Team Rocket Blast off to America : Part 2-Backfire << << (continued from the last sentence on the first part.) Jessie sets her binocs down and turns to James. Jessie:"I don't get it? Why didn't the bomb go off?" Meowth sets his down and turns to her. Meowth:"I told you guys this plan wouldn't work. But do you guys ever listen to me? Noo.." Jessie and James both imediatly clonk him on the head. Meowth:"Owwww!" James:"As I recall, it was your idea to put a bomb on the cage." Jessie stands up, puts her hands on her hips and looks down at Meowth. Jessiw:"Ans as I remember, it was your job to set it." Meowth stands up and looks directly at hes two team mates. Meowth:" Are you saying I'm incompedent?" Jessie just smiles, closes her eyes and turns her head to face the right. Jessie:"Hurmp. The little furball can actualy take a hint." Meowth jumps up and scratches Jessie across the face. Meowth:" You're calling me incompedent? This coming from someone so incompedent that they couldn't even catch a cold, let alone a Pikachu. Jessie pulls out a mirror and looks at her face. A look of horror appears on her face imediatly followed by one of rage. Fire starts spewing from her eyes. Jessie:" Don't ever, ever touch my buetiful face!" Meowth looks looks around for any route or hope of escape. Meowth:"I...I...Um..." Jessie lundges at him. Jessie:"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Meowth:"Yyyyeeeeaaaa!!!!" They immediatly start fighting in a cloud of dust, with fists and feet flying all over. Each shouting out in turn:"Take this!...And that!...And one of these too!" James finally puts down his binoculars, stands up,and turns to the fighting twosome. James:" You know, now that they've gotten away again, we can go and investigate to see why the bomb didn't go off." The two stop fighting and turn to look at James with surprize. Jessie:" That's a great idea." Meowth:"Yea, since when have you been able to come up with ideas on your own?" James looks at Meowth with an enraged expression on his face. James:" I've always been smart, you flea-brained twit! It's just I've been letting you guys try your ideas first." Meowth:"And why's that?" James just smiles and turns away. James:" Because I always save the best for last." Meowth breaks out laughing. Meowth:" Yea, the best of the worst." James starts to head towards Meowth. James:"Why you litttle...." Jessie steps between James and Meowth holding her arms out between the two. Jessie:" Can it you two. Right now we have more important matters to attend to. Come on, lets go." She starts to head down to the cage dragging a reluctent James with her. James turns his head to look back at Meowth who gives him a quick raz. James:"Oooo, Sometimes I can't stand him." Jessie:" Well, just deal whith it. We have work to do. The scene changes to that of the cage. The Rocketsare seen bussy trying to pull the cage onto its side to inspect the bomb. Meowth is standing a few feet behind them. Meowth:" Pull! Pull! Come on, put some muscle into it!" The cage is tilted on one of its corners, ready to fall one way or the other. Jessie stops pulling against it and turns around to face Meowth. Jessie:" You know, this might go a little faster if you were to shut your trap and help us." James is struggling with the cage, which is slowly leaning back towards its original position, trying to keep it from moveing any further. James:" Uuuh.... Jessie." Jessie turns her head towards James. Jessie:"Quiet James." She turns back to Meowth who just looks at her and shrugs. Meowth:" I am helping." James' struggle is getting worse and it appears he may lose the battle. It moves back just a tad, causing James to get on his tip toes to keep hold of it. James:" Uuuh Jessie?" Jessie just closes he eyes and balls her hands into fist. Jessie:" Quiet!" She opens her eyes, places her fists on her hips and looks down at Meowth. Jessie:" And just how are you helping us?" Meowth crosses his arms and looks directly at her. Meowth:"I'm supervising." Jessie shakes a fist at him and takes a step towards him. Jessie:" Supervising? I'll supervise..." James, hes eyes in tears releases his grip on the cage. James:"I can't take it any more!" The cage falls back onto its base, back itto the pit and lands with a soft but frightning ping. Jessie's, James', and Meowth's eyes all widen and pupils shrink upon hearing that dreaded sound. The bomb goes off sending Team Rocket flying into the air. >> >>
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