Team Rocket Blasting off to America. Part 3- The request << << The scene shifts to Ash and his companions, quietly walking down the road. Suddenly Ash stops and turns around. Ash:"Now what?" Broc turns around and points toward a fst moving object in the sky. The others turn and look where he's pointing. Broc:" Is it a bird?" Misty:" Is it a plane?" Pikachu:"Pika pika?" Ash:" Nope, it's..." Team Rocket goes flying by over head. Jessie and James:" Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again." They continue to soar through the air untill thy reach a small forest where they land wiht a crash that can be heard for miles around. Ash turns to look at Misty and Broc. Ash:" Looks like they really did have a bomb after all." Misty and Broc simply nod in a silent agreement. The four heros turn around and continue on their journey. The scene shifts to the Rockets. The three of them are lying in a heep of leaves and bushes. James:" Luck for us these bushes were her to brake our fall.(groans)" Meowth:" Well Team Rocket scientist, got any more bright ideas?" Jessie:" As a matter of fact, I do." She sits up and looks at her fellow Rockets. Jessie:" But first, we've got to call the boss. Come on." The scene changes to that of th Boss, but the room is dark and his features cannot be clearly seen. The Boss is looking at a map ot the island. Boss:"Mmmmm. My operation seems to be going as planned." His gaze moves over to a side that has a bunch of red X's on it. Boss:" Save for the areas those dimwitted teenagers have been. It seems like every where they go, they tend to ruin all my workin that area." The Boss' Persian walks up to him and starts rubbing itself against his leg. Persian:"Purrrsian?" The Boss looks down and smiles at it. Boss:" You always seem to know when I need cheering up don't you?" He picks his pet up, walks to a chair at a table with documents and a phone on it. He no sooner starts to pet the Persian, when the phone rings. He leans over and picks it up. Boss:" Yes?" Phone:"Collect call from:(disguised voice) anonamous. Do you accept the charges?" The Boss considers it. Boss:"(Thinking to himself but we can hear) It could be one of my operatives waiting for their next assignment." He finally comes to a decision. Boss:L" Accept." Phone:"Please hold." A catchy tune is played while the Boss waits for the connection. Shortly, the caller's voice can be heard. Caller:"Prepare for trouble.." The Boss stands ulp in surprise, knocking the Pursian out of his lap in the process. Boss:"WHAT?" The scene shifts to Jessie, James, and Meowth all stuffed in a phone booth. James:" And make it double!" Jessie:"To protect the world from devistation!" James:"To unite all peoples within our nation!" Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!" James:" To extend our reach to the stars above!" Jessie:"Jessie!" James:" James!" Jessie:" Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" James:"Surrender now or prepare to fight!" Meowth:" Get the pone out of my eye!" James:" Well get your foot out of my ear!" The scin shifts back to the Boss. Boss:" How did you get this number?" The screen splits. Jessie and friends in the top left, and the Boss in the lower right. Jessie:" We called HQ and aked for it." The Boss thinks to himself:"Someone is going to pay dearly for this." Boss:"What do you want?" Jessie gives the Boss her best smile and most cheerful voice. Jesse:" We were just wandering..." James:" Could we get a transfer to another country?" Boss:" WHAT?" Jessie hits James upside the head. Jessie:" Fool. I told you to let me do the talking." The Boss looks at them and says in an enraged voice. Boss:" You want me to transfer you, after all you've done to another country? Do you take me to..." Suddenly the Boss stops as an idea occurs to him. In a soft and kind voice he say. Boss:" I mean, after all, what would we do without you?. Jessie:" Well, we figured that perhaps you should expand your operation world wide now instead of waiting untill you have all the pokémon." The boss thinks to himself. Boss:' (They've got a point there.) Boss:" I tell you what I'll do. I'll get you plane tickets, First calss of course, to a country called America. I'll give you some money too so that way you can go ahead and get things up and running there." Jessie:" You will? That's great! You truly are the best!" James:" The best of the best!" Boss:" Yea whatever. Head towards the nearest airport. I'll have one of my men waiting to give you every thing you'll need." Jessie and James:" Oh thank you, thank you! You won't...." The boss hangs up before they can finish. Boss:" Yea I'll send you to the U.S. They ought to take care of you. Even if they don't, then at least you'll be out of my hair. There may not be that many pokémon in the U.S., but there are enough there to keep them bussy. Either way, I win." He starts to laugh as he leaves the room to attend to other previously planned bussiness. >> >>
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