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Disclaimer: No, they're not mine! Now shut your piehole about it! And if you don't like it, then S.T.B.U. (Sucks To Be You). Sorry.... Just had one of those boot camp flashbacks. Now, on with the show!

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Comet

Act I

Episode 6

Into the Fishbowl

Atarashiki henshin! Kasumi power up!

The New Transformation! Kasumi powers up!

"You called for me, Lord Malachite?", the creature asked. Her glowing silver eyes shone out of the darkness.

"Yes, Seabourne," Malachite said cooly, "I have a mission for you."

"I'm honored, m'lord," Seabourne said, curtsying.

"I'm giving you the task of drawing in and disposing of Sailor Nereid," Malachite continued, "She possesses the Imperium Silver Crystal, but she's also fairly young. She shouldn't be too tough of a target if you catch her alone." Malachite began to fidget with something within the folds of his cape.

"How should that be accomplished, sir?", the minion asked. Malachite removed a picture frame from his cape.

"It should actually be quite simple," the general replied, now absorbed in the picture he held in his hand, "This particular Sailor Scout happens to be a Pokemon trainer, and it appears that her specialty is Pokemon of the water variety. You can easily exploit that trait as a weakness."

"Do you have a plan, Lord?", Seabourne asked. Malachite seemed lost in the picture.

"Of course, Seabourne," he said absentmindedly, "A local aquarium is featuring an exhibit of water Pokemon this week. You can use that." Seabourne bowed and took a step back.

"Is there anything else, Lord Malachite?", the monster asked.

"Ah, yes," Malachite replied, snapping back into focus, "Here, you'll need this. When it comes in close proximity to the Silver Crystal, it'll react." A black crystal flew from the shadows of his cape and straight into Seabourne's hand.

"Thank you, my lord," she replied, disappearing into the darkness. Malachite returned to studying the picture. He slowly ran his gloved fingers over the portrait of him and his lost love, Zoycite.


"Good morning, Misty," Nurse Joy said happily, "How are you and that Togepi today?" Misty stopped in front of the Pokemon Center's front desk. Togepi squirmed in her arms and Artemis tagged along at her feet.

"Purrr-reow?", Artemis whined, as if to say, 'What about me?'.

"Good morning, Joy," Misty answered, "Everyone's fine. We're just going to meet Ash and Brock at the gym. Ash is practicing for the big tournament next week."

"That's great," Joy said, smiling, "I was just wondering if you'd seen this." Joy produced a flyer from the local aquarium, announcing a special exhibit. "This aquarium is hosting a new exhibit all about water Pokemon in their natural habitats! I thought you might be interested since you like water Pokemon so much." Misty took the flyer from Joy and read it over.

"And admission is free!", Misty said, studying the paper. Artemis jumped up onto the front desk to get a better look at the flyer.

"Isn't that cute, Misty? You're cat's trying to read!", Joy commented, smiling and beginning to pet Artemis. Artemis began to purr. Misty laughed nervously.

"Isn't he silly?", she said shakily, snatching Artemis up off the desk, "Thanks for the flyer! I think I'll go check this out!" Misty began to head for the door with Artemis and Togepi in her arms.

As soon as they were outside out of Joy's earshot, Artemis began to speak. "Are you going to go to that exhibit?", he asked, looking up at Misty. She bent over and placed him on the ground.

"Yeah, I think I will," she said, looking over the paper again, "It'll be fun! And besides, I need a day off. I've been so busy ever since I got here." Misty and her group began to head towards the nearest bus stop.

"Shouldn't we be looking for the other Scouts, though?", Artemis asked, slightly hinting.

"Don't worry, Artemis, we'll find them," she said, "But it won't hurt to have a little fun today, will it?"

"Well, I guess not...", Artemis began.


"Oh, my God! This is so-o-o-o-o funny! Luna, look at this!", Jesse cackled, holding a comic up to Luna, "Can you believe how dumb that Martina is?" Luna stretched out on Jesse's bed and yawned. Jesse giggled hysterically.

"Shouldn't you be concentrating your energy on finding the other five Sailor Scouts instead of reading Raye's old comics?", Luna scolded. Jesse continued laughing.

