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Disclaimer stuph: Okay, here's what happened. Me & AurynTR were sitting around, Instant Messenger-ing, and I was playing the song 'Lucky Lucky' on my comp. Now, for some reason, after the first verse of this song, there's a noise like someone chewing on celery. After much soul-searching, we deduced that it was either one of three things: 1. Kojiro had actually decided to take a celery break, 2. Kojiro finally went off the deep end and began eating the Victreebel's head, or 3. the chewing noise and 'Lucky Lucky' is actually the mating call of the wild Kojiro! Following the 3rd line of reasoning, we created the following story. And by the way, for those of you who are Japanese illiterate, these are the name translations: Kojiro/James, Musashi/Jesse, Nyase/Meowth, Satoshi/Ash, Kasumi/Misty, Takashi/Brock, Rumika/Jessebelle, and Toru/Snap or Todd. And none of these characters belong to anyone I know, so ^;^. Oh, and there are a lot of these o.O faces in here.

National Geographic Explorer Presents: The Wild Kojiro!

*Freeky 'National Geographic' music starts playing*

*Nyase is taking a walk through the woods, by himself. Suddenly, he hears an odd chewing sound coming from camp and decides to return, thinking that maybe the Victreebel finally ate Kojiro whole. Or maybe it's a pack of wild Zenigame(Squirtle) or something. At any rate, he returns to camp early, and when he gets there....*

Nyase: O.O

Musashi: \_/

*Unbeknownst to either Nyase or Musashi, the funny chewing noise is actually the mating call of the wild Kojiro! There are about 20 wild Kojiro in the camp, all wearing loin cloths, dancing around Musashi, whom they've tied to a pole. The Rocket Gang Kojiro is either one of them or nowhere in sight*

Musashi:/o\ Dammit, Nyase! Get me offa this pole!

Nyase: O.o

Kojiros:^_^ Koji-Koji! Ko-ko-kojiro!

Nyase: O.o So, um. What happened, Musa-chan?

Musashi: >.< Kojiro was singing his cute little 'Lucky' song and then he started making this funny chewing noise...

Kojiros:^_^ Kojiro! *start making the funny chewing noise*


Musashi: >.<...Then all these other Kojiros jumped out of the bushes and Kojiro got out this loin cloth, and they tied me to the pole!

Kojiros:^_^ Kojiro! *keep making the funny chewing noise*

Nyase: O.o

Musashi: >.< What does that chewing noise mean, Nyase!?! Why do they keep doing that!?! Why do you make that face when they do that?

Kojiros:^_^Kojiro! *keep making the funny chewing noise*

Nyase: O.o That's their mating call, Musashi.

Musashi: -.O So, they're going to mate with each other??? *thinks about that for a second* X.X

Kojiros:^_^Kojiro! *keep making the funny chewing noise. One Kojiro stops dancing and starts inspecting Musashi's legs*

Nyase: O.o No. They wanna mate with you.

Musashi: O.O

Kojiro#1: *continues inspecting Musashi's legs*^_^ Kojiro!

Musashi: \_/ *kicks Kojiro #1 in the head several times* Eeeeee!!! Etchi!!! Pervert!!! *continues kicking Kojiro#1 in the head*

Nyase: O.o

Kojiro#1: X_x *another Kojiro stops dancing and taps Kojiro#1 on the shoulder. Kojiro#2 doesn't look happy*

Kojiro#2: >.< Koji-ko! Kojiro!

Musashi: O.o What're they doing now, Nyase!?! *all the Kojiros stop dancing and watch Kojiro#1 and #2. The two Kojiros start fighting*

Nyase: O_o I think they're establishing who's the dominant one. Or something.

Musashi: -.-???

Nyase: O_o They're trying to see which one gets to mate with you.

Musashi: O.O *starts kicking Kojiro#1 and Kojiro#2* >.< NANI!?!?!! Eeeeeeeee!!!!! Hentai!!! Etchi!!!

Kojiro#1: x_X

Kojiro#2: X_x

*Meanwhile, another group of travelers is making their way through the woods. Satoshi, Kasumi, Takashi, and Pikachu hear an odd chewing noise and decide to go investigate*

Satoshi: I wonder what that sound was...

Takashi: It sounds like a herd of wild pokemon.

Kasumi: But I've never heard pokemon that sound like that...

Pikachu: o^_^o Chu!!!

