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Sailor Meowth

you know, after seeing pokemon, and seeing sailor moon, a question often brings itself about for no apearent reason. what if Jessie or Misty where a member of the sailor scouts? well, i've read several fics that answer that question. some are even quite good. but, there is another, more frighting question none dare to think of that comes to mind. what if meowth was a sailor scout? well, this fic answers that question. so, without further ado, i present, Sailor Meowth?!

Luna sat across the temple with artimiedius while Jessie, James,and Meowth have their daily argument. Artimedias has fallen asleep, but luna can't help but think that she's seen the "talking" cat before. suddenly, it hits her. luna:"Why, he look just like the princess from *kilrah!"(if you know where this name is from, yet alone why it might be choosen, then you apparently have been reading to much or playing too many video games) artimedius wakes up, but isn't fully alert yet. artimedius:"huh? what?" luna jumps up and turns to him. Luna:"artimedius, i do belive that cat over there is the princess of kilrah!" artimedius is now fully alert at hearing this news. artimedius:"what?! are you sure?" luna:"Without a doubt. look there." she points her paw towards meowth. luna:"see how he walks on his hind legs? that was something only the princess of kilrah managed to do. not only that, he is the only one of his kind who can speak, a trait that is characteristic of all felins from kilrah." artimedius sighs. artimedius;"kilrah. how i miss it." luna:"no time for self pity now, we may have just found us another ally." luna runs up to jessie, who is still arguing with her other team mates. she rubs jessie's leg to get her attention. Jessie:"I don't care if........huh?" She looks down to see luna. "blast her. always when i'm about to give james and meowth a good thrashing." Jessie:"We'll finish this later. I've just rememberd something i have to do." before james or meowth can even reply she stomps off following luna. when she's certain she's far enough so that James and meowth can't hear her, she stops and starts to complain to luna. Jessie:"What is it this time?" luna shakes here head and sighs. luna:"when are you ever going to learn how to be patient?" Jessie snarls back at her. Jessie:"As soon as i have the time! now what is it you want? I've got things to do!" Luna:"First of all, I want you to calm down and get some manners." Jessie mearly gives her a dirty look, but says nothing. Luna:"That's better. And second, go get your friend Meowth." Jessie:"My friend?!" Luna:"never mind what the relationship is, just go get him!" Jessie mumbles incoherantly to herself, but goes to get meowth. luna sighs. Luna:"sometimes i wish that she wasn't serena's only hope for escape." artimeidus runs up to luna. Artimeidius:"Well?" luna looks at him. luna:"She's going to get him now. I think it might be a good idea if you went and got misty. Sailor Nereid might like to know of her new team mate." Artimedius nods his head in agreement, then leaves to get misty. shortly, artmeidius returns with misty following and jessie arrives dragging a complaining Meowth. Meowth:"What's so important that it can't wait untill after my cat-nap?" Jessie mumbles to herself. Jessie:"I'd like to know that myself." Meowth:"What?" Jessie looks over her shoulder and yells at the complaining cat. Jessie:"I said quite your whining." Jessie turns back around to find Misty there along with that white cat artimius. Jessie gives Misty a dirty look, then yells at her. Jessie:"Just what do you think you're doing here?" Meowth mangaes to break free of Jessie's grasp, then notices Misty. Meowth:"What?! It's that girl that hangs out with that pikachu! It must not be far! Maybe we can still catch it!" Jessie glares at meowth. Misty:"Can't you ever think about anything else?" Luna and Artimidus sigh as Misty, Jessie, and Meowth break out into one of the largest arguments they have ever seen. Artimidus:"And I thought ray and selrena where bad enough." Luna:"compare to these three, they're the best of friends." The argument continues until luna decides to end it. she yells out as loud as she can. Luna:"That's quite enough!" They all stop and stare at the cat, surprised. Meowth is the first to respond. Meowth:"Did...did that cat just talk?" Jessie, still thinking she has to keep luna's speaking a secret, tries to persuade meowth other wise. Jessie:"Of course not you......" But luna cuts her off before she can even finish her sentanc. Luna:"yes, i did." She glares at Jessie, Misty, and Meowth. Luna:"And if you three would stop arguing long enough, i do have