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Crystal Dawn's Art Gallery

This is Crystal Dawn, and I'm very excited, because I got a SCANNER!!! *dance**dance* Now I don't have to use the wretched paintbrush system on my computer to draw pics for the web! I can just make them by hand and slap them up here! It's so much easier and they look better, too! I'm still debating on whether or not to accept art from others to put up here. If I get some high-quality artwork, tho, it'll definitely go up. But seeing as how this page is running low on free space, don't be offended if you send me something and I don't put it up, kay? Now... My art gallery!!!

Click to see the pic of your choice!

I stole SOMEONE's cape & fedora!^_^
From my "Sailor Comet" series! Sailor Comet & Sailor Nereid!
The original cast of the Lighthouse!
A watercolor pencil picture I did in art class. It's of one of my favorite subject, too... tea!!!
My evil alter ego, Black Dawn, and my friend Tes fighting in our RPG!
I drew this kawaaaaaaiii little Xellos *of "Slayers Next" and "Slayers Try" fame!*in school when I was bored one day!
I made this one for the spring update! Isn't it sugoi?
My favorite pic of me & Haunter! ^_^ *Swoons. Faints. Dies.*
The Lighthouse gang getting ready for Christmas!

The following are spoiler pages to Sailor Comet Episode 10! If you want to wait on me to finish writing the series *it'll be awhile, believe me!*, then DON'T LOOK! ^_~ But if you want to go ahead and get a sneak peak at the ending, then by all means, click on!

Shooting Star saves Sailor Comet, but the price is high this time...
Malachite gets a little time to gloat....
....But it doesn't last long!
The Comet Princess is reborn!
The color version of the above picture!
JJ, from Sailor Comet, Act II!
JJ's gotta get some of the action, too!

The following pics come from my friend Psycat! Visit her at Psycat's Lair

Chibi Jeddy, bringing us Christmas Cheer!
Chibi Neffy, and his hot cocoa!
Zoiboy's got a Chibi Kunzy! >.< I want one!
Chibi Kunzy's not just got booty... he's got NEGABOOTY!

A pic Chibi Team Rocket made for me for my birthday! It's my favorite pic by another fan artist! Visit her great site, The NEW Team Rocket Torture Chamber!

My birthday present!

Maria Ruiz sent us this! It's supposed to be an illustration to the fic "Cartoons" by Rocket Jesse *which we no longer carry, by the way*


Blaze Rocket's illustrations to my Sailor Comet series!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

Hope you enjoyed it! I'll be adding more, just as soon as I get more made, so keep checking back!