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Pokemon Vs. 007

Pokemon Vs. James Bond 007 Cast and The President of the United Sates of America
By Jim Tiroch

It was anther day in Saffron City. Our heros Ash, Misty, broak and Pikachu are just outside of Saffron City when the came across Jigglypuff.
"Jiggly! Jigglypuff, Puff Puff!" Jigglypuff Said
"Hey! It's Jigglypuff! Said Misty
Just than, Jaws Ran by with Mr. Bond In Pursue.
"I regenize those two from a movie!" Said Ash
"I know who it is" Said Misty "Its James Bond and Jaws!"
"Jiggly?" Responded Jigglypuff
"Pikachu?" Said Pikachu
Yes, it is James Bond and Jaws, But our heros do not know why thy are in Saffron City.
"Dunno why they are here Pikachu" Broak Said
"I Do not know, but I am going to capture them" Ash Said
"?" Responded Misty and Broak
"Pika?" Pikashu said
"Jigglypuff?" Responded Jigglypuff
"PIKACHU!" responded Pickachu
"PIKAAAAAAA"(thunderbolt stricks both bond a Jaws)
"YOUCH!!!!!!!" 007 screamed
"YAAAAAAAAAHH!' Jaws yelled
"SQURTILE, I CHOSE YOU!" yelled ash
"Squrtile, Squrtile, SPRAY!!!!" responded Squrtile
"HEY, do I know you to? said Meowth
"Shut up you numskull! Its Jerry Springer and Mario! Said James
"NO!, Its Bond and Jaws" said Jessica
"Prepare For Trouble" Said Jessica
"And Make it Double Double" Said James
"To protect The world from Devastation" Said Jessica
"To unit all peaple within our Nation" Said James
"To pronounce evil of truth and love" Said Jessica
"To extend the reach our reach of the Stars above use" Said James
"Thats Right!" Said James
"Team Rocket blast's off at the speed of light" Said Jessica
"Surrender now or Prepare to Face us All! Said James
"Who are they?" Asked Jaws To Bond
"I think the said Team Team Rock." Said Bond
"COUGHING! I CHOSE YOU! yelled James
"COUGHING!" Yelled Coughing
"ONIX! I CHOOSE YOU! Yelled Broak"
Before Mr. Bond and Jaws knew it, they were being attacked by Pokemon. Then out of No were, Naytala Came out shooting the Rocket Launcher. The sounds of the rocket Launcher signaled danger, and Mewtwo, Pikablue, Riachu, Jigglypuff, Charmilion, and Snorlax came to the rescue, and started to battle Mr. Bon, Jaws, and Naytala. Just as they arrived, OddJob saw what was happening and ran to the rescue and started firing the Silenced PP7, one bullet hit Mewtwo, but Mewtwo recovered instantly. The Gun shots were herd by Primeape, Hitmochan, and Hitmonee. They Came to the rescue.
"This is a all out war!!!!!!!" Said ash
"Pika Pika" Pikachu said
Just then, out of know were, The President of the United States Came out and started to chokeslaming Pokemon. As he was doing that, WCW star "Goldburg" Cameout and started doing moves on everyone. Then, Meowth threw a bomb out there, but the President threw it back.
"I do not like the looks of this" Said James
"Looks Like Team Rocket is Blasting off Again!!!!!!!!!-=Ping=-
"BANG!" Mr. Bond shot the golden Gun.
"YOUCH!" yelled Jaws as the Golden Bullet hits Jaws
"Why did you do that? Asked Jaws
"I was aming for that...umm, yellow Mouse with red cheaks" responded Mr. Bond
"PIKAAAACHUUUUUUU!" Pikachu said as he started elcticuding 007.
"Oooooooooooooooo"moned Bond "What Happened?"
"You were Jus electracuted by that yellow Mouse with Red Cheaks" Said oddjob
"PIKAAAACHUUUUUUU!" Pikachu yelled as he started Electricuding oddjob
"Oooooooooooooooo" responde Oddjob, What Happened?
"You were Just Electricuted" Said Jaws
"By the way guys, His Name is Pikachu" Said Ash
"Hey ash, What happened to Team Rocket? Ask Misty
"Remeber that Big Explosion???" Responded Ash
"Yeah, What about it" Said Misty
"That was Team Rockets Demise from this what was war" Said Ash
"oh" Responded Misty
Ash throws a pokeball at the two, Mr. Bond and Jaws are Captured. But then he got the Coughing from Coughing. But before they were captured Mr. Bond shot the Golden Gun and hitting the mountian. Misty caught The president, Broak Cought Goldburg, and Ash coaght the Goldeneye Cast.
The End

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