see. On her ring finger was a diamond ring. Serena and Lita looked on in awe. "See the ring he got me. Do you like it?", she asked, smiling smugly.

"Oh," Serena sighed. "I want one just like it from my Darien." Lita giggled at her two love-struck companions.

"You mean he hasn't gotten you a ring?", Princess Jesse asked, stunned. "I know everything's supposed to be secret, but hasn't he gotten you anything?", she pried.

Serena pulled a golden star from the folds of her dress. "Well, he brought me this," she said. "It's my star locket. It plays beautiful music. Do you hear it?", she whispered, drawing the locket open. It began to twinkle and strike out the tune to "Moonlight Densetsu". The other two girls drew closer.

Princess Jesse's eyes widened. "Oh, I want one just like it!", she said breathlessly. She looked over her shoulder at her prince. "Honey!", she yelled, trying to get his attention, "I want a locket like this for my next birthday!" The prince looked a little embarrassed. Lita and Serena giggled.

Trumpets sounded once again. The two guards reentered the room and let the doors fall shut behind them. The right hand guard began, "Presenting for their highness' pleasure...."

"The Princess of Nereid!", the left hand guard finished. A girl no more than ten or twelve years old stepped through the doors. She had her short red hair tied into a ponytail on the side of her head with a starfish-shaped clasp. She also wore a starfish pendant around her neck. Her dress reached down to her ankles. The dress had a bare midriff and a halter for a top. She wore no shoes on her feet. She walked to the throne and bowed. "It's me!", Misty exclaimed.

"Queen Serenity," she said, respectfully. The Queen smiled.

"It's good that you could make it, Princess Nereid. I'm sure you're excited," Serenity said warmly.

Princess Nereid raised her head. "Yes, ma'am. I'm very excited! It's my first ball!", the girl said, beaming. She looked over to the other princesses, and saw them motioning her to come over. "Excuse me, your highness!", she said, bowing and walking away. The Queen smiled and nodded, then turned her attention back to the prince and their conversation.

"Misty, I can't believe it's you! You've grown so much!", Lita said.

"She's still a little twerp," Princess Jesse said under her breath.

Luna and Artemis looked at each other. "The more things change, the more they stay the same," Artemis said.

"Did you bring anything for us to see?", Serena asked cheerfully, hoping Misty hadn't heard the older girl's comment.

Princess Misty pulled a tiny jar from the folds of her dress. It was half filled with water, and in it swam a sea creature shaped like a star. "I just brought my baby starfish," she said. All the older girls except Princess Jesse gathered around the jar.

"It's adorable!", Lita said, laughing.

"Oh, I love it!", Serena said.

"Cute," Princess Jesse said dryly. Princess Misty glared at her and the girls resumed their conversation. Artemis and Luna turned back to their new recruits. The girls stared ahead, engrossed in the thought of being princesses.

"The tranquility was not to last, though," Artemis resumed explaining. The scene changed once again, this time, placing the girls back in the garden. However, this time, the view of the Earth became blackened and darkened by clouds. The clouds grew heavier and heavier. The storm took on the characteristics of having face and hands and lurched toward the moon. "The evil Queen Beryl broke free of her Negaverse and found a way to invade our universe. She attacked the Moon Kingdom with a vengeance. By the time anyone knew what had happened, she had practically won the battle," Artemis continued. The giant storm hit, detonating the area around them. Misty and Jesse screamed and clung to each other for dear life. The incredible explosion took everything in its path. Buildings flew into the air and rubble scattered everywhere. The group heard evil laughter above and around them. "However," he continued,"Queen Serenity used the power of the Silver Crystal to defeat Queen Beryl. She trapped her and sent her back to the Negaverse. She then used the power of the crystal to send all of us to the future." The next thing they saw was a flash of blinding light from the rubble. The battle ended. The group sat outside the Cherry Hill Temple once again. Arbok sat at the foot of the steps. The snake had been playing with Psyduck the whole time. Actually, less playing and more trying to eat its head. Right then it held Psyduck's head firmly between its jaws.

"But, how come we don't remember any of this?", Misty asked looking down on the two cats.

"Because Serenity wanted all of you to be happy and lead normal lives. She didn't want you to be born with that burden," Artemis said.

