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Can't Hurry Love

Can't Hurry Love
by Angela Donato
[Notes 'n' stuff: This is my first Team Rocket Fanfic. Because this is my first, and I'm mixing it with characters I created, it has the high probability of sucking... hard. Lorne and Raven are MY CHARACTERS, hear me? MY CHARACTERS! That means you can't take 'em and use 'em without MY PERMISSION. This story deals with TR succsess, Articunos, and the relationship between Jessie and James. Now, the stuff: Jessie, James, etc. are property of Nintendo. Lorne and Raven are property of Ratbite Productions <:8)~, which is my little title I use for all the stories I write and videos I make. [insert leagal stuff here] There. That's out of the way.]

"Jessie," said James, "why do we have to break in here like we're criminals?"
"We ARE criminals," she reminded him, "what do you want us to do? Walk in the front door and polietly ask for all their Pokemon?"
"That would be a nice change."
She whacked him over the head with her paper fan.
"Come on, James," meowth said. "If we're going to break into the Pokemon Center, we gotta do it now!" "But aren't all the Pokemon weak and, well, common?"
"Quantity over Quality, James.
"Fifty level 5 pidgeys are going to get us a promotion?"
"Yeah," meowth said.
James shrugged and threw down the rope. He started to climb down onto the pokemon Center roof. Jessie followed. Meowth was left to guard the ballon. The two siletly opened the door on the roof and started down the stairs. They made it to the room with the Pokeballs.
"Wow, lookit all the pokeballs!" James said. She then heard some whispereing in the room.
"Did you hear that, James?" Jessie asked.
"Hmm?" James said, filling his bag with Pokeballs.
"Those voices... you didn't hear them?"
"What voices?" He continued filling his sack.
"I guess you're right." She started to fill her bag too.
About five minutes later Team Rocket's bags were filled to the point where they could hardly carry them.
They started to head up the stairs. When they were grabbed from behind.
"Who sent you?" a voice said in a harsh whisper. "Where are you from?"
"Team Rocket," Jessie said quivering.
"Yeah, that's what they all say. TR wears black uniforms. You guys are in white. Explain that."
"We're high ranking officers."
"What's in the bag."
Scilence. "Ok, so you're telling the truth."
The two rocket's were released. They turned around to face their attackers. They couldn't make out what they looked like because it was dark.
The one who had spoken introduced himself.
"Lorne Phoenix. P.I.A."
"P.I.A.?" James asked. "What does that stand for? Pain in the..."
"We've all heard the joke. Pokemon Intelligence Agency. This is my... partner, Raven." "Hello," she said.
"We work freelance when work is slow," Lorne finished.
"Team Rocket uses us a lot," said Raven. "This was supposed to be our job. Ours alone."
"Which is why we jumped you."
"Oh," said Jessie, "Well, see ya later. Bye!"
Once again the two started to head up the stairs.
"Hey, hold on!" Lorne said.
"We're coming with you!" Raven finished.
"No, you're not!" Jessie said in reply. The two started to run up the stairs.
"Jessie, I'm scared," said James. "What if they're really working for the cops?"
From behind them they heard Lorne yell, "Vaporeon! Blizzard! Block the stairs!"
A wall of ice blocked their path. "Arbok! bust through it!" The Pokemon did as it was told.
They were now being followed up the stairs by Lorne and Raven. They made it to the roof. Jessie jumped on the rope followed by James. "Pull us up, Meowth!" James yelled.
As they reached the basket the other two were on the roof. "Nyah, nyah," Jessie and James said, sticking out their tounges at Lorne and Raven as the ballon flew away from the Pokemon center. As they left, the couldn't quite hear what Lorne yelled, but they didn't care. They were celebrating. They actually succeded!
"We got away with it!" jessie squealed with delight.
"We're gonna be promoted!" said James.
Meowth was looking out of the balloon in the direction they had come from.
"Meowth, aren't you going to go on about how you're going to be the top cat again?"
"Dat guy on da roof back there. I think he yelled 'Articuno.'"
Jessie started, "Arti..."
"Cuno?" James finished.
"Yeah, as in the Legendary Bird Articuno," they heard a female voice say from behind them. They turned around. And there Lorne and Raven were, flying on an Articuno.
"Like him?" said Lorne. "My best and most favorite Pokemon." He hugged the bird's neck. "Now, either we come with you or Arty here will blow out that flame.
"And then what? James asked.
"You fall to your death," Raven answered like it was no big deal.
"Hmm..." Jessie started thinking. "Live or die, live or die..."
"Do you really have to think about this?" James and Meowth yelled.
"OK! Ok, you can come. Why do you want to folllow us so bad?"
