Please look at the updates and make sure everything is right (IE radio shows, club dates, concerts...). I'm not perfect so lemme know if things need to change!!!!
04/04/2002: The return of Black Sunday. See club listings for more info.
04/02/2002: Got rid of broken links and added a concert date. Going to be updateing the gallery soon. Let me know if you got anything for me that you want up. Oh... hopefully news on a club will be coming soon...
03/13/2002: Well the only thing I did was add a band link to the site. There really isn't anything else to put up... yet... to be continued...
02/23/2002: *le sigh* No club anymore... pretty sad, pretty boring though I hear something is in the works. One should hope.
02/13/02: Updated the site as much as I can right now, but there is just absolutely nothing going on around here. Still begging you all to submit pictures, writings, stories, anything for the site please.
10/27/01: Your fairy Gothmother just dropped in a new front page layout for all of you! Enjoy! The drawings are the works of Edward Gorey-If you don't know about his guy, check him out! Instead of the About section, I have made it into an art/poetry section for all of you to fill up. Since moving to Seattle I have not had the time to produce Beware! Sooo, I figure this will be more useful! Everyone buy Tara drink for keeping this site up and running and alive! I mean it!!!
Check the message board!!!! Very soon (hopefully tonight) I will be posting info on Jamie's and my wedding! More in the future!
Satan's Sister,
If you have any info you want here, please email me...