Team Rocket: Blasting Off to America. Part 1- A Not So Great Plan. By: << Episode starts: Our four heros are lost walking down a dirt road heading for the next city. Scene shifts to Team Rocket. They are lying on a ledge overlooking the road watching the four friends through binoculars. Meowth sets his down and turns to his fellow Rocket members. Meowth:" So tell me, what makes you think this plan is going to work this timw?" Jessie and James each set their binoculars down and turn to face him. Jessie:" Because this time we took every precaution possible." James:" Thats right, not even a Raichu could escape this trap." Meowth:" If you say so." Jessie picks her binocs back up and turns back to take one final glance at their four unsuspecting victoms to make sure the four heros are still heading for the trap. Jessie:"Come on you two. Their almost at it. The scene then shifts to that of the four friends. Broc is looking at the map trying to figure out were they are while Ash and Misty are having a heated debate over which route they should have taken. Misty:" I still say we should have taken the undergrund tunnel." Ash:" No way. This way is the quickest rout to the next city. Also, going this way I have a better chance o catching some wild pokémon. Their argument is interupted by the sound of machinery. Ash:" Do you guys hear something?" Broc:" It sounds like some kind of machine." Misty:" It wasn't there a minate ago."Pikachu:"Pika?" Suddenly the ground gives way beneath them. All:"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Pikachu:"Pikaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" They fall into what appears to be a pit, but with a rubber bottem. All:"OOOFFF!" What appear to be rubber bars rise up and a roof appears over their heads. Ash gets up and looks around. Ash:"Whats going on?" The cage slowly starts to rise and as it does, the feet of TeamRocket can be seen standing next to the cage. Jessie:"Prepare for trouble!" James:"And make it double!" Jessie:"To protect the world from devestation!" James:"To unite all poeples within our nation!" Ash:"I should have known." Jessie:"Quiet! Not during the motto! To Denounce the evils of truth and love!" James:"To extend our reach to the stars above!" Jessie:"Jessie!" James:"James!" Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" James:"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" Meowth:"Meowth, thats right!" Jessie and James turn to the foursome and grin. Jessie:"How do you like our humble little trap?" James:"We designed it all by ourselves.We call it 'The Pikachu Pokétrap." Misty turns to and wispers:"No wonder we haven't seen them around lately." Jessie and James run up to the bars with an enraged look on their face. Jessie:" We heard that!" James:"LIke you could have come up with somehing better in less time." Ash turns to his friends and wispers: Don't worry guys, I have a plan." Ash places his hand across his chin and studies the cage. Ash:"Well, now that you mention it, as a matter of fact I could come up with something better." Jessie and James fall to the ground with their legs in the air. Ash continues to admire the cage, while Pikachu, Broc, and Misty just give him a look of confussion. Ash turns to the bars closest the Rockets. Ash:" The overall design isn't too bad, but it's just to easy to get out of."Jessie and James quickly rise to their feet and run up and grab the bars next to Ash. Jessie:" How is it easy to escape?" Ash points to the rubber bars. Ash:"Well, the rubber bars was a good idea. It prevents Pikachu here from using his thundershock." Pikachu face the loor and lets out a mournful:"Pika." Ash looks at him and gives him a quick wink to reasure him. Ash:" But, the rubber is easily removed by my Charmeleon." Jessie and James turn and look eachother in the eyes with a grin on their faces and start to laugh. James:"Heh heh heh. He thinks we didn't think of that." Jessie:" What a fool! We were counting on that and rigged the bottom of the cage with a heat-senseative bomb." Meowth rubs his paws toghether whil he thinks about what wil happen when it blows. Meowth: Thats right and if the cage's temperature should raise five degrees..." James shkes his head as a show of mock symphaty. James:" Then we won't be getting the Pikachu." Jessie looks to the foursome with a wicked grin on her face and points to Ash. Jessie:" But at least we'll finally be rid of you troublesome brats." Team Rocket continues to laugh at the heros prediciment. Ash gulps and takes a step back as he hears the news. Misty turns to Ash. Misty:" Now what mister I have a plan?" Ash, with a worried look on his face looks around for a source of insperation. Ash:"Um.. I.." His glance moves to the floor were the bars meat. adn suddenly it hits him. Ash:" The bombs attached to the rubber on the bottem of the cage right?" The Rockets imediatly stop laughing and look at eachother with a look of bewiderment. They turn towards Ash, their expressions changed to one of suspicion. James:" Yea, so?" Jessie:"Whats it to you?" Ash smiles:" That's what I thought." He pulls out one of his pokéballs and throws it. Ash:"Charmeleon, go!!" Charmeleon appears. He takes a quick look around then says in a deep growl:"Char." Ash turns to Charmeleon, points to a spot were the electronic lock is. Ash:"Charmealian, burn the rubber at that spot!" The Rockets and Ash's friends all look at him in disbelif. All:"WHAT!?" Misty:"Are you crazy?" Broc:"Didn't you hear what they said?" Ash just smiles. Ash:"Trust me." The Rockets turn and face eachother. Miowth:"Are they crazy?" James puts his arm behind his head. James:"Maybe all those times of us trying to steal his Pikachu have driven him to insanity." Jessie:"Well I don't know about you two..." She turns in the direction of their privious hiding place. Jessie:"but I don't intend to stay around to find out." She takes off running. Meowth and James look at each other puzzled by their fellow Rocket's actions. Both:"Huh?" They turn to where the bomb is. They suddenly realize the cause of Jessie's actions. Both:" YYYYAAAAAA!!!!!" They both take off at a full sprint following Jessie. James:"Hey, Jessie, wait for us!" Meowth:"Yea, we're a team remember?" Ash starts to laugh aloud. Misty looks at him with eyes that could kill. Misty:"Just whats so funny?" Broc:"Yea, you're going to get us all killed!" Ash:"Don't worry guys." He points to the floor. Ash:"The rubber is what's saving us." Misty:"What?" Broc looks down where ASh is pointing and suddenly realizes it.Broc:"Oh I see now." Misty turns to Broc with a belwilderd look on her face. Misty:"What? See What?" Broc points to the floor. Broc:" The rubber on the floor acts as an insulater." Misty:"Yea, so?" Broc:"So, rubber doesn't conduct heat very good as well as electrcity." Misty:"Oh I get it now." Ash:"Enough with the science lesson. I'm getting out of here. Charmeleon, flame thrower!" Charmeleon:"Charrrr!" He opens his mouth and a blaze of fire comes out and melts the rubber off the part of the roof with the controls. Ash:"Charmeleon, stop." Charmeleon imediatly shuts his mouth, turns towards Ash and smiles. Ash grabs the pokéball that Charmeleon came from. Ash:"Charmeleon, return!" Charmeleon is zapped back into the ball with a beam of light. Ash turns towards Pikachu. Ash:"Pikachu, its your turn." Pikachu smiles. Pikachu:"Pika!" He turns in the direction of the controls. Pikachu:"Piiiiiiikkkkkkaaaaaaaaa......Cccchhhhhhhuuuuuuuu!"A large thunderbolt appears from Pikachu to the controls. He stops shortly after starting, his job done. A brief sizzle is heard, followed by the roof opening. Ash turns to Pikachu. Ash:" Aright! Great job Pikachu." Pikachu's smile grows even wider. Pikachu:"Pikachu." The foursome start to climb out. The scene shifts to that of Team Rocket. They are back on their ledge watching as the heros escape. >>
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