something important to say." Meowth stares at the cat, jaw dropped, while jessie mearly turns away, clearly annoyed. Misty breaks the silence. Misty:"What is it that you have to tell us luna?" Luna:"yes, well, we've found another sailor scout." Misty jumps, clearly excited. Misty:"Wow! That's great! Right Jessie?" Jessie crossers her arms and snaps back at her. Jessie:"Oh great. Just what i need. Another no fashion loser hanging around me." Luna:"Well, at least this scout is another person you already know." Jessie:"Who?" luna points to meowht with her paw. Meowth is still staring at luna, mouth still open. Misty stares in shock. Jessie:"Meowth?! You can't be serious." Luna simply nods. Jessie:"Tell me you're not serious!" Luna shakes her head no. Jessie:"Oh great, just great. We've really sunk to a new low if he's a scout." Misty recovers from the shock, then proceds to get more info as to her new "team mate". Misty:"So what planet was he king of?" Artimidus:"actually, he was the princess." Misty:"WHat?!" Luna:"That's right. he was the queen of kilrah. The homeworld for all us talking cats. He's of the royal family. Hince his uniqe abilities." Misty:"Who would have thought." Artimidus:"Shouldn't we tell him?" He points to meowth, who everyone turns to look at. Meowth is still in his state of shock, not noticing anything. Misty waves her hand in front of him, gets no response, then shrugs. Jessie:"Here, this'll wake him up." She gives him a swift kick that sends him flying across the temple floor. Jessie:"Get up you lazy furball!" After hitting a wall face first, he finally comes to his senses. Meowth:"Eh? WHat?" Luna and artimidus sigh. Luna:"Looks like i'm going to have to do the lunar mind meld." She walks over to meowth, and stares at him, a bright beam of light shining from the cresent moon on her forhead towards meowth's head. Meowth:"Hey, what's going on?" Luna:"I'm showing you your past. Now sit still and watch." In the mind of Meowth, he's surounded by a large ball room with many humans dressed elegantly in formal atire. A man in the back blows a bugle. Man with bugle:"And now presenting, her royal highness from kilrah, princess Meowth." Meowth enters the room, but is dressed in a flashy gold dress and is wearing make up. Meowth sees this and stares in horror. Meowth:"What? That's me! But, in a dress?!" He sees himself walk up to queen Serenaty and bows before her. In his normal voice, the princess Meowth greets her. Princess Meowth:"Your majesty." The queen nods, and princess Meowth goes about her business. Abruptly, the vision ends as fast as it started. Luna:"Now do you understand?" Meowth stares into space, then glares at Luna angrily. Meowth:"What sort of cheap charade was that?" Luna sighs. Luna:"It's no charade, it's what you looked like all those years ago before the moon kingdom was destroyed." Meowth:"But acording to that, I was a girl! Do I look female to you?!" Luna:"Well, now that you mention it...." Meowth:"SHut up! Who asked you anyway?" Artimidious:"THat's not important. What's important now, is that you're also a sailor scout and can help in the battle against the negaverse." Meowth:"Huh? Negaverse? What's that?" Misty decides to answer this one. Misty:"It's a place with a bunch of mad, evil people who are trying to take over our world." Meowth:"So? WHat's so wrong with that?" Jessie, seeing this obviously leading nowhere fast, comes up with an idea to convince Meowth to join their cause. Jessie:"So, if they take over the world, that would ruin all of OUR hopes of taking over the world for ourselves." Meowth looks at the floor as he ponders this. Meowth:"I never thought of it like that." Jessie:"Not only that, because you're a sailor scout, that also means that you're the ruler of an entire planet." Meowth looks up with excitment at this. Meowth:"I am?" Luna, catching on to this plan, adds her own comments to it. LUna:"That's right. Which also means you're rich beyond you're wildest dreams." Meowth:"I'm rich too?!" Luna nods her head. Meowth jumps up and shouts at the top of his lungs. Meowth:"YES! I'm Top Cat again!" He quickly regains his composure. Meowth:"Wait'll the boss hears about this. I bet he puts me in charge of his organization!" He runs off to comunicate with him, but Jessie stops him. Meowth:"Outta tha way! I've got to tell the boss and show that stupid persian up once and for all!" Jessie sighs. Jessie:" see......there's a problem with all of this." Meowth:"What'ya mean a problem?" LUna:"You can't tell anyone about it." Meowth:"Anyone? Not even tha boss?" Misty:"Espicially not the boss." Meowth sighs. Meowth:"All this wealth and power, and I don't even get to have fun with it!"

