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Once Loved

By: Mina

Disclaimer: None of the characters in this fanfic belong to me, which

is too bad. Sucks to be me, rules to be Toshihiro Ono.

Note: For once, I'm writing a serious fic. Don't make fun of me. A note

to all the James lovers out there (myself included), don't hate me. This fic

is kind of what it would be like in Team Rocket if it were, well, you know, a

non-crime type orginization. Jessie might be a little off key, but that's the whole

point. Please enjoy!

Jessie sighed. She just didn't feel like going to the new Team Rocket training

course. It was almost like going to school all over again! The only thing you did

in there was learn about the new 150 Pokemon the industry had just discovered

and how to manipulate and capture them. There was Waninko, Alligates, Hinoarashi,

Magmarashi, Chikolita and Bay Leaf. They were all ugly looking freak-type Pokemon.

Plus, she knew James wasn't going to be there. It had been a whole year and three

months (she counted these things) since she started having a thing for him. But that

'thing' quickly grew into love. It had also been five months since James decided to go

in the Team Rocket Pokemon League, made specially for Team Rocket members all

over the world. The members of their Team Rocket were going to some place about

four hours away. 'A bunch of stupidness if you ask me,' Jessie thought. 'I wish James

wasn't in that stupid thing. He doesn't have anything to prove!' Jessie didn't know if James

actually knew she worshipped the ground he walked on, and she didn't really care who knew.

Actually, the only person who knew was her friend, Cassidy. She had become Cassidy's friend

after she and Butch had busted out of jail for the second time. They got over their differences

and became the best of friends (again). Jessie sat up in her bed and looked around. You weren't

allowed to have much in your room since Team Rocket was supposed to be such a sophisticated

orginization. In her room, Jessie had a few posters and a tiny laptop computer, which she was

supposed to use for reaserching Pokemon but instead she spent all her time chatting on MIRC.

Her eyes set on her South Park poster. She remembered when she and James went on a mission

before the whole Pikachu ordeal and they were sitting bored in a hotel. Since James loved the tv so much, he decided to channel surf and landed on South Park. They were so unused to this kind

of humour that they were both soon addicted to the show. She looked at her laptop. She laughed

aloud. She remembered the time James tried to fix it after she threw it at Meowth. It was so

badly dammaged she had to get it fixed by a professional! She looked down at herself and closed

her eyes, already thinking of the boredom which awaited her at the course. It was almost 7:10am, and she decided to get up after all.

When she finally got to the course, James was already gone. She noticed a bunch of colorful banners all around the head quarters. 'Of course! Today is the big tournament!' she thought. Team Rocket was very serious about the whole Team Rocket Pokemon League thing.

What mattered most was winning, and they had been doing a lot of that lately. James was getting

a lot better at catching Pokemon when he and Jessie had missions. Jessie looked at the last banner. In large red letters, it read: James, Sector 8. Jessie was in Sector 8, too! Sector 8 was THEIR sector! Oh, how Jessie loved seeing James's name. She looked at her watch. It was 8:30am and the course was about to start. Five minutes. The day was going to be a long, boring one.

Jessie looked around her class. Cassidy sat next to her. James was supposed to be sitting in front of her, as well as Butch in front of Cassidy. Butch had only joined the League three months ago and already he was this Team Rocket's champ. Cassidy was very proud of her man, even if he wasn't really her man yet. The guy who tought the class was an old bag, about 50 years old, big glasses and a red and white Team Rocket uniform. Not very attractive. Jessie started wondering if James was thinking about her. The Team probably wouldn't even be at the tournament yet. The bell finally rang for break. She and Cassidy got up from their seats and went down to the lounge.

"Isn't that class the most boring thing you've ever encountered?" Cassidy asked.

"Definetly. Cassidy, do you think James is thinking about me right now?" Jessie asked.

"I wouldn't doubt it, Jessie. Do you miss him?" she asked.

"Of course I do!!! What kind of a question is THAT?!" Jessie asked. She then realized she had overreacted at her friend. "Sorry, Cass. Do you miss Butch?"

"I sure do!" Cassidy said with a smile.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Not much had been learned today, exept for the regions where the new Pokemon would be found. The last part of the course was given to certain members. Since Jessie's experteese was stealing electric-type Pokemon, she took the electric portion of the class. Cassidy had water. Jessie missed James even more now. He should be sitting right next to her! She couldn't wait to see him. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Jessie had the same teacher she had all day. He stumbled to the door and opened it. He disappeared in the hall for a while and came back in the class followed by the Boss.