*The four travelers come to the Rocket Gang's camp. There they see two Kojiros fighting, about 18 more standing around, Musashi tied to a large pole, and Nyase sitting around watching the whole spectacle*

Takashi: O.o

Kasumi: O.o

Satoshi: ^_^ That looks like a new pokemon! *points Dexter the Pokedex at the herd of Kojiros*

Takashi: O.o It looks like a bunch of Kojiros.

Kasumi: O.o As if one wasn't bad enough.

Dexter: Kojiro - Rarely seen in the wild. Are known to travel in packs of up to 30. They are well known for their love of red-headed women, and will often refuse to mate with anything else.

Kasumi: O.O I'm not going over there.

Takashi: -_- You don't have anything to worry about. Your hair's orange.

Satoshi: ^_^ I'm gonna catch one!

Kasumi: O.o

Takashi: O.o

Satoshi: ^_^ Go get 'em, Pikachu!

Pikachu: o^_^oV Pika! *runs over and gives Kojiro#2 a hefty Thundershock* o\./o CHHHUUUUU!!!!!

Satoshi: ^_^ All right! *throws a monster ball, which slams into Kojiro#2's forehead and catches him inside* I caught a Kojiro!^_^V

Kasumi: O.o Scary.

Takashi: O.o Disturbing.

Musashi: >.< Hey! Those're my Kojiros! You can't have any!!!

Kojiros: ^_^Kojiro! Ko-ko-kojiro!

Satoshi: ^;- Well, this one's mine now! And I'm keeping it!

Kasumi and Takashi: O.o

*all four run off into the woods, leaving Musashi with her herd of Kojiros, minus one*

Musashi: >.< Well what do we do now!?! They might've caught our Kojiro!

Nyase: -_-

Musashi: \_/ Get me down offa this pole unless you want even more little Kojiros running around!

Kojiros: ^_^ Kojiro! Ko-ko-kojiro!!! KOJIRO! ^_^

Nyase: O.O *thinks about the alternative for a second, then decides to untie Musashi. Those Kojiros are starting to look a little TOO happy. They start making the chewing noise again*

Musashi: \_/ Stop that!!! *whacks them all over the head with her rice paper fan* ....baka....Now, we've got to find my - I mean - our Kojiro. *goes over to Kojiro#1* Are you my Kojiro?

Kojiro#1: O_O *starts making the chewing noise*

Musashi: >.< Stoppit!!! *whacks him over the head with the fan and goes over to Kojiro#3* Are you my Kojiro?

Kojiro#3: O_O *starts making the chewing noise*

Musashi: >.< Grrrr.... *hits Kojiro#3 over the head with the fan*

*meanwhile, the other four travelers have stopped to inspect Satoshi's newest catch*

Satoshi: ^_^ Wow! A Kojiro of my very own!

Kasumi: O.o

Takashi: -_- Are you sure you should've taken him? That might be the Rocket Gang's Kojiro. And they all seemed pretty attached to Musashi...

Satoshi: ^_^ Nah, what're the chances...? *takes out the Kojiro's monster ball* Kojiro, come out! *A Kojiro appears sitting cross-legged in front of them, still wearing just a loin cloth*

Kojiro: /o\ Where am I??? What happened??? Where's Musashi??? Where's Nyase??? How did I get in a pokeball???

Satoshi: O.o uh oh.

Kasumi: O.o

Takashi: O.o

Pikachu: oO.Oo

Satoshi: O.o So... Ummm... Kojiro-san... What's with the loin cloth?

Takashi: O.o Umm.... Why were there twenty other Kojiros at your camp?

Kasumi: O.o And... Umm... Why did you guys have Musashi tied to a big pole?

Kojiro: O_o heh. heh. *gets incredibly embarrassed look on his face* Well, Musa-chan and me were in camp and Nyase went for a walk.... and... well... you know.... *pushes fingers together in that cute little anime way*

Satoshi: -_- umm. No. What...?

Kasumi and Takashi: O.o

Kojiro: O_o Well, one thing led to another and... well....

Kasumi: O.o more information...

Takashi: O.o than I needed to know....

Satoshi: -_- What?

Kojiro: ^_^ I sang the 'Lucky' song for her!

Kasumi and Takashi: o.o huh?

Kojiro: >.< And then all these other Kojiros jumped out of the bushes and went nuts when they saw Musashi and tied her up and gave me a loin cloth.

Kasumi: o.o This just keeps getting stranger and stranger...