"But, just in case Beryl ever freed herself, Artemis and I held the power to reactive the Sailor Scouts," Luna continued.

"So Beryl's the one running all this?", Jesse said. The cats nodded their heads. Suddenly, the group heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They turned to see a delicate black haired woman ascending the steps in a pink business suit. Around her neck was a small black crystal on a chain. The group immediately quietened. Jesse looked up to the woman. "Welcome to the Cherry Hill Temple, would you like to buy a love charm?", she began. The lady gave Jesse a smile. Jesse and Luna - who was still sitting on her lap - felt a chill. The crystal around the woman's neck began to shine in the sunlight.

"Actually, no," the lady said, pleasantly. "I was wondering if you could show me around the grounds. I'm a tourist, and all," she said. Jesse lifted Luna and put her around her shoulders. She rose and gave the lady a sickeningly sweet smile. Misty looked repulsed.

"Of course," Jesse said in her most charming voice. "Maybe if I do a good job, she'll give me a big tip! She looks loaded," Jesse thought. "Right this way," she continued. Jesse turned and started up the stairs. She looked back at her Arbok for a second and decided to call it back. "Arbok, return," she said, producing its pokeball from her robes once again. She turned back to the lady and gave her a smile. The lady smiled back, looking more chilling than ever.


The balloon sat down gently in a clump of trees behind the temple. Meowth jumped out of the basket and ran to help sandbag the balloon to keep it from floating off. James followed suit. "We need to hurry," Meowth said in his funny "gangster" accent. "It'll be getting dark soon." After making sure the balloon was tied down and hid securely, the twosome began unloading equipment from secret compartments in the basket. James began trying to heft some heavy-looking boxes. "You'll throw yer back out," Meowth commented. He took a small black bag from the balloon and trotted to the back door of the temple. He was somewhat enjoying watching James bite off more than he could chew with the boxes. James eyed Meowth, realizing what the sarcastic little pokemon was staring at. He put the boxes down. They almost tipped over, but James re-balanced them just in time.

"What's so funny?", James asked suspiciously.

"You might try carrying a few less at a time," Meowth said with a wry smile.

"Oh, right," James said cheerfully. He picked about half the stack up, this time better able to handle the load. Both pokemon and human started toward the door again. "I wonder what Jesse's doing," James asked nonchalantly. Meowth looked up at him curiously.

"You know she has da chores today," Meowth replied, raising a whisker above his eye. James somehow freed a hand and opened the back door. Meowth trotted ahead of him once again. They started down a temple corridor. "Why're you so int'rested?", he said in a suggestive tone.

James looked down at his companion. "Huh? Well, I... umm... just forgot, that's all," he stuttered. Meowth looked back at him with a doubtful look. In his opinion, James had been acting a little - off - since the encounter with the werewolf-thing last night.

"Hmph," Meowth thought, "Maybe he's been hit in the head once too often. I'll let that one go."


"And this is our wishing well. Visitors can make a wish here. For a small donation, of course," Jesse said, pointing out a lovely old-fashioned well. It was the kind that had a cover and a little crank with a bucket. It was surrounded by flowers and really well-kept. The black-haired lady smiled again as Jesse and Luna led her to the well for a closer look. Jesse liked the well - she thought it was incredibly romantic. Even though she was domineering to her teammates, she was also a hopeless romantic. She just liked to try and hide it. She bent over to get a look into the flower-covered well. She straightened back up. "Would you like to make a wish?", she asked the visitor.

"No thank you. I've found what I came for," a cold voice came from behind her. Jesse spun around, nearly slinging Luna off her shoulders and into the well. The cat screeched and got a better grip. Instead of a nice visitor lady, now Jesse saw a woman with hair floating around her face, buffeted by some unseen force. Her eyes began to glow a yellow color as they widened. The crystal hung around her neck glowed a bright white. Her whole body began to glow a faint blue that grew brighter. After a bright flash, the visitor lady was completely gone, and in her place stood Kabuki. The creature held two paper fans and had her head bowed. She raised her glowing eyes and locked them on Jesse and Luna. "You have the crystal which rightfully belongs in the possession of my masters - Queen Beryl and the Negaforce," the creature began. Jesse backed up against the well, not fully certain what came next. "Give it to me, and no harm shall come to you," the monster said, holding out her white hand. Jesse did not respond. Instead, she continued to look confused. Receiving no answer, the monster withdrew her hand. "Very well. If you do not want to cooperate, I shall be resigned to use force," she stated calmly. Kabuki raised one of her paper fans and threw it at Jesse's head.