He stuck out his tounge in that cute anime/manga way and said, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
Jessie was somehow attracted by his cuteness now that she could see him better. SHe figured he was probably in his early twenties. She wasn't sure why she liked him all of a sudden. Was it his age? No, that never really mattered. Voice, maybe? Lorne's voice was so calm and smooth it was almost hypnotizing. Or was it his scruffy brown hair and those deep, icy blue eyes that you could get lost in. She didn't know why she was attracted to him. She just was. Still... she looked back at James. Something about him too.
Now James was a little attracted to Raven.
Just a little because red-heads were more his type and Raven had this long, flowing black hair. Still she was really pretty and had emerald green eyes, like James'. But still, in his heart, he felt something for Jessie.
Little did the two Rockets know that Lorne and Raven were in a serious relationship with each other. How serious? Engaged serious. They loved each other, like they always had.
Later that night they reached a small cabin that Jessie and James used as a hideout . They were going to sleep on bunk beds, one set was on each side of the room. One for Jessie and James and one for Lorne and Raven.
Raven and Jessie took their turn in the bathroom to get changed for bed. Jessie noticed the ring on Raven's finger.
"That's beautiful," she said.
Raven looked at her ring, "Oh, this?" She smiled. "It's from Lorne. We haven't got a date set yet, but we hope to get married really soon. We're just so busy."
"Yeah, he proposed really sweetly." She sighed. "Just one night, we were walking away from work like we always do. He then hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear 'will you marry me?' It was so sweet."
Jessie smiled and finished brushing her teeth.
"What kind of Pokemon do you like. Lorne's obvious choice is Ice."
"I like fire. I've got a flareon and a charmeleon. I love my flareon." She smiled.
Soon it was Lorne and James' turn.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?"
"Raven. Sometimes I feel so lucky. I mean, she could've said, 'No, I don't want to marry you' but she said 'yes!'"
"You're getting married?"
"If we can pick a date." Lorne splashed his face with water. "Who did you think I was talking about?"
"Hmm? Oh, no one."
"There's someone isn't there?"
"No," James said, quickly. "nobody."
"Come on, you can tell me," Lorne said, sticking his toothbrush in his mouth.
"No, I can't." James rubbed some soap on his face.
Lorne laughed. "It's Jessie, isn't it?" he said after he spit in the sink. "Don't say no. I see the way you look at her. We're assigned to follow you. Me and Raven."
James blushed and changed the subject. "How good of a Pokemon trainer are you?" "Seven badges. The Viridian Gym leader is never there. I heard he uses ground-type. I'll have no problem. There have been many times I've thought about just taking the test."
"Why don't you?"
"I just don't think it proves anything. The badge thing takes a bunch of hard work raising and training but the test just takes a night of cramming and cliff notes. Anybody could do it. I also like the rush of battling more than sitting there figureing out what design goes on what pokemon."
James laughed.
"What's so funny."
"The boss is the Viridian City Gym Leader."
"You're kidding."
James shook his head.
Later the four were in their beds. "Yes?" he replied.
"Come here and say goodnight."
Lorne climbed down from the top bunk and went to his fiance's side.
"You know I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world, right?"
"Yeah," she said sweetly.
"Because I do." He kissed her forehead. Then her cheek and then her lips. "Goodnight," he said, climbing back up the ladder.
James waiting a few minutes until he was pretty sure Lorne and Raven were asleep. He looked over the railing at Jessie below him. His hair moved to expose his ears. "Jessie?" He whispered. "Jessie?"
"What?" She replied, obviously grumpy.
"Do you think we can ever be like them?"
"Like what?"
"Do you think that... maybe I'll ever have to tell you goodnight by saying you're the most beautiful woman in the world and then kissing you?"
Jessie didn't respond. She sat up and looked at him. She pushed his lavender-blue hair and it swayed back and forth. She kissed his forehead. "Don't be silly, James. We're friends forever. I don't think we'll ever be anything more." she said at last, lying back down.
"Oh," he mumbled as he lied back.
"You're my best friend, if it means anything."
"I'd just rather marry you," he mumbled.
"Wh-what did you say?"
"You heard me. One day my parents are going to catch up with me and force me to marry Jessibelle. If I could just..." he sighed. "Nevermind. You being my friend means a lot to me."
"Goodnight, James."
"Goodnight, Jessie."