Meanwhile, in the negaverse.........

Queen beral:"Prince Darian, Malchite, come her immediatly!" Malchite appears before her shortly followed by Darian. Milchite:"Yea my queen?" Darian:"You summonde me?" Queen Beral:"Yes. I wish to discuss the matter of these new sailor scouts." Malchite quickly goes on the defensive. Malchite:"My queen, I can assure you, I have the matter well in hand. I have formulated a plan to capture these scouts and the Imperium Silver Crystal that can not fail." Queen Beral looks at him. Queen Beral:"It had better not. BUt, to be sure this time, I'm sending Prince Darian to over see this matter as well." Malchite:"But my queen......" Queen beral:"Silence! My word is law, and what I say goes. No arguments. Just see to it that your plan does not fail this time." Malchite bows. Malchit:"At once my queen." He dissapears. Queen Baral looks at Darian. QUeen Beral:"I want you to make sure that these new scouts are taken care of. Malchite promises succes, but he has been lacking it for some time now. Make sure he does not fail." Darian bows. Darian:"Of course my queen." WIth that, he dissapears as well.

Back in Tokyo, Jessie, Misty, Luna, Artimeidious, and Meowth have gone to Café au Lait, their favorite place to hang out now, to continue the conversation. Sforzie walks over to their table to delever the drinks they ordered, the chansey(still carrying it's chainsaw) besider, passing out napkins to everyone there. She finishes placing their drinks before them, then gives them one of her now famous smiles. Sforzie:"There we go. Is there anything else I can get for you?" Misty:"No thank you. We're fine for now." Sforzie nods her head then walks off to wait on the next table. Misty takes a sip of her drink, still weary of that chainsaw carrying chansey. Meowth:"So, what's this negaverse thing again?" Jessie sighed and started to answer his question for the millionth time that day. Jessie:"For the last time Meowth. It's an evil group that's trying to take over the world or something.

Meanwhile, inside the café.............

Haunter:"Are you sure that that's a memeber of Team Rocket? I mean, just look at who she's with." Kilra holds up a sheet of paper with a picture of Jessie on it, along with some information on her. Kilra:"It has to be. Just look at this picture. Who else has hair like that?" Haunter sighs. Haunter:"Alright. I'll go make sure. But, if you're wrong again, you're going to be cleaning the restrooms again." Kilra:"Don't worry. It's her this time." Haunter shakes his head then heads over to the table that Jessie and co. are sitting at, black cape looking ever so elegant behind him.

Back at the table........

Meowth is about to ask yet another question, but Haunter interupts him before he can. Haunter:"Greetings. You know, the weather looks good for rocket flying." Misty, luna, and artimeidious stare at him dummfounded. Misty:"Huh? What are you talking about?" What they don't know is that Haunter has just given the code frase to find out if a fellow Team Rocket member is sitting at this table.. Meowth looks at him suspiciously while Jessie says the return frase to show she's a rocket. Jessie:"Yes, it does. Blasting them off until it's night." Haunter breaths a sigh of relief then pulls up a chair and sits next to her. Haunter:"Finally. After 5 others, I've found you, no thanks to Kilra." Misty looks to Jessie, then Meowth, and back again to Jessie. Misty:"What's going on?!" Haunter looks at her, then Jessie. Haunter:"Is she......." Jessie shakes her head. Jessie:"No. Is there someplace we can speak in private?" Haunter:"Yes, follow me." MIsty sticks her nose in the air annoyed that she's being left out. MIsty:"Hrmp....I don't care anyways." Haunter just gives her a quick look, then rises and leads Jessie and Meowth back through the café. He passes Crystal Dawn and Kilra on his way to the back room. Haunter:"Crystal, watch the floor for me. Kilra, you great people." Kilra:"What?! Why me? Why can't I watch the floor?! I'm assistant manager after all!" Haunter:"Just do it!" He continues to lead Jessie and Meowth to a room in the back. Kilra:"It's not fair. I'm assistant manager." Crystal Dawn shrugs. Crystal Dawn:"Thems the breaks. Now get greeting. There's a customer waiting."

