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News and Updates on Nashville's Goth Scene

Please look at the updates and make sure everything is right (IE radio shows, club dates, concerts...). I'm not perfect so lemme know if things need to change!!!!

05/22/2002: Updated the site. It is majorly due for an overhaul as I am getting sick of seeing it like this. First thing is the pictures and then on to the graphics. Of course as always any help you can give will be more than welcome.

04/04/2002: The return of Black Sunday. See club listings for more info.

04/02/2002: Got rid of broken links and added a concert date. Going to be updateing the gallery soon. Let me know if you got anything for me that you want up. Oh... hopefully news on a club will be coming soon...

03/13/2002: Well the only thing I did was add a band link to the site. There really isn't anything else to put up... yet... to be continued...

02/23/2002: *le sigh* No club anymore... pretty sad, pretty boring though I hear something is in the works. One should hope.

02/13/02: Updated the site as much as I can right now, but there is just absolutely nothing going on around here. Still begging you all to submit pictures, writings, stories, anything for the site please.

10/27/01: Your fairy Gothmother just dropped in a new front page layout for all of you! Enjoy! The drawings are the works of Edward Gorey-If you don't know about his guy, check him out! Instead of the About section, I have made it into an art/poetry section for all of you to fill up. Since moving to Seattle I have not had the time to produce Beware! Sooo, I figure this will be more useful! Everyone buy Tara drink for keeping this site up and running and alive! I mean it!!! Check the message board!!!! Very soon (hopefully tonight) I will be posting info on Jamie's and my wedding! More in the future!
Satan's Sister,

If you have any info you want here, please email me...