"Well, I suppose I should and everything," Jesse said, not being serious in the least, "But I just hafta see if Martina can bag Gourry!" Jesse started cackling madly again, almost causing Luna to worry. "Dragon Slave! Get 'er, Lina!", Jesse laughed, "Hi-ya! Ragna Blade!"

"My goodness," Luna remarked, "It's just like having Serena back all over again." She sighed and lay her head down on her paws. Jesse continued to laugh loudly.

Neither of them heard a small sigh or saw a figure in temple robes pass Jesse's open door. James stopped for a second to catch a glimpse of Jesse, then he slipped past the room and slowly walked down the hallway. "She doesn't even know I'm alive," he said to himself.

"O' course she does, ya moron," a familiar voice said from behind James. He turned around to see Meowth, looking quite confident of himself.

"What do you care, furball?", James asked crossly. He was in no mood to deal with Meowth's teasing.

"I'm just saying," Meowth continued smoothly, "That Luna told me something very interesting a few days ago." He casually sauntered off down the hall, leaving James to puzzle at exactly what he meant.


A man in glinting black armor walked down a long corridor. The passageway was lined with columns and gothic arches, all made of some kind of black marble. His boots made a heavy noise as his broadsword's sheath clanged against his thigh. He turned a corner into a large foyer made out of the same black marble as the passageway. Along the left wall of the room were five glass caskets, placed in a row. As he passed the coffins, he began to hear a tinkling noise, like a musical locket. The song it played was oddly familiar. He stopped and began listening to the music. Nearly frozen in place, he looked around for the source of the odd tune. Each casket held a girl in a different color sailor suit. The middle casket held a girl with long blonde pigtails and a blue sailor skirt. "Sailor Moon," the man said. He studied this Sailor Scout a little longer than the other girls; she seemed strangely familiar. She held her Crescent Moon Wand in her right hand and her Star Locket in the other hand. As he studied the locket, a small moon in the middle twinkled and glittered. It played the melody that had drawn his attention. His eyes widened for a second, and then he shook his head, trying to rid himself of such strange thoughts. He walked on, reaching a door at the far end of the foyer. He passed through the door and found himself in a large, dark throne room. "You summoned me, my Queen?", he said, bowing gracefully.

"Yes, Prince Darien," Queen Beryl replied. She sat on her throne, hands hovering over a glimmering crystal ball. "I have a job for you," she said.

"I'm honored, m'queen," Darien said, bowing, "What do you require of me?"

"I want you to begin preparing the troops," Beryl said, "As soon as Malachite finds the Silver Crystal and disposes of these last two Sailors, we will overrun the Earth!"


"Wow, Artemis!", Misty exclaimed, looking into a large tank, "These Goldeen are really beautiful! Especially swimming in a school like this!" She watched as a school of Goldeen passed her face. Some Seaking swam together on the other side of the tank. Artemis watched intently, obviously interested in the prospect of live seafood.

"Brrriii!!!", Togepi squealed, squirming in Misty's arms. The egg Pokemon was fascinated by the beautifully colored fish, as well.

"This place is huge," Misty said, looking around, "I could get lost so easily!" She stepped away from the large aquarium and began walking toward a tank containing some Tentacool. "I wonder if this aquarium has a tour or something so that we can see everything and not get lost," Misty mused, scratching Artemis between the ears.

"I'm glad you asked, young lady," a woman commented from behind Misty. She turned around to see the lady that had spoken to her. The woman wore a black business suit and had a white I.D. badge on her blouse. She had long blonde hair and grey eyes and wore a black crystal necklace. "It just so happens that I'm the tour guide for this exhibit," the lady said, smiling, "My next tour starts in ten minutes. Would you be interested in coming along?"

"Sure I would!", Misty chirped happily, "I'm glad I ran into a tour guide!" The guide smiled again. "I just love water Pokemon," Misty remarked, "I can't wait to see the whole exhibit! I'm sure it's going to be great!" Artemis looked quizzically at the tour guide.

"Great!", the tour guide happily replied, "I'll see you then!" The guide turned and walked away, her necklace catching Artemis' eye.

"She was really nice," Misty said, smiling, "I'm having a lot of fun already!" Artemis looked skeptical.