In the back room.............

Haunter closes the door and locks it while Jessie and Meowth sit at a table. Jessie watches him closely. Jessie:"What is it you want? I'm a very busy person." Haunter sits down, draping his cape behind the chair. Haunter:"I have important new concerning your recent assignment." Meowth:"What assignment? We're on vacation!" Haunter glares at him, then returns his gaze to Jessie. Haunter:"Word has gotten out somehow that Team Rocket plans on swiping all the pokemon at the tournament...." He looks suspiciously at Meowth. Jessie follows suit. Meowth looks back at them with surprise. Meowth:"Don't look at me! I haven't said a thing!" Haunter:"Regardless of whoever it was that leaked the information, the fact is that some got out. Due to this, the tournament has been moved up by a week in order to try to keep Team Rocket out." Jessie:"Then that means...." Meowth:"We've only got one week left for vacation?!" Haunter nods his head. Haunter:"Correct." Jessie makes a fist in anger. Jessie:"Oh, just wait until I find out who's been blabling their big mouth. They'll pay for ruining my vacation!" Haunter shrugs. Haunter:"Don't worry about it. That's being looked into even as we speak. Besides, you've still got a week left." With that, he rises and unlocks the door, motioning for Jessie and Meowth to leave. They do so, leaving Haunter alone in the room. He shuts and locks the door, then hits a button underneath the table where he was sitting. The wall opposite him slides aside revealing a large viewscreen. He then pulls out a remote, points it to the screen, and presses a button, instantly bringing it to life. On the screen sits a dark imposing man petting a persian. Gionivia:"Well?" Haunter bows before him, then stands rigid before his boss. Haunter:"I have delieverd the message. They were most displeased. I seriously doubt it was one of those two." Gionivia:"What about the third memeber?" Haunter:" wasn't here." Gionivia rises in rage. Gionivia:"What do you mean he wasn't with them? Where is he then?" Haunter:"I don't know sir. All I know is that there was no Male with them when I went to deleiver the message." Gionivia sits back down. Gionivia:"What do you mean by that?" Haunter:"A young girl was sitting with them, but she was not a member of Team Rocket." Gionivia:"Hmmmm..........Interesting. Jessie hasn't been known to get along well with other females. Keep an eye on them. Both of them." Haunter:"I shall assign someone from my team immidiatly." Gionvia:"Good. Gionvia out." The screen goes blank. Suddenly, the door is unlocked and opened. Haunter quickly hits another button on his remote, causing the wall to slide back into place. He turns around to see Kilra. Kilra:"Well? How did it go?" Haunter breaths a sigh of relief. Haunter:"As well as can be expected." Kilra:"That's good to hear." He shuts the door. Kilra:"Any new orders?" Haunter:"Just to watch Jessie and her new found female companion. Other than that, no." Kilra smiles. Kilra:"Oh. I'd like to voulanteer. I'll gladly sacrafice my postion as assistant manager to this op to watch them." Haunter glares at him. Haunter:"I think not. Crystal Dawn's Jigglypuff should be suffeciant enough." Kilra slumps in dissapointment. Kilra:"Very well." Haunter opens the door and walks out, followed shortly by Kilra. He then turns around abrubtly to Kilra. Haunter:"By the way, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to greet the customers?" Kilra:Um............" Haunter sighs. Haunter:"Nevermind. We've got to prepare the café for another inspection." Kilra:"Another one? BUt, we just past one the other day." Haunter:"I know. But, appearenlty we've not past them all."

