Team Rocket Blasting off to America. Part 4- To the Airport << << The scene goes to the Rockets in the phone booth. Jessie hangs up the phone. She tries to turn to face James, but the confined space only lets her see part of his face. Jessie and James smile and give out a shout of joy. Both:" We're going to America!" They try to dance around in the booth, but all they accomplish is getting it to rock back and forth. Meowth is being knocked back and forth between his fellow Rockets with a sick look on his face. Meowth:" Will you two cut it out! I'm starting to get sea sick." The booth finally falls over from their celebration. Jessie's, James', and Meowth's faces are pressed flat against the glass. Meowth:" I hate to interrupt your little celebration, but do either of you two happen to even know where this America is?" Jessie:" Who cares?" She opens the door, gets out and starts to fix her hair. Jessie:" Just as long as there are people who will give me the respect a raging beauty such as myself deserves." Meowth jumps out of the booth and lands beside Jessie. Meowth:" Raging is right. As for beauty..." Jessie backhands him in the face. He goes flying back into the booth and lands on James as he's trying to get out. James:"ooofff!" James pushes Meowth aside, steps out and starts brushing off his clothes. James:" Yea, and those three brats with the Pikachu aren't there." Meowth jumps out of the booth for a second time, but makes sure to land well away from Jessie. Meowth:"If you say so. Just as long as we still catch rare pokémon and get rich it don't matter to me where we are." Jessie turns to look at her team mates. Jessie:" Enough of this chitchat, lets go." A car can be seen heading in the Rocket's direction. Jessie turns to look at it and smiles. Jessie:" And I think I see our ride. Follow me, I have a plan. The scene changes to the man driving the car. The driver is tapping his hand on the steering wheel while humming the tune to Pokémon. Suddenly Meowth dressed as a little girl comes running out into the road. The driver slams on the brakes stopping inches from Meowth. Meowth falls to the ground and pretends to be unconscious. James comes running out from behind a bush dressed in the latest female fashion. James:"My Baby! My Baby!" Jessie shortly comes running out from the same bush, but she is dressed in blue-Jean overalls with a tacky pink and purple pokadot shirt. Jessie:" I saw everything! I'm a witness." The man jumps out of his car and rushes to were the disguised Meowth lies. Man:" That sure is one strange looking kid." James grabs the man by his jacket and pulls him to look him strait in the eyes. James:" How dare you insult my little darling after what you've done, you... you.... you monster!" James lets him go and leans over Meowth pretending to cry. Jessie walks over to the bewildered man. Jessie:" You! The crazy driver! There's a phone right over there." She points to the phone booth, now upright again. Jessie:" You go call for help while I try and comfort this poor soul." The man takes a quick look back at James, turns back around, nods then heads off to the phone. Man:"Right." Jessie turns and watches him run to the booth with an evil grin. The man reaches the booth, picks up the phone, and rummages through his pockets. Man:" Rats! Forgot I don't have any change." He turns around and yells. Man:" Do either of you..." He pauses in midsentence as he sees his car drive off with Team Rocket in it. The threesome turns around and throw off their wigs. Team Rocket:" Sucker!!!" The man instantly drops the phone and runs after them. Man:" Hey! Come back here with my car!" He stops when he can no longer see the car, leans over and places his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Man:" Huf.. Puff. Should have known better..Huff...Puff... than to have trusted someone that weird." He starts back towards the phone to call for help and report the theft to the authorities. >> >>
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