"Class, may I have your attention, please?" the teacher asked, white as a sheat.

He didn't even have to ask. He already had the whole class's attention.

"Giovanni has something important to tell you," the teacher said and moved asside as Giovanni went in front of the class. It was obvious he was trying to keep his cool, but his eyes told the truth.

'...the hell?' thought Jessie.

"Team, I have some bad news for you..." Giovanni started.

"What, the cafeteria burned down?" someone yelled.

"This is serious," Giovanni said. "Today, our most prosperous Team mates went off to a tournament. I'm sorry, Team, but they didn't make it." Giovanni finished.

"The bus broke down again?" Jessie innocently asked.

"Not this time, Jessie. They had an accident. Twelve are injured, three are dead. Kyle from sector 22, Frederic from secter 12 and James from secter 8." Giovanni said as he turned to exit the room. He needed to go to the water class, the fighting class and all the other classes to spread the news.

'No...' thought Jessie. 'No...'

The room was spinning all around her, her head hurt with a wild pain. His name ran through her mind over and over again. James... James! The news had hit her like a ton of bricks, but she couldn't feel any emotional pain, just the spinning, the dizziness, the head ache, the heart ache...

When Jessie snapped out of her dream-like state, she looked around the class. All of the girls in the class were crying, even some of the guys, too. In Team Rocket, you were never supposed to cry, not even at the event of a death. But there's an exeption to every rule. Jessie couldn't take it. She got out of her seat and ran out of the class. She ran down the hall, headed towards the door. She didn't know where she was running, but she was sure as hell she was running somewhere. Before she could reach the outside, she ran next to the grass class. Giovanni was spreading the news. Jessie knew that James's cousin, Iris, was in that class. Jessie stopped running to watch. Giovanni had delivered the blow. She heard Iris scream. Iris broke down crying and fell to the floor of the class. She cried and screamed as the whole class watched in horror, a few girld running to where Iris had fallen to comfort her. Jessie finally realized it was the truth, not a dream. Someone had taken James away from her without even asking. Her head pounded with pain. She got dizzy again. Her throat lurched with pain as it curled up into an invisible noose. Her eyes began to sting and hurt, and she finally felt the tears stream down her face. She fell to the ground and fainted.

Two weeks later, there was a ceremony to honnor the memories of the now four deceased Team Rocket members. Brian from secter 16 had a massive head trauma and couldn't get through. Jessie sat next to Cassidy, her eyes red and burning from all the tears that had fallen over the 14 days. Her normally lively blue eyes were now crimson and sore, not being able to cry anymore. Jessie felt like screaming, screaming to James, her James, how much she loved him. But she had, in her room. She screamed at Cassidy, at Meowth, she screamed at all her other friends and members, at the swollen-faced image in the mirror.

Jessie could never, in the deepest part of her heart and mind, forget about James. She couldn't stop thinking about him. She had seen him in her dreams, in her nightmares, on the streets, everywhere. She was locked inside her own mind with memories of James. For all the times she and James had hugged, had cried together, had laughed together, had been scared together, Jessie screamed even louder in her mind.

"It is standard procedure for all the members of Team Rocket to fill out their hopes and dreams in the future of stealing Pokemon and doing evil things on memorial documents. Here are other members of the Team, reading the lost member's memoires." Giovanni said. He didn't look like he cared much, probably because that's how leaders of evil orginizations are supposed to look.

Out in a wheelchair was Cassidy's love, Butch. He couldn't walk because of his injured spine, but the doctors said he would surely walk again. He was to read Kyle's memoires. When he finished, out walked a fellow member, Micheal, in a sling, and read Brian's memoires. Then, another fellow member, Rob, limped out to read Frederic's memoires. Finally, James's memoires were read by Giovanni.

"My name is James. I want to be in Team Rocket because I love to be evil. I like Pokemon

and I can steal them and train them because that's what I like to do. I'm a good runner and

I look good in skirts, and I am also the master of disguise. In the future, I wish to be married

to the most beautiful girls I know, Jessie. I've loved her since I've first layed eyes on her,

and my final wish is to be with her. I can also cook." Giovanni finished. He had a small smile

on his face, dedicated to James.

People laughed, for James's sense of humour was well-known. Jessie simply smiled. It was all

she needed to hear. She had never been so happy in all her life.


I hope you enjoyed my story! Isn't it pretty? It was easy to write, because most of this

story has to do with my life. I'm despratly in love with a guy from my school who plays

hockey, but he didn't die. He DID almost die, but I don't like to think about that. This

story is dedicated to him and to all the other people out there who have lost someone they

love. Thanks!