Hi, I am Grace. I am from Nashville, TN, yeah, you know that city known for country music, but I'm not a hick or redneck or anything like that. I am a student in college and I think I've decided on majoring in graphic or creative design, or something like that. Anyway, this is my webpage and I hope you like it. If you don't then you don't have to look at it. I know there is not much to it, but this is all I can think of. If you happen to feel some sudden urge to email me, feel free to do so.
My Most Favorite Things
animals of any kind (other than birds, I find them rather boring!)
outdoor stuff like hiking and camping
my friends
photography (I'm not all that good at it yet, but I still like trying.)
guys who don't try to act like they're "all that" but who are really sweet
I know this sounds wierd, but, going to the woods when it is raining and playing hide-and-go-seek in camo in the mud.
sunny spring days
late night conversations with a friend about nothing particular
being in the arms of someone I love
lying on my back and watching the stars on a warm summer night