Jesse ducked out of the way with a little squeal. The fan flew under the hood of the well and stuck in a tree. She looked back at the fan. "It's sharp!", she exclaimed. "Lady, I don't know who you are, but I don't have your crystal!", she pleaded, trying to get this nutcase away from her.

"Sailor Comet would be good right now," Luna prompted into her ear. The cat jumped off Jesse's shoulder, and ran around front to get help.

Jesse got an irritated look on her face. "I was just gonna do that!", she said, producing a transformation wand from her temple robes."Comet Power!", she shouted, holding the wand in the air. Ribbons, sparks, and light flew around her, until Sailor Comet stood where Jesse had been. Kabuki pulled another fan from thin air and hurled it at Sailor Comet. "Hey, no fair!", she whined as she jumped out of the way again. "I didn't even get to do our motto!" This time, the fan returned to its master.

"Well, I can help you with that!", a familiar voice came from the other side of the well. Sailor Comet turned to see Sailor Nereid standing with Artemis and Luna.

"Prepare for trouble!", Sailor Comet started, relieved for once to see her.

"And make it double!", Sailor Nereid followed, jumping over to where her partner stood.

"To protect our world from the Negaverse!", Sailor Comet continued.

"To place their evil under our curse!", Sailor Nereid said in a sing-song voice.

"To defend the values of all us girls!", Sailor Comet said, getting more confident by the second.

"To protect the people in our world!", Sailor Nereid stated, trying to strike a pose.

"Sailor Comet!"

"Sailor Nereid!"

"Get ready for defeat," Sailor Comet said, pointing at the monster.

"And a lot of pain, too!", Sailor Nereid said, drawing her gloved hand to her chin, making a fist.

"And in the name of our world, we will punish you!", both girls said in unison. Kabuki continued to stare at the girls with a graceful state of non-interest. She simply raised both of her fans and let them fly. Both girls ducked out of the way. Sailor Nereid rolled on the ground and Sailor Comet didn't quite get to the ground before she regained her balance.

"Comet!", she began, raising her right hand into the air. The right hand began glowing. "Ekans!", she continued. A snake made of light began to twine around her right arm. "Bind!", she finished, sending the glowing snake out from her right arm. It immediately latched onto Kabuki and squeezed hard. She struggled and finally succeeded in cutting the apparition with one of her fans. Once Kabuki was free, Sailor Nereid tried a close range attack, attempting to elbow her in the face. However, Kabuki was incredibly swift, and dodged Sailor Nereid's attack with ease. Instead of being hurt by Nereid, she backhanded her into the well.

"Uugggghhh...", Nereid moaned, before passing out. She slumped against the well, thoroughly unconscious. Sailor Comet looked around feverishly.

"What do I do now?", Sailor Comet thought, "Misty's out cold, the cats aren't much help.... Oh, well. If you want something done right, do it yourself." "Comet!" She raised her right hand. "Ekans!" The snake apparition began to appear again. "Bind!!!" She pointed her finger, sending the snake out from her arm. It immediately bound Kabuki again, knocking the fans from her hands this time.

"Release me, mortal! There is nothing you can do to harm me!", Kabuki taunted. She didn't taunt for long, because Sailor Comet picked her up with the snake apparition. Comet pointed to the ground and her victim flew into it head first.

"I'm beginning to get the hang of this," Comet thought with glee. She let a malicious grin spread across her face. She raised both arms in the air, suspended her quarry, and brought her down into the well. She soon heard gurgling noises and splashes. Still binding the monster, Comet strolled over to take a look into the well. She could barely see Kabuki's struggling form. Comet assumed she was pretty well drowned by now, so she brought her back up. Sailor Comet released the binding. The monster fell to the ground, waterlogged. Suddenly, Kabuki's eyes flew open. She tried to lunge at Sailor Comet.

"You cannot destroy me weakling! I am invincible!", Kabuki shouted. Sailor Comet stuck a foot out as she side stepped the monster. Kabuki hit the ground hard.