"I hope you all enjoyed the tour," the tour guide said, "We hope to see you all back here soon!" The crowd began to disperse except for one girl holding an egg pokemon and being followed by a cat. Misty walked up to the guide, smiling.

"That was such a great tour!", Misty said happily, "I learned so much!" Artemis carefully watched the tour guide.

"Thank you, miss," the guide said, grinning, "So, are you a trainer, or is that just your pet?"

"Oh, Togepi?", Misty said, curious why the guide would ask such a thing, "I'm a trainer. I really love water Pokemon! Togepi here is my only Pokemon that's not water type."

"So you're a water Pokemon trainer," the guide said, sounding interested, "Hmmmm. Could you step this way, please? I'd like to talk with you some more." Artemis vaulted onto Misty's shoulder.

"Well, sure," Misty said, just a little confused.

"Better watch out, Misty," Artemis whispered, "She could be from the Negaverse."

Misty dismissed Artemis with a look of disbelief. "Don't be silly, Artemis," Misty said quietly, "She's just a tour guide."


Meowth was sleeping quietly in the darkened room he and James shared. His cat bed was in the corner by the closet, and he was curled up with a little red ball of yarn. "Me-eowth," he sighed, rolling over. However, unbeknownst to him, a pair of hands hovered over his body. Meowth was jerked awake as the hands grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and hoisted him into the air. "Me-eowth! What's goin' on!?!", he said, struggling against whatever held him. He got a vicious shake.

"First of all," James' voice came out of the darkness, "What exactly did Luna say the other day?"

"Just who do ya think you are, wakin' me up like dat!?", Meowth screeched. He drew back one of his paws and gave James some fury swipes right across the face. Meowth fell to the floor as James covered his face.

"Owwwww!", James squealed, "That hurt, you mangy furball!" He drew back his foot and kicked Meowth, sending him flying into a wall. Meowth got back up and shook his head, hoping James' kick wouldn't cause him to evolve like it had a couple other Pokemon.

"If I tells ya what ya wanna know, will ya let Meowth sleep?", Meowth growled.

"Of course," James said eagerly, "Samurai's honor!" Meowth mumbled something under his breath.

"Alright," Meowth sighed, "I'll tell ya what she said."


"Excuse me, ma'am," Misty asked politely, "But where are we going?" The tour guide had brought her to the top of a large tank that contained several sharks. The guide turned to Misty.

"I just wanted you to see where we feed the fish and Pokemon from," the guide said, "I think it's lovely up here. Why don't you go for a closer look into that aquarium?" Misty smiled happily and turned her back to the guide.

"That sounds like fun," Misty said, walking towards the top of the aquarium with Artemis and Togepi.

"No," the guide said, her voice turning amphibian, "This is going to be fun!" Misty whirled around to see the blonde tour guide shed her disguise and reveal her true form. Now, instead of blonde, her hair was long and silver. Her skin was greenish-blue, and she had a fin lining her face. She wore a long, shimmering, blue dress, decorated with pearls, starfish, and shells. And, of course, she was wearing the black crystal around her neck.

"She's from the Negaverse!", Artemis gasped.

"You were right all along, Artemis!", Misty said. The creature grinned and sent a hand flying towards Misty's throat. She grabbed her by the neck and slammed her to the floor. Togepi rolled from Misty's arms into a corner. Her communicator went flying out of her pocket and across the floor. Artemis ran over to it and began punching something in. "What do you want?", Misty choked out.

"Come now, dear," the monster said, "You have the Imperium Silver Crystal, and the Negaverse wants it!"

"I don't have any crystal!", Misty said, pulling her transformation pen from her pants' pocket, "Nereid Power!" Light, bubbles, and ribbons shot out of the pen, blinding the monster and shooting her away from Misty. When the monster's vision cleared, Sailor Nereid stood before her. The monster gave her a toothy grin.

"My name's Seabourne, kid," the monster hissed, "And I was informed that you DID have the crystal... So I'm not gonna stop until I get it!" Sailor Nereid shook her head.

"For the last time," Nereid said, becoming frustrated, "I don't have your crystal!"

Unbeknownst to either of them, Artemis dragged Nereid's communicator over to a corner. He lay it down on the floor and began punching buttons.

