Team Rocket Blasting off to America. Part 5- The Arrival The jet lands in a California airport. It drives up to a designated spot where a boarding ramp is placed up to its door. The door opens and Jessie steps out. Jessie:"Prepare for trouble." James steps out holding a rose. James:"And make it double." The two clasp hands and head down the ramp in a tango. Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation." James:"To unite all people's within our nation." Meowth. steps out of the jet dragging a suitcase with him. Meowth.:"I hate to interrupt you guys, but we're no longer in our nation." James hits him on the head. James:"We know that stupid!" Jessie:"Yea, now shut up so we can finish." James:"Now where were we? Oh, yea, now I remember." He returns to his normal stance for his motto. James:"To unite all people's within our nation." Jessie and James lean against each other's back. Jessie:"To denounce the evils of truth and love." James:"To extend our reach to the stars above." Jessie:"Jessie!" James:"James!" Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light." James:"Surrender now or prepare to fight." Meowth. turns and points at the jet. Meowth.:"The jet's taking off with all our luggage!" Jessie and James turn to look. They start to run after it. Jessie:"Wait! I haven't gotten all my cloths!" James:"Stop! All my roses are still on board!" The jet takes off and the two are left standing on the runway. Meowth. walks up to them, dragging his suitcase. Meowth.:"Look on the brite side..." James looks at him angrily. James:"What bright side? All of our stuff has just flown off." Meowth. opens the suitcase revealing a large sum of unmarked bills. Jessie and James stare at it in amazement with a glow in their eyes. Meowth.:"This side bright enough for ya?" James picks up some of the bills. James:"We're rich! We're finally rich!" Meowth. grabs a few bills and joins in with James' celebration. Jessie goes to grab some as well, but she stops realizing their job here. She grabs her fan and smacks the both of them across the face. Jessie:"Put that money back! We're here for a reason, remember?" James and Meowth. start to put the money back. James:"Oh yea, I completely forgot about that." Meowth. rubs his face where he was hit. Meowth.:"It must have slipped my mind." A low rumbling can be heard. James shuts the suitcase and stands up. James:"What's that sound?" Meowth.:"Earthquake?" Jessie:"No you feeble minded furball, the grounds not shaking." The sound gets louder and closer. The trio turn around and look up to see a 747 in it's landing process. All:"Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" Meowth."Every Rocket for themselves!" They all take off running. The jet lands, but is still moving towards them. A luggage car pulling three filled trailers drives by. Jessie tries to shout over the noise of the jet. Jessie:"Head for that luggage car!" James and Meowth. obey, running after it as fast as they can. Suddenly the car stops, and all the Rockets run into it, landing head first into a pile of luggage. Jessie is the first to rise above it. Jessie:"That was close." Meowth. climbs to the top of a trunk, dragging his suitcase with him. Meowth.:"At least we still have the money." James rises up from deep within the pile with a cardboard box on his head. James:"Where did everybody go?" Jessie knocks on the box. Jessie:"Hello, is anyone in there? You've got your head in a box stupid." James:"Oh." He tries to pull it off, but it won't budge. James:"It's stuck!" Meowth. unsheathes his claws. Meowth.:"Allow me." He scratches the box, causing it to fall apart, revealing James' head covered in some lady's lingerie. James takes it off and looks at it, and smiles. James:"Hey Jessie, I think you would look real good in this." Meowth.:"Yea, and maybe you can perform a little dance for us while your wearing it."They start to laugh. Jessie's face turns red with rage. She takes her fan out again and hits them across the face again. They immediately stop laughing. Jessie:"Shut up!" She looks down at the pile of cloths surrounding James. Jessie:"I've just had an idea on how to get in without being noticed." James looks down to the cloths. James:"Not another disguise." Meowth.:"Yea, I hat playing dress up." Jessie hits them once again. Jessie:"Do you idiots want the police to recognize us?" She briefly recalls the incident where they were blown out of their stolen car. James:"No, but I don't want to dress up Like a girl." Jessie:"Fine! Then find something else