"You don't look so invincible to me! Of course, that's just because you're way out of your league," Sailor Comet stated calmly, summoning her trademarked arrogance. She walked to the monster's head and slammed it into the turf with her boot. Comet heard a sort of shriek come from beneath her foot. She ground the heel of her boot into the back of the monster's head. "Mess with the best, honey..." The monster turned to dust beneath her foot. "Fail like the rest!" The dust vanished.

Sailor Comet saw the only thing the monster had left behind at her feet - the crystal that was around her neck. However, before she could reach down to pick it up, it flew through the air and went behind her back. She heard a man's laughter. Comet whirled around to see....

"Malachite...", Luna hissed, stepping out from behind the well with Artemis. "Run, Sailor Comet!", Luna cried before hurling herself at Malachite. Claws unsheathed and teeth bared, she was hoping to make an impression on his face. She hoped wrong.

Malachite backhanded Luna. She hit the ground and rolled. "Luna!", Artemis cried, running to her aid. He began licking her wounds.

Malachite stepped toward Sailor Comet. He wore a wicked, if comely, smile. Malice glinted in his eyes. In his left hand, he held the black crystal. He held his right hand out to Sailor Comet. She took a step back for every step he took forward. "I've been watching you, Sailor Comet," he said, continuing to move forward at a steady pace. "You're not like the other Sailor Brats....", he stated calmly. Comet took another step back and felt a tree root underneath her boot. She stumbled and fell backwards onto the ground.

"Aaahhhh! Oof!" He came closer and bent down on one knee. Comet tried to back up more, but found her back was already against a tree. Malachite was at eye level now. He took her chin in his right hand and tipped it up. "He's cold as ice! And he's wearing gloves!", Comet thought. A chill went through her whole body as he looked at her with evil in his eyes.

"Why don't you taste the joy of winning? Join with the Negaverse," he said cooly. Sailor Comet shuddered. He simply gave her the creeps. She knew she'd never seen him before yesterday, but she just couldn't shake that feeling that they had met before. And she didn't think it had been a pleasant encounter. "You know you're not like these other do-gooders.... Deep down, you know you're one of us," he said, grinning. She closed her eyes. Then she heard a noise buzz by her head. "Yeearrrggh!!!"

Sailor Comet opened her eyes and saw Malachite holding his hand in pain. He had backed away from her and was looking up in the tree they were under. She looked in the same direction and saw what Malachite was glaring at. "Shooting Star! You came!", she shrieked. Shooting Star jumped down from the branch he'd been balanced on. He landed squarely beside Sailor Comet and began to help her up. As she stood up she happened to look on the ground beside her. She saw what had caused Malachite so much pain: a gleaming metal throwing star, embedded in the earth.

"Are you okay, Sailor Comet? Was this guy bothering you?", Shooting Star asked, looking in Malachite's direction. He put his arm behind her back, using his cape to sort of place her under his protection. Fading sunlight gleamed off his black glasses. Comet just nodded. She was blushing and getting redder by the second. Malachite gave Shooting Star a condescending look and a snort. He folded his arms across his chest.

"It's time for me to go," Malachite said haughtily, "But don't worry, Sailor Comet - you'll be seeing more of me." He vanished, leaving his wicked laughter to linger behind him.

Shooting Star lowered the arm he'd placed behind Sailor Comet's back..She gave him a dreamy look. "I knew you would come," she sighed. He smiled nervously in return.

"Sailor Comet! Where'd you go?", a familiar voice came floating from the side of the well. A shadow grew over Sailor Comet's face.

"It's Sailor Nereid, " she hissed, looking down. "She always ruins everything!" Sailor Nereid came into view. As she ran over, Sailor Comet looked back to where Shooting Star had been standing. "He's gone! Again! Grrrrr.... I can't believe this!", she said as Nereid ran up to her. Comet turned on her partner. "It's all your fault he ran off, Nereid! Why couldn't you stay knocked out for a few more minutes?!", she yelled.

"It's not my fault!", Nereid yelled. Just as quickly, her temper returned to normal. "Was Shooting Star here again? He didn't run off, Comet," Nereid said as her partner looked frantically to see what she was talking about. "He's right up there," she said, pointing up into a tree. Comet looked up.

