Part 6-Salon Rocket Having filled out countless numbers of forms, bought hundreds of supplies, and finding the perfect building, Salon Rocket is finally opened for business. James turns the sign around so that it says open. Meowth:"Finally. Maybe now we can get some money." James:"Yea, billions and billions of dollars!" Jessie:"We'll be rich at last! I can see it now." She visualizes herself surrounded by handsome young men, fanning her and feeding her grapes. She is brought out of her fantasy by the sound of the chimes going off to indicate that someone has entered the store. Jessie:"Ah, our first customer!" They run up to the man that entered the store. Jessie:"Greetings sir!" James:"Welcome to Salon Rocket!" Both:"Step right this way!" Jessie grabs the man's arm and drags him forward while James pushes him from behind. They lead him to a room with a bunch of chairs and force him into one. Jessie runs off and comes back carrying several different types of hair gel. Jessie:"Here, you simply must try this gel!" She proceeds to put some in the man's hair. James leaves then comes back with his arms full of cologne. He takes one and sprays the man with it. James:"Here, try this. It'll drive the ladies wild!" Man:"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Get away from me! I only came in here to use your bathroom!" He gets up and runs out the door. Jessie and James just stand there and stare after him. Meowth runs up to them and scratches their faces. Meowth:"Numbskulls! You scared him off!" Jessie opens up a compact mirror and looks at her now scratched face. James turns and looks in a nearby mirror as well. Both of the two rocket's look as if their eyes are on fire. Jessie throws the hair gel bottles at Meowth, while James pelts him with the cologne bottles. Jessie:"How dare you ruin perfection!" James:"Yea, and that goes double for me!" They continue to extract their vengeance on Meowth when the door chimes go off, announcing another customer has entered. Jessie and James stop, look up, then look at each other. James:"Oh no! A customer!" Jessie hits him on his head. Jessie:"Quite stupid. We want customers. Quick, you two clean up this mess while I go tend to them. Meowth:"Me?! Why do I have to clean up the mess you two made?" Jessie:"Just shut up and do it!" The two immediately start cleaning things up. Jessie walks back to the main room to greet the customer. When she gets there, she finds two male teenagers looking through one of the books set out to show all the styles available for pokémon. Jessie:"Hello! How can we help you?" The two glance up at her, then walk around the store looking at all the items and occasionally making comments to one another. Jessie:"If you're not going to buy anything, THEN LEAVE!" They look up at here, mumble something to each other, then turn around and continue to inspect the store. Jessie:"Grrrrrrrr....... How dare you ignore me!" Jessie pulls out a remote and hits a button on it. The lights go out, two spot lights shine on the back wall, and a familiar tune starts to play. Jessie:"Prepare for trouble!" She steps into one of the spotlights, now wearing her Team Rocket uniform. James:"And make it double." James steps into the other spotlight wearing his uniform as well and holding a rose. Jessie:"To protect the world from devastation!" James:"To unite all peoples within our nation." The two move towards each, the spotlights following until they merge into one light. Jessie and James start to do their ever changing poses. Jessie:"To denounce the evils of truth and love." James:"To extend our reach to the stars above." Jessie:"Jessie!" James:"James." A red R shines on the wall behind them. Jessie:"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" James:"Surrender now, or prepare to fight." Meowth jumps into the spotlight from above. Meowth:"Meowth, that's right!" The spotlight and R are turned off and the main lights come back on. Jessie:"Now that you've seen who we are, you'll have to be locked up." James:"But first, we'll be taking all your pokémon." Meowth:"So hand em over if ya know what's good for ya." The two strangers look at each other, grin, then rip off their outfits, revealing the Team Rocket uniforms they had been wearing underneath. Jessie, James, and Meowth:"WHAT?!" first stranger: "Prepare to be in major pain...." second: "For all your efforts will be in vain…" first: "To take all the things that we would want." second: "To relay our phrase to the ones we taunt." first: "To realize our goals of wealth and fame!" second: "This victory, we shall surely claim!" first: "EXO!!" second: "Saber!!" EXO: Team Rocket, Blasting off left and right! Saber: Don't bother with us, you'll lose the