a story so lame, it doesn't even have a title. In the dark santuary of hell, the most evil, vile, and feared villion of all time begins his plot of annoying people once more. Suddenly, he is sent one of the people who knows him happens to show up. Suddenly, for no reason at all(other than the fact i wrote them too) Team Rocket shows up. Jessie:"Where are we now?" Meowth:"I told you not to give james the map." Haunter stares at them. Haunter:"Damn. this is turrning out stupid already." TR notices him. Jessie:"Huh? Who are you?" She ask, well, actually demands. Haunter bows graciously.Haunter:"You may call me Haunter." Jessei:"Haunter? That name sounds familar....." She trys to think back to meeting someone who told them to call him by that name. Jessie;"Now i remember, you're ......" but before she can finsih, someone else shows up. SailorN1:"Hi! Does anyone know what i'm doing here?" haunter shruged. Haunter:"Don't know. just wrote you in. need tea?" SailorN1"Do i?!" She mystacally makes a galleon jug of tea appear and starts to drink it. Haunter:"How'd you do that?" SailorN! mearly shrugs. SailorN1"how should i know? you're the one writing this thing." Haunter:"Oh, yea, i forgot." James stares at Haunter menicingly. James:"Say, aren't you the same guy who ran over my victribell in a tank?" Haunter looks at him, then waves his hand before his his. Haunter speaks in a calm, yet firm voice. Haunter:"You didn't run over him." James repeats what he says,in a trance like state. James:"You didn't run over him." Haunter:"in fact, i ate him." JamesI"i him, i ate fact." Haunter sighs:"Even when being controled with the force, he's still an idiot." James:"Even whn being an idiot, he's controled by the force." Haunter sighs, then breaks his mind control off of James. And then, yet another person shows up. new person:"Behold! I am Emperor Sardist! The new emperor of the second imperium! MWHAHAHAHA!" Haunter:"Hey, you can't be here! you're me! Now go back to the Undeniable until i play as you again." Sardist sighs in disgust, but then leaves. Haunter:"now, where was i?" He thinks for a moment. Haunter:"Ah, what the hell. this has already gotten stupid. let's just go with it." Without warning, a squad of storm troopers show up. Haunter:"Ah, finally." The head storm trooper walks up to him. Htroop:"Let me see your identification!" Haunter:"Y?" Htroop:"Becuase......" He stops in midsentence, then takes off his armor, reavealing a handsome young man. he then pulls out a giant fan from nowwhere, and proceds to fan jessie. the other storm troopers follow suit. Haunter:"All right, who's messing with the story?" He looks around. SailorN1 is still chuging down the tea, James is still in a trance, and is mumbling incohearntly to himself, jessie is being faned, while meowth just appears to sit there. Suddenly, the slave boys disapear, and jessie shrinks to the size of meowth, while meowth grows to the size of jessie. Meowth walks over to her and gives her a swift kick, sending her flying into a wall that appeared from nowhere. Meowth:"I've always wanted to do that!" Jessie gets up, her eyes ablaze. Jessie:"Oh yea! well take this!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant mallot hits meowth over the head squasing him. Haunter:"That's it." He walks off screen to jessie and meowth who are fighting over the keyboard. He ignores them, grabs the key board, then walks back on screen. Haunter:"now, where was i?" he thinks to himself. Jessie and Meowth bring there fighting back on screen, where the Jessie and Meowth who where already there come to their aid. Haunter:"ah, the hell with it. i'm out of ideas anyway." Suddenly, the fire inforno of hell disapears, and is replaced by a back drop of stars. Suddenly, two rival fleets jump from hyperspace. The first commanded by Admiral Jessie, who commanded rebel ships. THe second commaned by Darh meowth, who commanded the imperial fleet. Jessie:"Alright men! battle stations! I want that cat blown out of the sky!" On the opposing bridge........Meowth:"The force is not strong with this one. wipe her out!" The two fleets move to engage one another. starfighters from both sides are launched to attack eachother. the rebel craft are piloted by Jessies, the imperial by Meowhts. Haunter is on a separte ship, viewing the action. Haunter:"Allright! now this is more like it!" He continues to type. Suddenly, the two warring commanders realize who the real threat is. Jessie:"Doh! Ive been manipulated! All ships! Attack that *SSD!(*super star destroyer) Meowth:"No one makes a fool of meowht! crush that ship!" All the ships turn to attack the SSD wich Haunter is commanding from. Not worried in the least, he continues to type. The ships reach firing rang, and begin to unleash their destructive power, when suddenly, eveything is gone replaced by a big white nothign. Jessie:"What happend?" Haunter:"I got tired of this. it's too lame. So, i'm just going to kill everyone off." Meowth:"What?!" Suddenly, Jessie exploded. Meowth:"AH!" Next, Meowth burst into flames, and was burned to a crisp. Haunter:"Ah. not brilliant enough." Next, A death star appears in front of James, who is still in a trance. It fires it's super laser at his head, compleatly disintergrating him.. Haunter:"AH, that's more like it, now, for the grande finalle!" Every ship class that he knows of from star wars shows up, and starts to shoot eachother. one by one, they are all destroyed, until the white blob is replaced with a field of depris. Haunter too, has been wiped out. In fact, the only one still around si SailorN1, who is still drinking her tea because Haunter forgot about her and couldn't really think of anything to write for this lame thing, so, she stayed alive. THE END