"Liar!", Seabourne screeched, "You'd say anything to save your own skin! Oh, well, I guess if you won't give me the crystal, I'll have to use force to get it!" With that, Seabourne took two of the starfish off her outfit. Nereid watched in shock as they began to glow brightly. The monster flung her arms outward and sent the two blazing starfish at the Sailor.

Nereid brought her arms up over her head. "Nereid..." Her ponytail clasp began to glow. "Staryu..." She brought her hands down over her chest, keeping the light from the clasp within them. "Tackle!" A star-shaped blast of light flew at the monster. It knocked Seabourne's two starfish out of the air and hit her directly in the chest. However, much to Nereid's amazement, the monster didn't even so much as flinch. Nereid shook her head. "No," she gasped, "It always works!"

"Was that supposed to hurt, little girl?", Seabourne asked, mockingly, "Here, let me show you the correct way to cause pain!" She removed two more glowing starfish and sent them flying toward Sailor Nereid. They both hit the Scout full force and sent her skidding into the floor.

"Aaahhh!", Nereid cried, tears welling up in her eyes from the scrapes. The monster was coming back toward her. Soon she felt the creature's claws circling her neck again.


"Oh, my God!", Jesse squealed in delight, "Chu-Chu is soooo cute! Look, Luna! Isn't he just adorable!?!" Jesse tried to show Luna the comic, but Luna looked rather uninterested. She was curled up on Jesse's bed, and after about two hours of listening to Jesse sigh, laugh, and squeal over Raye's comics, she was about to go insane. "Utena is soooo cool!", Jesse chirped happily, "Waitaminnit - I'm cooler, though! Hey, I wanna duel with swords like that! Get 'im, Utena! Don't just knock Saionji's rose off, skewer 'im!!!" Luna sighed. She wondered how much longer this torture could go on. She almost wished the Negaverse would attack again, just to get Jesse to shut up. Luna rolled over.

"I wonder if I could go see what James and Meowth are doing," Luna thought, "Errr, maybe not. Meowth seems to have a crush on me." That almost mortified Luna. She didn't mean to be snobby, but it was quite true that regular cats were often attacked by the more aggressive Meowths and Persians. When she lived on the streets, before she had met Serena, Luna had to run from quite a few of the cat Pokemon. Luna sighed again. However, before she could simply go to sleep, a beeping noise came from one of Jesse's pockets. Jesse got an annoyed look on her face and put down the manga she'd been reading. She reached into her temple robes and pulled out the communicator Luna had given her. She clicked the little pink device on and saw Artemis' face.

"Jesse!", Artemis' voice came through the communicator, "Am I ever glad to see you! We need Sailor help over here!" Jesse wrinkled her nose up.

"I'll have you know I was in the middle of a good book!", Jesse huffed into the communicator, "What makes you think I want to help that little twerp anyway?" Artemis sighed.

Luna jumped up onto Jesse's shoulder. "Where are you, Artemis?", Luna asked, ignoring Jesse's protests.

"We're at the local aquarium," Artemis said, "We're being attacked by a monster! Sailor Nereid can't hold out much longer! We need Sailor Comet now!!!" Jesse sighed.

"I guess," Jesse said dejectedly, "I'll be there in a minute." Luna looked up happily.

"Jesse, I can't believe it!", she said, "You're finally learning some responsibility! I'm so proud!" Jesse stood up and Luna jumped off the bed.

"It's not that," Jesse said crossly, "If Misty got out of that alive and I didn't help her, I'd have to listen to her complain forever!" Jesse stomped out of the room with Luna following close behind. They made their way past the kitchen where James was stirring a large pot. "Hmph," Jesse thought, "I wonder what he's cooking. Supper's not for a couple more hours." She shrugged that odd thought off and continued to make her way to the aquarium.


Sailor Nereid woke to a slight pain in her wrists. She couldn't remember being hit there, so she tried to look at her wrists. They were behind her back, but whenever she tried to bring them around to where she could see them, they wouldn't budge. "I must be tied up," she thought. Then she looked down at her waist and noticed the rope tied around it. "Huh? What's that for?", she thought, looking down. It was then that she noticed that she was suspended over a large vat full of water. "What!?!", she shrieked, "What's goin' on!?!"