"Oohhh, he's soooo handsome," Comet swooned. Shooting Star, seeing he was being watched, waved at the girls and then disappeared into the tree. Nereid looked as if she had been struck by an idea.

"Hey, Comet," she whispered into Comet's ear.

"Huh?", Comet asked, awakened from her reverie.

"Don't you think he looks kinda, just a little-itsy-bitsy-bit like James?", Nereid asked, wondering what kind of response she'd get from Sailor Comet.

Sailor Comet's eyes got a shocked look for a second. Then she turned to Nereid. "Are you INSANE? James is nothing like Shooting Star! Don't be stupid! Come on, Luna," she shouted, turning on her heel, ready to go back to sweeping the temple porch. Luna limped along behind Comet. Nereid just stood there with Artemis and shrugged.


"Hmmm, hmmmm, hmm, hm, hmmmmmm......" Jesse hummed a little tune as she finished sweeping the temple porch. "There! All done! Another fantastic masterpiece by the incredible Jesse of Team Rocket!", she said with all due humility. "Sometimes, I even manage to amaze myself!" She threw the bamboo broom in a corner and stretched. It was already dark and she was dying to go to bed. She let out a yawn, attempting to make it sound as sweet and cute as possible. "I wonder what James and Meowth have done all day while I've been slaving over this backbreaking labor?", she asked herself out loud. Suddenly the front door of the temple flew open and a pair of dirty boots trampled out of it. Jesse could feel her face growing hot - whoever had just tracked dirt on her nice, clean porch had better have either a damn good excuse, or a damn good doctor. "Who DARES walk on my clean porch?!?", she growled, sure that whoever it was would get the message and never do it again. She grabbed the broom from out of the corner.

"Jesse? Is that you out here?", James said as he walked across the porch. "Oh, there you are! I heard a lot of noise out here a few minutes ago and wondered if you heard it, too,"he said as he walked toward his broom-welding partner. He was completely clueless of his transgression.

"HOW DARE YOU WALK ON MY CLEAN PORCH! I spent all day cleaning it!", she said as she brought the broom down on his head.

"OWW! Wha- hey! Don't hit me wi-!!! Owww!", James squawked as he tried to run from Jesse and her broom.

"What are you doing with boots on in the temple, anyway?!" 'Wham!' Down came the broom. "What have you been doing all day while I've been slaving over this porch!?!" 'Thwack!' There went the broom again.

"Whu- owww! Stop i-Stop!!! Ahh! Uncle! Un-YEOW!!!", James cried, still being chased by Jesse.

"Where's that mangy feline at? He's got some coming, too!!!" 'Thud'

And from the branch of a nearby tree, a small black cat sighed.



The Queen was not happy. She had expected that there would be no problems with these new Sailor Scouts. Today, they proved her wrong. Malachite appeared before his queen. He had his head bowed. "Yes, m'queen?", he said, trying to sound regal.

"Explain to me what happened today with these two new Sailor Scouts: Sailor Comet and Sailor Nereid. Why did we loose a fine warrior like Kabuki to those brats?", Queen Beryl asked her general. Her eyes were narrow as her hands hovered over her crystal ball.

"I'm sorry, m'queen. I'm sure it was just a fluke - beginner's luck. These kids can't stop fighting each other long enough to fight us off. When we locate the crystal, if they do have it, it will be a small matter to take it from them," Malachite said with confidence.

"It had better be "beginner's luck". Next time, Malachite, I either want that crystal, or those Sailor Scouts destroyed. Do I make myself clear?", Beryl sneered.

"Crystal, your highness."


"Hmmm.... Of course I'd love to dance....."

Luna sighed and padded at the blanket. Again. Sleeping around Jesse was next to impossible. She never shut up, not even in her sleep. "Goodness only knows what she's dreaming tonight...", Luna thought.


Jesse's dream showed her her life as a princess. She saw herself in a beautiful gown that reached the floor, and in the latest fashion. She swirled across the dance floor with her handsome prince. She was, of course, the most beautiful girl at the ball, so naturally, everyone had wanted to dance with her. But she'd only chosen the one she really wanted: her prince.


Luna sighed again. "Now she's humming in her sleep! What's next? Waltzing?", Luna thought. Luna watched a smile spread across Jesse's face. "I'll never get any sleep," Luna silently thought as a smile spread across her face, too.

End Episode 2