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Definatly a rated R fic.
I strongly recomend you do NOT read it if you dislike extreame violence and the mention of blood and guts and other such things of gore. Well, here it is.


Ever since the death of Jessie, James had never been the same. At night, he'd cry himself to sleep, only to utter her name over and over again in it. During the meals, he'd hardly even eat a single bite before something would remind him of Jessie. His Jessie. But his parents continued to coach him on, preaching that it had been for his own good, and Jessiebell continued to train him in the ways of a "proper" gentleman. All the while, James was slowly losing his sanity. It was on the very night, 2 years after the death of his beloved, at the exact same time, that it finally happend. The fragile mind that resided in James' head finally snaped. It happend in the middle of one of Jessiebell's "training" classes. She was in the process of wipping him for not doing something the "proper" way when he did the unexpected. He held up his arm to let the wip wrap around it, then tugged it from her grasp. He then quickly wraped it around her neck, tossed the other end over one of the low ceiling beams, and began to pull her up, choking the very life out of her. "How does it feel?" He asked, voice deadly serious. "How does it feel, to die the same way you helped to murder Jessie?" "Jessibell clawed at the wip, trying to break loose, but to no avail. "James....." She pleaded. "James.......I.........It.......was........" She was starting to turn blue in the face. James simply pulled harder on his end. "It was.......for.................your own......................good..." She gave out one final gasp for air before collapsing. A few seconds more, and she was just a hanging corpse. James then released his grasp on the wip, letting the body fall limp to the floor. Still mad with rage, he walked over to the body and begain to beat it, yelling all the while. The room haveing been sound proofed, no one knew what was going on. Shortly after, he left, with the look of a madman in his eyes. He walked up to his parents room and locked the door, taking the key and hurling it out a nearby window. When the butler came to see why his parents where beating against their bedroom door, James over powered him and snaped his feble neck. He marched off to his room, where he had keept his old Team Rocket uniform in a vacume sealed bag, so as to protect it from moths and other damge. Without hesitating, he took the bag, ripped off his tuxedo and put on his uniform once more. He then walked down to his fathers war room, where he kept all his guns and trouphis from various hunts. James grabed a nearby sachel and begain to stuff weapons and amo in it. When it was compleatly full, he set out to the gardning shack, where the gasoline for the lawn mower was kept. Setting his sachel out side near the drive, he took the gas in hand, and walked back inside, spraying against the walls and floor. When the canister was empty, he tossed it to the side and pulled out a box of matches. He lit one and tossed it towards a puddle of the combustable fluid. Walking away, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. The match hit the fuel, and ignited it. The fire traveled down every where he had sprayed the liquid, but then caught on to other things. All the while, James had graped his sachel full of weapons and begain walking down the driveway towards the exit. When he turned around, both his parents manshion and the manshion of his pet growlith where awash in flames, and the screams of his parents could be heard. But they were mute to his ears. For he was busy admiring the flames. The flames that had the same bright intensity that his Jessie had had in her eyes. He invisioned her face around them, with one of her looks of rage usually acompanied the burning in her eyes. "They'll pay." He muttered. "They'll all pay for what they did to you Jessie. My love." He then turned away and begain the long walk down the drive way. "I swear it. I shall avenge your death Jessie. None shall escape my wrath!"He swore aloud. He then begain laughing manically, as he begain to imagine the death of everyone who had ever done her wrong. He knew who would be next on his quest to avenge her death. The choice was obvious. It was the three most responsible people. The ones who were the most to blame. Ash, Misty, and Brock. He would settle the score with them soon enough, and he knew exactly where he could find two of them. As he exited the drive way and begain his journey towards Pewter city, the two manshons continued to burn in the night, as a warning to others. That James was no longer just a weak little man who had a record of failure. He was now a desperate man on a quest for vengence. To avenge the death of his most beloved. To avenge the death of Jessie...........

One week later.........