"'What's goin' on', little Sailor girl," Seabourne said from the side of the tank, "Is that I'm going to get that Silver Crystal from you!"

"I don't have it!", Sailor Nereid said, struggling, "And if I did, I wouldn't give it to you anyway!" Nereid stuck her tongue out at the monster.

"We'll see about that," Seabourne sneered, "I've suspended you above a tank. But not just any tank, oh, no! See what's swimming in there?"

Nereid looked down and squawked, "What ARE those things?" One of the creatures surfaced and snapped its jaws shut.

"They're Great White Sharks, dear," Seabourne said, with a glint in her eyes, "If I lower you into the tank, they'll eat you alive." Just for emphasis, another shark surfaced and snapped its teeth together.

"Let me down offa here!", Nereid shrieked, "I don't have that stupid crystal! I don't wanna be fish food!!!" She struggled and kicked some more until she felt her rope jerk. "What's goin' on?", she whined as the rope lowered toward the water, "Let me down!" The rope jerked and lowered toward the water a little more.

"Comet Ekans Bind!!!" A glowing snake wrapped around Sailor Nereid and pulled her free of the rope. She landed by the edge of the tank, near the monster. "Prepare for trouble!", Sailor Comet shouted. Nereid looked up to see her standing beside her. She jumped up and joined her partner.

"And make it double!", Nereid said, getting her bearing back.

"To protect our world from the Negaverse!", Comet said, taking a step forward.

"To place their evil under our curse!", Nereid continued, placing her hands on her hips.

"To defend the values of all us girls!", Comet said, throwing a hand in the air for emphasis.

From her hiding place, Luna thought, "I should make it a point to roll my eyes every time I hear this."

"To protect the people in our world!", Nereid went on, trying to pose as well.

"Sailor Comet!"

"Sailor Nereid!"

"Get ready for defeat," Comet began.

"And a lot of pain, too!", Nereid finished the sentence.

"In the name of our world, we will punish you!", both Sailors finished in unison. The monster looked bored for a second. Then she noticed her crystal begin to glow.

"What?", Seabourne asked, puzzled, "It's reacting? I guess you didn't have it after all, little girl - instead, your friend has it!" Comet looked slightly annoyed.

"Not this again," she grumbled, "I've already told you creeps, I don't have your rock! Comet..." She lifted her right arm into the air. "Ekans..." A glowing snake wrapped around her arm. "Bind!" The glowing snake shot out from around her arm and wrapped around Seabourne's chest, cutting her air supply off. Seabourne managed to move her arm just enough to remove one of her starfish and fling it at Sailor Comet. The starfish glowed brightly before making contact with Sailor Comet's stomach. She went flying into a wall, slumping down to the ground after making contact.

"Next," the creature said, disinterested, "What are you going to do, Sailor Failure?" Nereid took a step back. She wasn't quite sure what to do. Her 'Nereid Staryu Tackle' didn't have any effect and Sailor Comet looked unconscious. She was alone. The creature laughed. "As a matter of fact," Seabourne sneered, "I'll take care of your friend here first so I can get the crystal! Then you're next!" The creature lunged toward Sailor Comet, with her fingernails growing to about five times their original length. She drew back to slash her intended victim.

"No!", Nereid cried, frozen in horror. However, before the monster could make contact, a white blur flashed down in front of her. The blur flashed back upwards, taking Sailor Comet with it.

"Wha-?", Seabourne gasped, "Where'd she go?" The creature looked up to see a man dressed in silver standing on one of the beams above her head, holding Sailor Comet in his arms. "Who are you, pretty boy?", she hissed.

"Shooting Star!", Sailor Nereid shouted, glad that Comet wasn't killed.

"Why don't you try using a different attack against her?", Shooting Star asked.

"Umm, okay," Nereid said, nodding her head a little uncertainly, "Here goes... Nereid..." She crossed her hands over the bow on her chest. "Starmi..." She un-crossed her hands to reveal that the star-shaped clasp on her bow shone brightly. "Watergun..." She cupped her hands around the clasp and spun around. "Blast!" She flung her hands in front of her body, sending a stream of water at the monster.