fight! Jessie:"Must everyone imitate us? This has to be some sort of trick." James:"Yea, there's can't be another Team Rocket here. We haven't inducted anyone into it yet." Jessie hits him across the face with her fan. Jessie:"Quite moron!" Meowth:"Yea, stop telling them that our mission here is to expand the organization!" Jessie hits him across the face with the fan as well. Jessie:"Stop giving out secrets!" Exo:"Regardless of what your mission here is, I'm afraid we're going to have to shut you down." Jessie:"What?! On who's authority?" James:"And why?" Exo:"By MY authority!" He pulls out a card from his pocket and thrust it towards the two. Jessie and James lean over to read it. Jessie reads it aloud. Jessie:"U.T.R.M.O.A. United Team Rocket Members Of America. Name: Exo. Status: Interviewer, WebPage Master, and chief enforcer of TR Rules, regulations, and standards." They gaze up at the two U.T.R.M.O.A. members. James:"That tells us who you are, but why is it that you're shutting us down?" Saber:"We're shutting down on the basis that this operation has broken several rules and doesn't meet the standards of U.T.R.M.O.A. He pulls out a fairly large book from somewhere and starts to flip through the pages. Saber:"This operation is in violation of codes: 569, setting up an operation without informing the district boss. 606, conducting an operation in an area where it is least likely to succeed. 007, killing without a license to kill. Wait a second, that's the wrong one." He flips through some more pages. Saber:"Ah, here it is. Code 700, wasting company money, and finally, code 321, having one of the lights burnt out on the sign outside." Jessie:"What do you mean wasting company money? All the money went into making this place!" James:"Um.....well......not exactly all the money." Jessie turns to face him, but he won't look her in the eyes. Jessie:"What do you mean not all of it?" Meowth:"Well..... um......." Jessie:"Tell me!" James:"Me and Meowth spent it on an all you can eat buffet!" Jessie:"What?!" James and Meowth get down on their knees and clasp their hands as if praying, and start to cry as they plead with Jessie. Meowth:"We would have brought you, but we barley had enough money for ourselves." James:"Please, just don't hurt me!" Jessie hits the both of them across the face several times with her fan. Jessie:"Idiots! How dare you eat without at least bringing me back something!" Exo:"Ahem, I do hate to brake up this little ordeal, but, if you'd be so kind as to follow us outside." The two motion towards the door and lead Jessie, James, and Meowth outside. Exo pulls out a cell phone and calls someone. Exo:"Alright, you can come pick it up now. Oh, and while you're at it, run a check through company records to see if a Jessie and James are indeed a part of Team Rocket." He hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket. Shortly thereafter, a helicopter and personnel truck arrive. The helicopter drops several cables which workers from the truck connect to the Salon Rocket building. Once finished, the workers all get back in the truck and drive off. A limo shows up right as the truck leaves, and a female wearing a Team Rocket uniform steps out and walks over to Exo and Saber. She hands Exo some papers. Female Rocket:"Here is the report you wanted sir." He nods, takes the papers and then looks over them. Exo:"It appears that you are members of Team Rocket after all. Our apologies. You may continue with your mission." He hands the papers back to the female who takes them back to the limo. Jessie:"What about Salon Rocket?" James:"Yea, don't we at least get our money back?" Exo shakes his head. Exo:"I'm afraid not. You see, it's all being confiscated to be used in future operations by Team Rocket." He takes the cell phone back out and dials a new number. Exo:"Alright, take it away." Jessie, James, and Meowth turn and stare in horror as their latest scheme is lifted off the ground and flown over the horizon. They turn around in time to see Exo and Saber get into the limo and drive off. They stare at the spot where the limo was until Jessie brakes the silence by hitting James over the head with her fist. Jessie:"This is all your fault." James:"My fault? Why's it all my fault?" Jessie:"I don't know, it just is." Meowth:"Will you to cut it out? We have more important things to think about. Like what we're going to do now." James:"It's obvious we're not going to get anything done here." Jessie:"Let's try a different state. Maybe our luck will be better." James and Meowth:"Right." With that, they walk off down the street into the sunset, heading off to the next state, and next scheme.
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