Team Rocket Blasting off to America. Part 4 Continued. The scene changes to a city. Officer Jenny can be seen writing tickets and placeing them on car windows. Officer Jenny finishes placeing another one and yawns. Officer Jenny:"This sure has been a quiet day." Suddenly the CB at her sid comes to life. CB:"Attention all officers. Be on the lookout for a red convertable with license number 6307. The car was last reported heading .....fffzzzttt...... Drivers suspected as being members of the infamous Team Rocket." A car matching the description speeds by Officer Jenny.She runs to her motorcycle, starts it up, adn follows the car. She talks inte her helmet mike as she does. Oficer Jenny:"This is Officer Jenny, I'm following the suspects. They'te heading...(The sound of car horns and a jackhmmer prevet us from hearing her.)..." The scene shifts to the Rockets in the car. Police sirens can be heard in the background. James sitting in the front seat turns around to investicate the orgin of it. A worried look crosses his face as he turns to look at Jessie. James: It's the police! They'te after us." Meowth, sitting in the back, simply folds his arms. Meowth:"I told you we should have gone the speed limit." James begins to panic.James:"What are we going to do?" Jessie takes one hand off the stearing wheel and clonks him on the head. Jessie:"This is not the time to panick. Besides," She turns to face him and smiles. Jessie:"Its not like they actually have a chance of catching us." She prshes her foot down hard on the accelarator, causing the car to speed up, sendig James and Meowth to be pressed back against their seats. She swerves left and right down a bsy street in an attempt to lose their persuer. She glances into the rearview mirror and sees that Officer Jenny is still following them.Jessie:"She's a pursistent one. Meowth! Throw some of our bombs at her."She goes back to her task of trying to shake Officer Jenny.Jessie:"Perhaps that will disuade our annoying copper." Meowth just blinks. Meowth:"What bombs?" James turns around, smaks him and points to a box on the floor. James:"You know. The official Team Rocket Bombs we always seem to have." Meowth looks at the box. Meowth:"ooh. Those bombs. I completly forgot about them." He grabs the box and opens it. He smiles, graqbs two of them, turns around, then throws them. Meowth:" Bombs-woyage!" They hit the road and bounce a few times. Jessie:"Fool! Don't you know you have to light them first?" She turnsaround, grabs a bomb and proceds to light it. James with a look of sheer terror on his face points to an oncoming truck. James:" Jessie, forget about the bombs and watch where your driving!" Jessie:"Huh?" She turns around. With a horifiied ook on her face she drops the lit bomb and quickly swerves the car to the right. James turns to Jessie with a relieved look. James:"Whew. That was a close one." Suddenly Jessie's bomb goes off, setting off ll the other bombs with it. The explosion sends Team Rocket flying into the air. Team Rocket:"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!!!" Officer Jenny arrives at whats left of the car, just in time to see the Rockets disapear over the horizon. Officer Jenny:"Rats! They got away." The scene moves to the Rockets. They land with a thud on the pavement infront of the airport.James:"Well, at least we made it to the airport." Jessie hits him on the head. Jessie:" Oh, shut up." A man wearing a trench coat walks up to them. Man:" Its about time you showed up." The Rockets immediatly jump to their feet. James:"Hey!Just who do you think you are talking to Team Rocket like that?" The man shakes his head. Man:"Look, I don't have time for this. Your plane leaves in five minutes." Jessie hits James and walks up to the stranger. Jessie:" Please forgive my associate. He's an idiot.Please, lead us to the plane." The Man takes them to the far end of the airport were a small private jet is waiting.Jessie and James smile and gaze at it in awe. Jessie:"The boss wasn't kidding when he said first class." James:"Yea. We're going to arive in style!" They finally board the plane. It takes off the second they're on board. The Man stands and watches it leave. When it is nolonger in site, he pulls out a celphone. The voice of the boss can be heard. Boss:"Has the plane departed yet?"Man:"Yes, it just left."Boss:"Execellent. You shall be well rewarded for this."Man:"Thank you sir. But I am just doing my job." The scene shifts to the boss. He hangs up the phone. Boss:"Finally, I'm rid of those two torns in my side.Now they're America's problem." He starts to laugh as he walks down a corridor to an unlit room.
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