Back at the table......................

Misty sits alone with Luna and Artimidious, sipping on here drink. Luna:"What's taking her so long?" Misty:"She probably stoped to put some more hair spray in her hair." Jessie and Meowth can now be seen walking back to the table. Misty:"See? There she is." Jessie sits back down, followed by Meowth. Misty:"So, what was that all about?" Jessie:"None of your business you little twerp. It's top secret." Meowth:"Yea, so don't even bother trying to find out." Misty growls back at them. Misty:"Oh yea? Well, I didn't really want to know anyways. Probably just some stupid meeting on hole diging." Jessie stands instantly, ready to smack Misty upside the head. Jessie:"Why you little....." Luna:"Will you two knock it off? People are staring!" Jessie and Misty look around. Indeed, everyone is looking directly at them. Including a woman in black suit with what looks like a police badge on her left pocket. Jessie takes one look at the badge, then stops. Jessie:"We'll finsih this later. Come on Meowth, we're leaving." She turns to leave, followed by Meowth, but is stoped by the lady. Lady:"Excuss me, but would you be willing to answer some brief questions about this café? It's for an inspection." Jessie:"Um..............sure....I guess." The lady hands Jessie a sheet of paper and a crystal like pen. The pen starts to glow. Lady:"So, you're the one." Jessie:"Huh?" Lady:"Enough with this, hand over the silver imperium crystal!" Jessie:"What?!" Lady:"You don't get it do you?" She starts to laugh. Lady:"Perhaps this will convince you. Doppleganger split!" The lady starts to spin in place. Jessie:"What's going on?" Everyone is now staring at the spinning lady. Soon, she splits into two, and there are now two spinning figures. When the first one stops, it looks just like sailor comet, save for black hair, and a darker uniform. The second soon stops. It looks exactly like sailor Nerid, save for the black hair and darker uniform as well. The crowd of people in the café now make a made dash for the door, seing as this is not a normal thing. Jessie:"Wha....what?" Luna yells out to here. Luna:"It's a monster from the negaverse! Quick, transform!" Jessie:"Huh? Oh, right." She grabs her wand thingy from her pocket. Jessie:"Comet power!" Misty did likewise. Misty:"Nerid power!" sparks and ribbons fly from the wands across the two. When the show is done, there stand sailor comet and sailor Nerid. Meowth just stares at them. Luna:"Meowth, here!" She does a flip in the air, and a similar wand appears. She grabs it, and tosses it to Meowth. Luna:"Take this and yell out Kilrah Power!" Meowth takes the wand and stares at it dumbfounded. Meowth:"Huh?" Luna:"Just do it!" Meowth shrugs. Meowth:"Um..... ok." He holds the wand up. Meowth:"Kilrah power!" Sparks and ribbons fly out from the wand covering Meowth. When they disapear, Meowth stands there as sailor Kilrah, wearing a green dress. Meowth:"What?! I'm a girl? AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I'm a girl! I'm wearing a dress! AAaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!" Sailor comet and Sailor Nerid stare at her, and laugh. Sailor comet:"hahahahahaha! Meowth in a dress! This is rich!" Sailor Nerid:"Meowth, I never knew you could look so cute!" Sailor Kilrah regains her composure and glares at the two other scouts. Sailor Kilrah:"Stop laughing at me!" The sailor look alikes clear their throats and speak as one. Salior look aliks:"Arhem. Could we get on with this?" The three scouts look at eachother, then them. Sailor comet:"oh, yea. um....sure. just wait a sec." She prepares for her motto. Sailor comet:"Now, prepare for trouble!" Luna and Artemis both ran for what little cover they could find. "And make it double!", Nereid followed. "To protect our world from the Negaverse!", Comet continued, trying to look more formidable. "To place their evil under our curse!", Nereid said, glass crunching under her boots. "To defend the values of all us girls!", Comet