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Deathshippers Unite!

Awwww, ain't it sweet?
So, what's "Deathshipping", you ask? Crystal Dawn here to fill you in! Okay, if you hadn't noticed, Haunter-sama and I are very close.
*Goldie, Kika, and Camara can be heard laughing in the background*
Hey, shaddup you three! *ahem* Anyway, we're very close. Now I know a few of you out there know just HOW close we are. ^_~ Those special people who think that Haunter-sama and I are/should be a couple are called "Deathshippers" *cause we're just morbid like that*.

*Goldie, Kika, and Camara run in and push CD out of the way*
Goldie: Don't listen to her! Please don't be a Deathshipper! Haunter's an evil jerk!
Crystal Dawn: Hey!
Camara: Please don't encourage them! You'll be an 'enabled' person!
Kika: *sweatdrop* I think Camara means an 'enabler'. What she's trying to say is, if you encourage them, he'll stay around here! And if he's here all the time...
Goldie: He's in good with the Boss... One word from him, and we could be out on the street so he can have CD all to himself!
Kika: They could split us up, or even worse: We'd be out of the team!
Camara: *crying, hugging CD to the point that she can no longer breathe* Don't let him send us awaaaaay!!!
Crystal Dawn: Errr... Here, everyone. Look at some Deathshippy pics while I calm these guys down...

Haunter and Crystal Dawn, Star Wars style
I stole SOMEONE'S cape and fedora!
Two pics Chibi Team Rocket made for me!
My birthday present!
Oh my God! The curtains are on fire!

More pics forthcoming, I swear!
Goldie: *crying* PLEASE don't encourage them! He's mean to us!
Kika:*crying, clutching CD's leg in desperation*He pulls my tail! If they're together, he'll be around here all the time!