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Favorite Fan Authors and Artists

Here's a little spot on my page I've set aside for my favorite fan artists and writers! These are the people who I think have not only a whole lotta talent, but they're also some of the nicest people on the web! Just click on their pic to e-mail them!

Ya gotta have frieeeeeends!
Chibi Team Rocket
One of the best known Team Rocket fan artists on the net, as well as a great friend! Also known as "Queen of Rocketshippers", and if anyone deserves the title, it's her! If you haven't already, go check out her top notch site, The NEW Team Rocket Torture Chamber! It's one of, if not the best Team Rocket site out there! On top of that, she's a fab artist! She's always drawing pics for me and other friends of hers *get Rocket Jesse to show you the "Supreme Goddess" pic one of these days ^_~* If you haven't already, send her an e-mail telling her how great she is!

Look! It's Lina and Nahga! No, wait...
Rocket Jesse
Dubbed "Supreme Goddess of Rocketshippers", mostly due to her extensive fan fic work. If you've not read RJ's fics, and you're a shipper, you're definitely missing something good! *hint, hint! Rocket Jesse's Fanfics ^_~* She also draws kawaii li'l shippy pics! One is in my art gallery! Go look now!

The background's green! What's that mean???  Mintshippers unite!!!
Not only does she do some Pokemon artwork, she also does first rate sword and sorcery and fantasy artwork! Psycat's one of my bestest friends *not to mention a top notch RPer!* Go right now to her page, Psycat's Lair and check out all her wonderful pics! There are quite a few bishy men and chibis there! ^_~

I'm Joxer, Joxer the mighty!
Jaimielee Rocket and Maelstrom
These two are definitely my favorite Team Rocket humor writers. They don't get too shippy, but there's just enough to say it's there. If you haven't read their "Satellite of 'Dite" series yet, you should definitely take about an hour and go through them! Right now! I mean it! Not to mention "No Life Sailors" is a riot! Viva la France!