5 years later

His parents did catch up to him and were forcing him to marry Jessibelle. He didn't want to, but they were forcing him.
Over the five year period since that night, he had gotten to know Lorne very well and was at his and Raven's wedding. James had seen Lorne earlier today, sneaking into the back of the estate. Lord knows what he was planning.
Lorne, a Pokemon master now, did have a plan. He knew how much James loved Jessie and he would do what he had to do to get them together.
The ceremony was a long greuling process for James. Soon it was coming down to his final moments of freedom.
He looked at Jessibelle's bridesmaids. Who were they? Suddenly one winked at him and he recognized it was Raven. She motioned with her boquet up to the roof of Growlie's doghouse. Lorne was standing on the roof. Luckily no one noticed him. It looked like he was holding a Pokeball. Articuno.
The pastor started, "Do you, Jessibelle, take this man James as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"And do you James, take this woman, Jessibelle, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
He paused and looked up at the roof. Lorne was about to throw the pokeball.
"James," jessiebelle pleaded.
"I...I..." Lorne threw the Pokeball. "DON'T!" He yelled with pride as Articuno swooped down and picked him up. He hugged the bird's neck. "Thanks Arty." The bird turned back to pick up its master. Alongside flew Raven on her Charizard.
"I'll hold 'em off. You go get Lorne," she said. james flew away.
"Alright, Charizard," she said, patting the Pokemon's back. "Here we go! Fire spin! keep all of them in the same area." Aritcuno landed on the roof of the doghouse. James got off. "There's something I have to get," he said. He climbed down to a windowsil. He opened the window and yelled, "Growly!" The Growlithe came to the window. James pulled out an extra Pokeball. "Growly, will you get in the Pokeball, please? Come with me."
"Growlithe!" It said happily as james opened the Pokeball and Growly went inside.
James kissed the Pokeball. "Thanks, Growly." He climbed back to the roof.
"Ready, Jim?" Lorne yelled. James got on Articuno and nodded. "Sit tight, hold on and don't yell!."
The flew off the roof at an increible speed. They were joined by Raven. "Charizard's attack isn't going to hold out much longer," she warned. "And soon they're going to be able to get through and counter attack us."
Lorne thought for a second. "Circle around. When it goes out, I'll take care of it."
They circled around the crowed. The fire fizzled out. "OK! ARTICUNO! ICE BEAM! Enclose the area in ice!"
The Articuno did as it was told and they flew away.
"Thank you!" James said.
"No problem," Lorne said.
"It was fun," said Raven.
"Now, to get you to Jessie."
They flew for a minute until Raven said, "Lorne, there's something I have to tell you..."
"What is it?" He said, softly, sounding worried.
"Remember when I went to the doctor's the other day?"
"Uh-huh. What about it." Lorne's eyes were filled with worry.
"Well, he said that, " He smiled a little and then looked Lorne in the eye. "I'm pregnant."
Lorne paused. He then smiled. "Remind me to kiss you when we land."
She giggled, "Like you'd forget."
"Um, I hate to break up this touching moment, but I forgot my Team Rocket uniform."
Lorne laughed. "Don't worry. I wouldn't forget. I've got it with me."

"I miss James," Jessie mumbled. Everything these past few weeks had reminded her of him.
"Cheer up, Jess," said Meowth. "We'll get by."
"It just won't be the same anymore," she said. She sighed. "At least he's with his family." A tear fell in her tea. "Thanks, Meowth. He was just my best friend. That's all." She held one of the roses he had left behind. She looked out the window. She saw two flying objects circling the hideout. "Meowth, get me the binoculars."
He did. Jessie put them up to her eyes. "It's Lorne's Articuno and Raven's Charizard! Who's that on Articun... JAMES! MEOWTH! LORNE'S GOT JAMES!!!!" She ran out of the house giggling and waving up at the sky.

"Hey! There's Jessie!" James yelled. "Land, land!" they started to decend. As soon as they were fairly close to the ground, James jumped off Articuno and ran to Jessie. They hugged.
"I missed you," she said.
"Me too."
They backed away from each other. The looked in each others eyes and then he kissed her.

Lorne and raven watched from a distance.
"Looks like our job's done," Raven said.
"We'll see them again. I'm sure of it.
"Look how cute they are together." "Let's go home."
They walked away.

[YAY! My first finished fanfic! (Lotsa cheering in the background) What didja think? E-mail me. Did it suck? Was it good? Do you want more? (Like, what happened in that five year period, where did Lorne get his Aticuno, etc.)? Then E-mail me!!!]

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