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Planes of Existence


"Picture time!" Meiya said cheerfully as she reached into her cargo

pants pocket and pulled out a camera. Team Rocket stood together,

well-slept, washed and happily posing, which was their favorite thing to


"You too, Renée." Meiya said, "You were there too." Renée stepped

up, pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and sat on the ground at Team

Rocket's feet, with Meowth and her Temporeon on her lap. Meiya set the

camera on auto and ran to sit beside Renée. The picture snapped and they

all grinned together.

"Well, I guess I should send you two home, huh?" Meiya asked.

"I guess." James said, scratching his head and looking a little sad

to leave. Jessi hugged Meiya and Renée gravely shook hands with James.

"It was very nice to meet you, I hope we meet again." Renée said to

him. He smiled and nodded.

They stood on the floor in the middle of Meiya's room and Meiya

ordered her Temporeon to take them home. The mist enveloped them and they


Instantly Renée grabbed the back of Meiya's shirt and hiked her up.

"Meiya, how could you have that cute guy in this house for a whole

day and not tell me?" Renée demanded.

"I didn't think you'd care." Meiya whimpered.

"How could you think I wouldn't care! And you're giving me a copy of

that picture....." Renée continued to pick on her sister, as Temporeon sat

and scratched its neck.

Team Rocket landed in the middle of a group of bush people wearing

loincloths, who instantly picked them up and hoisted them onto their


"H-Hey, I don't remember these guys being at home..." James mumbled

in fright.

"I-I know..." Jessi mumbled.

"Which Temporeon sent us here?" Meowth grumbled, "Was it that

stubborn one who wouldn't listen?!"

"I don't know!" James shrieked, as they tied him and Jessi to a pole

and started to suspend them over a fire. Meowth was tied to a different

pole by the fire.

"James, how will we survive this one?" Jessi asked in a frightened


"I don't know Jessi!" he said, throwing his arms around her as she

threw her arms around him.

And so, clutched together in terror, suspended over a fire with bush

people dancing a primal dance around them, Team Rocket and Meowth screamed

in unison, "MEIYYYYAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! RENÉÉEEEEE!!!!!"

The End

Author's Note: I'm so proud, I finally have a whole story on the net

and people can read it!

I don't own Jessi, James, Meowth, Ash, Misty, Brock or any of the

other stuff 'cept the Time Stone, Temporeon (and any other evolved form

with the Time Stone) and Meiya, Renée and any other character who usually

isn't on the show!

If you like this story write me at ^_^

Hope you liked it, though, cuz I worked long and hard on it (like a

whole half a week! -_-*) Well, whatever.