continued. From her hiding place, Luna rolled her eyes. "To protect the people in our world!", Nereid shouted. "Sailor Comet!" "Sailor Nereid!" "Get ready for defeat....", Comet said, pointing directly at the monster. "And a lot of pain, too!", Nereid continued, bringing a fist up to her chin. "In the name of our world, we will punish you!", they shouted in unison. Sailor Kilrah jumps in front of them. Sailor Kilrah:"Meow....." Sailor comet hits her over the head. Sailor Kilrah:"Ow! I, that's right!" The two sailor look alikes look at each other, then do exactly as the orginals did, save for Kilrah's part. Sailor Comet:"huh?" Suddenly, malchite and prince darian appear above each of the look alikes. Malchite chuckles. Malchite:"Sailor comet, sailor Nereid, meet your dopplegangers, Wicked comet, and despicalble Nerid. Identical to you in every way, save for some minor differences. Not to mention the fact they work for me." Prince Darian:"You might as well hand over the Silver Imperium Crystal. You cannont defeat yourselves." Sailor Nerid:"We don't have any stupid crystal! When will you get that through your thick skulls?" Sailor Comet:"Besides, she looks nothing like me. I'm far more gorgeous." Wicked comet:"Ha! You wish! Everyone knows that I look the best!" Sailor Comet:"You wish! Nothing can beat the original's beuty!" Malchite:"Enough! Just give us the crystal and we'll be on our way and you can go back to your self-centered life agian." Sailor Comet:"For the last time, We don't have any crystals!" Prince Darian:"Very well then. Doppleganger, attack. Take the crystal from their rotting corpse." The evil clones bow and speak as one. Dopple ganger:"As you wish." Malchite and Prince Darian dissaper. Sailor Comet:"Enough of this." She brings her hands together. Sailor comet:"Comet..."A glow surrounds her. Sailor comet:"Ekans......"She brings her hands closer to her. Sailor comet:"Bind!" She throws her hands out, sending a snakelike image of light flying towards wicked comet. Wicked comet does the same exact thing, sending a darker snake towards hers. They meet and then dissapear in a flash of light. Sailor comet:"Huh? That should have worked." Sailor Neried:"Here, let me try something." She clasp her hands togheter. Sailor Neried:"Neried.." A glow surrounds her. Sailor Nerid:"Staru..." She rases her hands above her head. Sailor Neried:"Tackle!" She points her hands toward Dispicable Neried. But, DN does the same, and the two attacks cancel eachother out. Sailor Nerid:"This isn't working." Shooting star:"Their attacks and weaknesses are identical to your own." They turn to see shooting star sitting at a table nearby. SC:"Shooting star!" She goes googly eyed. SN:"Oh brother." SK:"James?!" SS:"Attack your opposite, that is the only way to succed." SK:"James! What on earth are you doing here?" SC turns and yells at SK. SC:"That is NOT James! That is Shooting star! A far better man than James will ever be!" She turns back to SS, but he is gone. SC:"SS, come back!" WC:"Enough with the chatter!" DN:"Let's finish this!" WC and DN prepare to attack. SN:"You heard SS, we have to attack our opposite! YOu attack DN, and I'll hit WC!" SC:"right!" They launch their attacks, hitting WC and DN before either has time to say the third line for their own attacks. They both fall to one knee. WC:"Not bad....." DN:"But......can you...." WC and DN:"Withstand our combined attack?" The two dopplegangers merge into one, creating a single being. SC:"Ewwwwww! Fashion disaster!" The being now speaks in a new voice. Being:"I am doppleganger, duplicator of all attacks! None can defeat me!" Doppleganger points both it's hands at SC and SN, sending a strange light that looks like a cross between an ekans and a staru. SN and SC:"Huh?" Luna:"Look out!" But it's too late. They both take the full force of the attack and are sent flying to the ground. Doppleganger just laughs. SK who has remaned quite now speaks up. SK:"SC! SN!" He runs towards SC and nudges her with her paws. SK:"Sc, get up!" But