"What!?!", the monster shrieked in disbelief as she flew into a wall, "How can this be?" Nereid pounded her body with the solid stream of high-pressure water. A bead of sweat trickled down Nereid's face. The monster gasped, unable to breathe. Nereid, seeing the creature's weakness, poured extra power into the pulverizing water. The last surge was too much for Seabourne, and the creature disappeared in a flash of light, leaving a pile of dust and the black homing crystal.

"Whoa," Nereid whispered, looking at her hands, "I did that?" Shooting Star leapt down from his beam and landed beside Sailor Nereid. Sailor Comet seemed to be sleeping peacefully in his arms. She stirred a bit and opened her eyes.

"Huh?", Sailor Comet asked, looking at Shooting Star, "What happened?" Shooting Star set her back on her feet, smiling.

"Everything's fine," he said, "Sailor Nereid took care of the monster." Sailor Comet smiled.

"I'm glad you came again," she said happily, clasping her hands together, "I could've been killed if you hadn't rescued me." Sailor Nereid rolled her eyes. She could see where this was going.

"Uhm, thanks," Shooting Star said, turning red.

"You know," Sailor Comet said mischievously, "I should do something to repay you!" She drew closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She moved closer, closing her eyes.

"Pathetic," a voice hissed from across the tank, "So it really wasn't Sailor Nereid who had the Silver Crystal after all." The three heroes looked across the tank to see Malachite, standing with the black crystal in his hand. "But don't worry, Sailor Girls," he hissed, "I'll find that Silver Crystal yet. And as for you, Shooting Star..." Star sneered. "You won't be able to protect your little princess next time we meet. I'll see to that," Malachite smirked. He disappeared without another word.

"Hmph," Sailor Comet snorted, "Now, where were we?" She turned around to see Shooting Star... gone. "What!?!", Comet cried, "Now where did he go!?! Grrrrr...." Comet swung around to her partner. "This is all your fault, Nereid!", Comet screamed, raising a fist in the air, "You keep scaring him off! It's that awful face of yours! He takes one look at your face and runs! It's so unfair!!!"

"Hey, it's not my fault!", Nereid shrieked, "He's probably just afraid you'll hit him with that mallet of yours! I would run from you, too!" Comet pulled out a large rice paper fan and swung it at Sailor Nereid.

"The mallet doesn't hurt half as much as the fan!", Comet screamed, pounding her partner with the fan. Nereid fell in the floor. And from their hiding places, Luna and Artemis sighed as they watched the mayhem.

"If only they'd put as much energy into finding the other five Sailor Scouts or fighting the Negaverse," Luna said, exasperated.

"You said it," Artemis agreed.


Misty stepped off the bus with Togepi in her arms and Artemis at her feet. They were back at the Pokemon Center, and just in time for supper, too.

"So, Misty," Artemis said, vaulting up to sit on her shoulder, "Did the day turn out like you expected it to?" Misty laughed a little.

"Well, considering it's become normal for us to get attacked by a monster almost every day," Misty replied, smiling, "I'd have to say that nothing surprised me today." Misty opened the door to the Pokemon Center.

"Sad, huh?", Artemis commented.

"You bet," Misty said, dryly.


"Ahh," Jesse sighed, leaning against the headboard of her bed, "Now, I can finally finish this book in peace!" Luna groaned and laid her head down in her paws. She wished something, anything would happen before Jesse started laughing like a rabid hyena again.

"Jesse," a voice called from the doorway. Jesse looked up to see James standing at her door with a large bowl in his hand.

"Huh?", Jesse asked, "What do you want, James? I'm reading, y'know." James stepped into the room and over to the bed where Jesse sat.

"Oh, I just made this and I was wondering if you wanted any," James said with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Hmm?", Jesse said, craning her neck to see into the bowl, "What have you got? It's almost time for supper, anyway."

"Oh," James said, "I made pudding! Butterscotch pudding!" Jesse turned white.

"What did you say?", Jesse said, nervously.

"Butterscotch pudding," James said, grinning wickedly, "Don't you want any?" Jesse gathered up the books.

"Uh, pudding?", she stuttered nervously, "N-n-n-n-no! I wouldn't want to -um- spoil my dinner or anything! Eh - hehehe." Jesse ran out the door, Luna tagging close behind.

"Drat," James said, watching after them, smirking.

End Episode 6