News of the death of the richest family alive had not taken that long to get out. By the time James had made it to Pewter, everyone had already heard about it or knew of someone who had. No one seemed to care as he went inside the Pewter City gym. No one noticed the sachel full of weapons at his side. No one but two people. Two others from his past. They quickly left the scene to make contact with their boss. Inside the gym, Brock sat at the end, as he did the day he had first met Ash, only this time slightly older, and more experienced. "So, another one has come to challenge me." He said, not knowing who it was, but only that some one had entered. He'd grown tired of his following Ash, and it appeared he'd never achieve his goal of becoming a breader. So, he had returned to his home town of Peweter City to retake his job of gym leader. It was a job he always liked best anyways. Slowly, Brock stood up. "It's been a while since the last opponent. I've been eager for a batlle." He hit a switch with his foot, and the arena moved before him to that of it's rocky nature, all the while, the black silloute stood where it was. "I have not come to battle you." The familar voice said. Brock, confused as to both why this person was here, and where he had heard that voice from spoke one of his questioning thoughts. "Then why are you here?" James steped into the light, one hand in a fist, the other holding a pistal at his side. "I've come for vengence!" Brock gasped at the site. It was James. But, hadn't he been executed? "James..............." He wispered the name. Then he noticed the gun, and started to panic. "James....I.....we didn't want that to happen! Honest!" James ignored him as he brought his gun up to aim. "Save your lies. You'll not need them where you're going....." Brocke tried one last time, but to no avail. "James! Please! Be reasonable!" But a shot to the head silenced the young gym leader for good. Even as Brock's body fell to the floor, James continued to fire into it. "MURDERER!" He cried out, tears swelling in his eyes. When the gun was emptied, he threw it at the corpse, then left. Shortly after, one of Brock's younger brothers came in to see him, only to find him dead on the floor. He quickly left to get the police. They found no prints on the gun, for James had been wearing his gloves, the gloves that where standared issue with all TR uniforms. The gloves that he had held Jessie's hands in. The same gloves that he had wraped his arms around her with. The police searched the town, but to little avail. By the time they even started, James was already gone, and seeking his next target in his quest.........

Three days later....................

Misty was still in shock at the fact her old traveling companion Brock had been murdered. She couldn't figure out why, or who would even want to do such a thing. She, like Brock, had grown tired of Ash and had returend home. She became the gym leader of her city, while her three sisters continued to preform. She had gotten a letter in the mail a day ago, inviting her to the funeral, but she had learned of the death that night on the news. She had cried all that night, but still came to the gym. She did have a job now after all. She was about to close down the gym for the day, when a shadowy figure stepped through the doors. Eager to take her mind off the Death of Brock, she redily accepted any challenge. "Alright, you've come to battle for a cascade badge right?" The figure didn't respond. "Well, if so, then you've got to fight me. So, are you going to battle or not?" The figure spoke back to her this time. "I seek not to battle, for my days of doing so are long gone." Misty just stared at the shadow, trying to place the voice. It was so familar, yet she couldn't place it. The figure then steped forward. "I simply come her to avenge a wrongfully unjust death." Misty stood dumbfounded when she saw who it was. James. But, hadn't he been executed along with Jessie? Sure, they didn't deserve it, but, how had he mangaed to escape? "James, I....I thought you were dead?" It was then that she saw the rifle he had in his hands. "No. But that is but the begining of my suffering." He lifted the gun and fired it at her, hitting her dead in the chest. "And now, you begin yours." As Misty slowly died, the last thing she saw was James tossing the rifle into the pool, crying out that Jessie's death will be avenged. Then suddenly, everything went black, and Misty was no more.........

One month, two days later................

Haveing searched for a month, James finally found the one most responsible of all for her death. He had been hunting him for two days now, and had traped him in a back alley in Gringy city. The fool stand before him, eyes watering, beging for his life. For he already knew what was to become of him. Two days before, when James had first shown himself to Ash, he had taken out his pikachu. Still wounded by the loss of his closes friend, Ash had taken flight imidiatley. He had heard of the deaths of Brock and Misty. He had thought it a conspiracy against the gym leaders. He had no idea that it was James all along, seeking vengence for the execution of Jessie. Ash tried one more time before James silenced him forever with a shot to his head. At that close of a range, the shot gun completely destroyed his head. Still mad with rage, He continued to pumb shell, after shell into the body. When he was out, he tossed the gun aside and draged the body to a nearby street light that had burned out. He placed the body, or what was left of it, of pikachu there as well, and in Ash's own blood wrote on the side walk:"Vengence shall be mine. The ones responsible will be brought to justice. Soon Jessie.........soon.............." He then walked off, knowing that his quest was far from over. The following morning, the police were called to the seen. Blood still fell from the wounds, and the smell of decay was well within the air. Sickend by what they say, several threw up on the spot. It was Officer Jenney who first noticed the message in blood. It was then that they knew who was behind the murders. Shortly after, an all points bulleton was sent out. James was to be brought to justice. Dead, or alive.................

One month later............

The body of the Officer Jenney who had arrested, and executed Jessie had finally been found, along with the body of the judge who sentenced them. Both where found in heaps of torn body limbs. Decay had long since set in, and much of the flesh was rotted away when the police found them. Also found with the bodies, was another note written in blood, but this time, on a sheet of paper. It said the following:"Jessie, my shall have your revenge........we'll be together again some day...............soon, my precious..............soon..................." By the time the police had found all of this, James was already in the process of tracking down two others he felt had caused Jessie suffering in her life................