she doesn't move. SC and SN have been knocked unconcious. SK:"Now what do I do?" Suddenly, SS drops from appearantly nowhere to land beside SC. SS:"It's up to you now SK. You must take on doppleganger." SK:"Me? But, I don't know....." SS:"Just do it. You'll know when you try." SK looks at SC, then back to SS. SK:"Alright. I'll try." She runs up towards doppleganger. Doppleganger stops it's laughing then stares at SK. Doppleganger:"Oh? And who's this one?" SK:"I'm sailor Kilrah! And I'm going to make you pay for hurting my friends!" Doppleganger starts laughing again. Doppleganger:"Hohohoho! This is rich! This little cat in a dress thinks it can defeat me? Hahahahahaha!" Sk's face turns red. SK:Grrrrrrrrr........" She goes to fury swipe it, but then a thought crosses her mind. What if she tried what SC and SN did? It was certainly worth a shot. SHe her arms in front of her.. SK:"Kilrah...." a glow surrounds her. SK:"Fury....." She lays her arms across one another. SK:"Swipes!" She moves her paws swiftly away from her. A series of thin lights fly out towards the monster. Doppleganger:"Huh?" Suddenly, the light hits it, and several slash marks are made all over it. The monster cries out in pain, falls to the ground, then turns to dust, leaving the crystal it had on top of it's remains. SC awakens to find herself being held in SS's arms. SC:"Oh SS!" SN get's up as well. SN:"What happend?" She looks around. SN:"Where's the monster?" SK:"I....I....I did it." SS helps SC to her feet. SS:"I knew you could." SC just stares at SS. SUddenly, the crystal rises into the air, spins around, then disapears. Malchits's voice can be heard. Malchite:"YOu're only delaying the inevitable. That crystal will be mine. I shall be back." SK yells out now feeling overly confident in herself. SK:"Oh yea? You go ahead! I'll just beat you like I did the other!" SC and SN stare at SK. SK looks back at them. SK:"What?" SN and SC just shake their heads. SC turns back to give SS a kiss, but he has disappeared. SC:"Hey, where'd he go? Blast it! One of these days I'm going to have to glue his feet to the floor." SN:"I still say he looks like James." SK:"What are you talking about? That is James! WHo else could it be?" SC:"IT IS NOT JAMES!" Sk and SN sweatdrop. SN:"Umm......ok...sure......" SK:"'s not...." SC sighs. SC:"Let's just get out of here." Luna and Artimeidius run up to the scouts. Luna:"Great job SK!" Artimiedious:"Yea, congratulations on your first day as a scout!" Suddenly, Haunter walks in followed by Kilra. Haunter look around. Haunter:"You again? I should have known. What a mess." Kilra:"Say, have you seen Sailor Jupitor yet?" Haunter:"Nevermind that. Have you seen a lady in black with a badge? She was suposed to be inspecting the place." SN:"Um.....No to both questions." SC:"But, we'll tell them for you if we see them. Bye!" With that, all three scouts rush out of the now messy café along with the two cats. Kilra:"Say, was that a meowth in a dress with them?" Haunter:"Nevermind that. We've got to get this mess cleaned up. I supose we passed that inspection too." Kilra:"Yea, it seems that everytime there's an inspection, the sailor scouts show up, and we pass." Haunter thinks about this. Haunter:"Yes............" HE then turns to Kilra. Haunter:"But, also the place is left in a mess when they leave. Oh well. Just hurry up and clean this up." Kilra:"Me?!" Haunter:"Yes you. And if you do a good job, I may tell someone else to tell the boss that we temporarily lost those too." Kilra:"Since you put it that way...." He starts to straiten out tables and chiars while Haunter heads back into the building.

Back at the Cherry Hill Temple...........

Luna sat under a tree, watching as Jessie yelled at James and Meowth for not helping out with the chores again. Luna sighed as she thought to herself. Trying to get Jessie to get along and not complain with others is like trying to Serina to do her homework and out of the arcade.


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