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Goldie's Wicked Award

So. You want my award. Well, if you think your page is good enough, you're more than welcome to try! I just have a few simple rules:

1)It should probably have something to do with Team Rocket or Pokemon. I mean, it IS "Goldie's Wicked TEAM ROCKET Award", you know. But I'm not opposed to giving it to, say, a Sailor Moon page, or an Utena shrine.
2)Hentai is okay, as long as that's not all the page is about. I'm pretty open-minded about that. (Kika(a la Sailor Venus): Etchi!!!)
3)You have to make it look like you put some effort into it! I know we don't have the best page design in the world, but, hey! it's readable!
4)We like to see music, but if not, it doesn't count against you. Just a suggestion.
5)We want to make sure that you're not just after our award - that means if we go to your page and see twenty-billion awards, we'll know something's up.
6)It would help - HINT, HINT - if there were a link to our page on yours. We're not saying that you wouldn't get it, we're just saying, "How do we know you know who the Hell we are?" Please, people - it's called respect.

Well, those are the rules (sorta, I guess). If you want our award, here's whatcha do: E-mail the Lighthouse at the address below. We need the following information:
Your screenname
Your html
Your page's official title
And your e-mail.
If you win, we'll send you the code for the award. If you take our award without telling us, then you'll just look stupid, 'cuz we're posting the winners and their pages right here. They'll also be on the links page (if you have a banner, send the code for it or a picture file as well). So good luck!

And the winnnnahhhs are....

Team Rocket Hideout by AngelaD
Haunter's Sorry Team Rocket Web Page by Haunter