Three weeks later................

In a building labeled "BC's Breeding center", Butch and Cassidy where cowering under a table in one of the back rooms. Butch held a now empty gun, while Cassidy clung to him in fear. They could hear James shuffeling about the hall way, tauting them, and calling out their names. They had known this day might come. They had witnessed James appearance in Peweter city, and had seen him enter the gym with the guns. They had taken precaution in case he did show up, but they underestimated James. In his maddend state, James had no real concept of pain. The shots fired at him all missed save for the last, which hit his leg. Instead of wallowing in pain as the two had expected, James only doubled his efforts to deprive them of the great tresure known as life. They had managed to lose him and hide in one of the center's back rooms, but James would find them shortly. Cassidy sat crying next to Butch. He tried his best to comfort her. "There there. It'll be alright." Cassidy babled on in terror."No, it won't! How could you say such a thing! He's comeing to kill us! He's gone mad!" Butch tried once more. "Don't worry. If he does manage to find us, I'll protect you." She then stoped crying and looked into his eyes. "You will?" He smiled back to her and wiped away one of her tears. "Of course I will. I would never allow anyone to harm you." He then paused as he summond up the courage to tell her, knowing very well that this might be his last chance. "Becuase..I.......I love you Cassidy....." Cassidy was awash in tears again, but this time, tears of joy. She then hugged him. "Oh Butch............I.............." She begain to stammer. "I........I love you....too..." It was then that James kicked in the door with his good leg. "How touching.............." He slowly walked forward, gun in hand. Butch immidatly rose up before Cassidy, blocking her from James. "James, we didn't have anything to do with Jessie's execution..." "LIES!" James shouted back. "You were in on it all along. You can't deny it!" He glared at them with the look of insanity across his face. "You were were always jealous............." He waved the gun around, eyes staring strait through them. "You couldn't stand the fact that she was just better than you figured you'd get her out of the picture........................" Butch tried to reason with him. "That's not true and........" "SILENCE!" James shot back at him. He then began to weep before them. "Because of you.........I lost.....I lost the one thing in the world that mattered..................." Cassidy begain to cry behind Butch. "No! We had nothing to do with it!" James pointed the gun strait at Butch. "Now, now you're going to see what it's like to lose the one thing you love most. To lose something more vaulable to you than your own life................" Butch stared at him. "What are you talking about?" James begain to laugh. "Hahahahaha! Do you take me for a fool? I know the relationship between you! It's so obvious! It's been obvious ever since we first meet!" Butch rushed forward to tackle James, but James was too fast. Even in his injured state, he quickly side steped him, hitting him on the back along the way, sending him spralling to the floor. He then quickly turned around and let off a quick shot that hit him in the shoulder. Butch cried out in pain, and grabed the wound. Cassidy cried out. "BUTCH!" Butch lay on the floor, paralyzed by the pain, while Cassidy stood stock still, fearful for Butch's life, and her own. James then pointed the gun to Cassidy. "Now watch..............and you'll feel true suffering......The suffering you two have put me through!" He begins shooting Cassidy. Butch reached out for her. "NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" James unloaded the entire clip into her before she finally fell limp to the floor. Butch glared at James with a hatred that James was all to familar with. "You BASTARD!" He tried to get up, but the pain was too much. "If it's the last thing I do, I'll see you burn in hell for this!" James simply laughed, as he tossed the now empty gun to the floor and limped out of the room, leg still trailing blood. The last thing Butch could heard of James before a medical team arrived and put him out was James calling out to Jessie, stating that her vengence would soon be complete. Just two more, and he would see her again. Two more......................

Two months later................................

