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Pikachu Taking The Right Path.... To Team Rocket?

Pikachu Taking The Right Path.... To Team Rocket?

"Pikachu where are you going?"
PikaPiPikachuPikaPikaPikachu {I gotta find my way, Ash, I have to find my way}
::Pikachu walks away from Ash::
"No, Pikachu...."
We journeyed to where Pikachu was headed, to Team Rocket!
"Shut up James, why are you so happy!?"
"Oh no reason Jess, is there suppose to be a reason!"
::Jesse thonks James on the head with a frying pan::
"Tell me!"
"Okay, okay, I saw Pikachu following us!"
"You did!" ::Jesse hops around with James::
"The Pikachu can be rightfully ours! Whoop-Dee-Do!"
"Your right Jesse! It's our since we got dumped from that stupid Giovinni, the Pikachu is OURS!"
::Pikachu walks up to James::
PikaPiPikachu? {Will you be my trainer??}
"Meowth what is it saying?"
"Oh, it's just saying, Will you be my trainer... nothing really important..."
"What!? Pikachu wants me to be his trainer, whoop-dee-doo!"
"Sure, Pikachu!"
::James throws his empty pokeball::
"PikaByePika!" {Bub-Bye}
"Jesse, you can have the Pikachu...."
"But.... James you deserves it!"
"Jess... I know, but you helped me through everything so you deserve it, I don't know why, but I know that you should have it!"
"Okay James, I'll take it, I can't let you down!"
(Those emerald eyes, they're so cute!)
"Thanks Jesse, I knew you would understand!"
::James give Jesse a kiss on the cheek::
::Jesse blushed::
"Soooo... now what are we going to do??"
"I don't know...."
"Should we let the Pikachu out of the pokeball?"
"Yeah, I think that we should, James....."
"Come out little successful Pikachu!"
"PikaPiPikiHiHiHiHi!" {Hi, I don't like being in a pokeball!}
"Oh sorry, Pikachu, we forgot..."
"PikaPikachuPiPikachuPikachu!" {I came here because I don't know if I'm good or evil, I came to you because sometimes I think that you should have captured me!}
"Well, we're so glad to have you in our pokémon collection, oh and Jesse would take good care of you, just like she took care of that Ekans of hers."
"PikaPiPikachuPIkaPiChuPiPika!" {I really don't know where I'm going to end up, but if with you guys, thanks. I would love to be with Jesse!}
"Pikachu, you can always got to us we wanted you sooo... much!"
"PikaPiPikachu!" {I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I did join you guys...}"
"Yeah, Pikachu maybe instead of wondering it will happen..."
Team Rocket wanted to "test out Pikachu" so they were walking along Lavender Town to find trainers who wanted to fight them. But, what they didn't know was that Ask and company were going the same thing...
"Hey Ash I think you missed one trainer!"
"Yeah Misty which one?"
"The one over there singing lalalalala..."
"Hmmmm... your right Misty."
"I'm always right!"
"Hey you guys over there, I challenge you to a battle!"
::Jesse quickly turned around, not knowing who it was and said, "OKAY!"
::Pikachu winced::
"Oh no it's you..."
"It's you...."
"So what happened to that Pikachu of yours?"
"Oh, hah-hah umm.... it finally went to it's senses and went into a pokeball, uh-huh..."
"Are you sure.....?"
"Yeah positive, would I lie to you?"
"Yeah because that Pikachu of yours is now ours! Ahahahaha!"
"What...!? Pikachu went to you guys! Impossible!"
"Wanna bet, Pikachu show your face...."
"Pikachu!" {Hi!}
"Awwww.... Pikachu.."
"So Ash now we know where Pikachu went..."
"Oh Shut Up Misty!"
"You guys just caught Pikachu right, he didn't just come up to you..."
"Oh, you guess wrong, ahahahaha he came up to us!"
"It must have mistaken you guys as nice people..."
"No, he told us that he always admired us and our evil skims to get him... and he sometimes wish that we did capture him, and our determination to capture him, he really likes us!"
"Yeah right, I have to hear that from Pikachu. So is hat true Pikachu?"
"PikaPikaPikachuPiPikPikaChuKChuCayChuPi!" {Yes, Ash they are telling the truth, I had to find my way!}
"Oh, so you guys weren't lying..."
"I told you, and Pikachu even said it himself!"
"But.. Pikachu why, ain't I a good trainer, didn't I train you well? Didn't you like me?"
"PikaPikaPikachu!" {Yes Ash but sometimes things changes!}
"Awwww..... any pokémon but Pikachu, Pikachu was like a best friend to me!"
"That's just awfully bad kid...."

Too Be Continued.....

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