to wear!" The two start opening suitcases and going through them, throwing cloths left and right as they do. The scene changes to inside the airport. Jessie and James are disguised as husband and wife. James is carrying the suitcase with the cash in it, while Jessie pushes a stroller carrying Meowth. dressed Like a baby. They walk to one of the car rental stores that can be found in any airport. The lady behind the counter smiles. Lady:"Hi! How may I help you?" Jessie walks over to the lady. Jessie:"Yes, my husband and I would Like to rent a car." The lady nods. Lady:"Certainly." She leans over and pulls out a large stack of papers from underneath her desk. Lady:"Just fill out these forms and you'll be on your way." She points to an empty room for them to take the forms to. James takes the papers and the trio walk into the room. James sets the stack down on a table in the center of the room. James:"I didn't know there was so much paper work involved in just renting a car." Jessie walks over to a sofa and lies down. James:"Aren"t you going to help fill these out?" Jessie:"No. I'm going to take a nap." James:"How come you get to sleep and I have to fill everything out?" Jessie:"Because I have jetlag that's why. Now quite your complaining and start sighing." James turns and looks at Meowth. Meowth.:"Don't look at me. What do you think would happen if someone were to walk in and see a baby filling out paper work." He pulls a blanket up over him and goes to sleep. James sighs and proceeds to fill out the forms. Slowly, the stack is moved from one side of the table to the other. He can be seen filling out the finally form, eye's blood shot and barly open. James yawns and sets down the pen. James:"Finished at last." He places the sheet on top of the stack. James:"Now to catch some Z's." Jessie get up and walks over to James. She look at the forms then at him. Jessie:"Awe, isn't that cute." She gently nudges him. Jessie:"James, it's time to get up." James:"Please mommy, just five more minutes?" With an annoyed look Jessie smacks the back of his head. Jessie:"Get up stupid." James gets up. James:"But I'm sooo tired." Jessie"I don't care what you are, we've got to hurry before someone recognizes us." She walks over to the stroller and proceeds to leave the room with it. Jessie:"Now get the money and papers and lets go." He does as he's told and follows her out. As they head back to the main desk the lady smiles at them. Lady:"Finished so soon?" James looks up at a clock and notices that three hours have passed since he started filling out the forms. Lady walks over to James and takes the stack from him. Lady:"I'll just take these to the back, and you'll be on your way." She disappears into the back room. Jessie lets out a small laugh. Jessie:"The fool. Soon we shall leave this retched airport." James:"Look! We're on TV!" Jessie turns to look at the TV. She sees that they are on TV. The new caster is talking about how they are believed to have fled to America. The lady comes back and she sets a key on the desk. Lady:"There you go. Now, lets just discuss...." She looks at the TV and then back at Jessie and James. They turn around and look at her. Lady:"Hey, your...." Jessie and James take off their disguises. Jessie:"Prepare for trouble." James:"And make it double." Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation." James:"To unite all people's within our nation." Jessie:"To denounce the evils of truth and love." James:"To extend our reach to the stars above." Jessie:"Jessie!" James:"James!" Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light." James:"Surrender now or prepare to fight." Meowth. jumps out of the stroller no longer in disguise. Meowth.:"Meowth., that's right." Meowth. runs up and takes the key. Meowth.:"We'll be taking this!" The lady hits a hidden button causing lights to flash and a buzzer to go off. Lady:"Security!" Men in uniform come rushing into the place. James grabs his pokéball and throws it. James:"Weezing, smoke screen!" Weezing appears and starts to fly around spraying smoke. Weezing:"Weezing!" As soon as the place is covered in smoke, James recalls his weezing and Team Rocket makes it's exit. The scene changes to the airport's garage. Team Rocket has found the car that they stole the key to. They get inside the car. Jessie:"Finally, we can get out of this place." James:"Yea, but where do we go now?" Meowth.:"Here, give me the map." He grabs the map and starts reading it.
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