James, now with a limp due to Butch's shot to the leg, slowly walked to the end of the street where the manshion of his Ex-boss, Gionvia, sat atop a hill. He carried with him a bazooka, loaded with a stinger missle, a M16 straped across his back, and a large hunting knife in his boot. When he got to the gates blocking the drive, he slowly pushed them aside, and strode into the drive way. He then lifted his bazooka, took aim, and fired it at the manshion. Two gards approched him right as the missle hit. The force of the explosion knocked them onto their feet, and engulfing half the manshion in flames. The bazooka now useless, James tosses it aside and grabs his M16. One by one, he shoots the gaurds that come rushing out towards him. Slowly, he makes his way into the manshion. Once there, he proceeds inside the burning building, seeking out his target. He soon finds the man he's looking for, in an out door gazebo behind the manshion. Shrouded in shadows, he watches as James slowly walks towards him. Gionvia chuckled when James got to the end of the side walk. "The failure James. I never would have guess it possible. It seems it took madness for you to finally succed." James pointed his gun at him, a look of contempt on his face. "That may very well be, but I will at least succed in what so many others have faild to achieve." Gionvia remained seated. "And what pray tell might that be?" When James answered him, there was no emotion in his voice. "Your death, and the end of Team Rocket." At this, Gionvia burst out into laughter. "Surely you jest? What makes you think you could pull off such a thing?" James aimed the gun strait at Gionvia's head, tired of the man's word games. "Enough of this. Now you die." Before James could even get a shot of, Gionvia raised his other hand revealing the pistal he had been holding and shot James. "I think not." James fell to the ground when the bullet hit, and penetrated strait through his shoulder, gun flying out of his hands and across the lawn. Gionvia then got up and stood before him. "Young fool. Did you really think that you could take me out so easily as all the others?" James said nothing, simply grasping his wound. Gionvia sneered at him in contempt before finally turning away. "Serves you both right." He then turns back and gives James a wicked smile. "I was rather glad the day they executed your partner." He let out a soft chuckle, while James just stared at him, eyes ablaze with a fire even brighter than that of the manshion. "It saved me the trouble of haveing to do it myself." Gionvia then begain to laugh madly. James slowly reached for the knife in his boot. Gionvia turned away laughing and begain walking away. James rose to his feet, one hand cluching the knife, the other holding his wounded shoulder. When he spoke, his tone was one of pure hatred. "Your time has come old fool. You'll pay for your participation in the destruction of the world's greatest treasure." Gionvia stoped and turned around, just in time to see James run at him, knife in hand. Before he could lift his pistal to fire, James had stabbed the knife deep into the man's chest. "Vengence shall be ours!" James cried as he stabed the man continuously, even as the body falled to the ground. When he was finished, James slowly rose to his feet, not hearing the police sirens in the background. "One more, my love..............One more, and your revenge shall be complete..................soon, my love.......................soon............" It was then that he noticed Meowth, standing behind a tree, staring in shock at what had just taken place before him. James turned to him and begain running as fast as he could towards him. "YOU! You are the last! You, who could have saved her!" Meowth broke out of his stupor and begain running. James chased him to the front of the building, where several police cars had pulled up, officers rushing out fully armed. Meowth stood up against a tree, burning building to his left, police to his right, and James in front. Slowly, James continued his march towards Meowth, knife in hand. "You could have saved her................but you didn't........................" Tears stremed from his eyes. He didn't even hear the police's call to him to drop the knife. "you didn't save her..............becuase you feared her! Feared what she knew..................................." Suddenly, a shot rang out. No one knows who fired the first shot that day. Some say it was officer Jenny, as an act of vengence for the murder of one of her cousins. Other say it was Butch, avenging the death of his love. But no matter who fired it, it was the end of James. Soon, every officer present begain firing their weapons into James. Shot after shot continued to pour into James, until finally, he fell to the ground. Lying on his back, blood gushing from multiple wounds on his body, James suddenly realized all that he had done. He then appoligized to Meowth, coughing up blood as he talked. "Oh Meowth.............................what have I done?" Meowth slowly walked over to his former partner. "What have I.............done Meowth? Oh Jessie...................can you................ever" He saw her image before his eyes, and he begain to cry. "I'm comeing.............................I'm comeing Jessie......................." James coughed one more time, spititng even more blood up, before the darkness finally claimed him. Saddend at the scene he had just witnessed, and at the lost at having lost one of his partners, no, one of his friends, Meowth begain to cry. One of the officers came up to him, indicating that Meowth would have to come in for questioning. Still crying, Meowth followed the officer to one of the cars. He turned back to see a medical team placing James' body in a bag, while several fire fighters attempted to get the raging inferno that was once the manshion under control. As the car drove off, he could have sworn he had seen Jessie and James, standing together under the tree he had been forced up agianst, hand in hand, posing as if saying their motto. When he blinked, they were gone, and all that was left was the fire, blazing in the night. Things would never again be the same for Meowth. Team Rocket was gone. His only friends were now dead. Sadly, he turned back around in the car, waiting silently for what was inevitably going to be his own last moments of freedom once they heard what he had to tell. He didn't care if he was sent to jail. He didn't even care if he too would be sentenced to death. Nothing mattered any more to Meowth. He had just lost everything that had ever been important to him. When he got to the station, he walked with the air of a man on death row about him. Soon enough, they would know everything. His role in Team Rocket. All the thefts. The destruction. And even the death. Soon, he may very well be joining his two friends and ex-master.

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