Pikachu: oO.oo Pi. Ka.

Satoshi: -_- I don't get it.

Takashi: -_- I'll explain it to you when you're older....

Kojiro: >.< And then all the other Kojiros wanted to mate with her, but I wouldn't let them...

Kasumi: O.o

Takashi: O.o

Pikachu: oO.oo

Satoshi: O.O!!!

Kasumi: -_- Delayed reaction, Satoshi?

Satoshi: O.O!!! *paralyzed at the thought of a little Musa/Koji creature running around*


Takashi: -_-So, if you're actually supposed to be a wild pokemon, then what about your family??? Is your dad a Kojiro, too?

Kojiro: -.o Yeah. Mother's hair used to be a pre-e-ety red color, but it turned purple as she got older. She caught Father and trained him. When they tried to make me marry Rumika, they were always curious why I didn't sing the 'Lucky' song to her.

Kasumi: o.o So, um. Why didn't you?

Kojiro: /o\ARE YOU KIDDING??? She's psychotic! And she's not a real red-head, either.

Takashi: o.^ How do you know?

Kojiro: ^.^.....

Takashi: o.O Never mind.

Satoshi: O.O!!!*still paralyzed at the thought of a little Musa/Koji creature, but now thinking about a little Rumi/Koji creature running around as well* O.O!!!

Kasumi: O.O!!!*a little quicker than Satoshi, thinking about the meaning of the above comments and the Rumi/Koji creature*O.O!!!

Takashi: >.< *thinking* What's his secret??? How can I get women to chase me around like that???

Kojiro: ^_^ So, can I go now? I wanna get back to camp and get rid of all the other Kojiros.

Takashi: -_- Well, I guess. Satoshi's too incapacitated at the moment to say okay, but just go ahead. We can't afford to feed you anyway.

Kojiro: ^_^ Thankies!!! I'm going to reclaim my territory now! Byeeee!!! *skips off humming 'Lucky Lucky'*

Satoshi and Kasumi: O.O!!!*still paralyzed at the thought of the Musa/Koji and Rumi/Koji creatures*O.O!!!

Takashi: O.o Well. That was weird.

*Kojiro skips along for a little ways before hearing that weird chewing noise. He begins to look very jealous as he heads back into camp. He finds Nyase knocked out cold on the ground and Musashi surrounded by about 18 or 19 happy le-e-ettle Kojiros. Musashi herself doesn't look too happy*

Musashi: >.< I'm your master now, and I told you to sit and quit giving me that weird noise!!!

Kojiros: ^_^ Kojiro! Ko-ko-kojiro!!! *start making the chewing noise*

Musashi: \_/ DAMMIT!!!! *notices the newest Kojiro to wander into camp* Not another one. -_-

Kojiro: \_/ You guys go home!!! *points his finger out of camp*

Musashi: O.o ???

Kojiros: >.< Ko-ji! Ro-ro-kojiro!!! *get mean looks on their faces and then... >;<*

Kojiro: \_/ Get outta my camp!!! *stomps foot for emphasis*

Musashi: O.o???

Nyase: @_@

Kojiros: >.< Kojiro!!! Ro-ko-ro-jiro!!!

Kojiro: \_/ No, you can't have Musashi! She's my red-head!!!*the other Kojiros start getting depressed looks on their faces and look up to Musashi. She puts her hands on her hips and taps her foot*

Musashi: \_/ He's right!!! Now get outta here before I hit you with the fan again!!! *raises rice paper fan menacingly. The other Kojiros run out of camp scared*

Nyase: @_@ *the Kojiros knocked him out cold*

Kojiro: ^_^ Hi, Musa-chan! I came back!!!*walks over to Musashi*

Musashi: o.O???

Kojiro: ^_^ Satoshi couldn't afford to feed me, so they let me go!

Musashi: O_o

Kojiro: ^_^ Nyase is unconscious?

Musashi: ^_^

Kojiro: ^_^ *starts making that weird chewing noise*

*meanwhile, in the bushes, Toru is rolling tape on his new camcorder*

Toru: ^_^ I can get a pre-e-e-etty penny from National Geographic for this film!

*A happy ending is had by all. Except Nyase - he got knocked out by the wild Kojiros. But he's better off being unconscious right now. ^_^ And we can still hear that funny chewing noise coming from somewhere...O.o.*

*Freeky 'National Geographic' music plays again*

The End