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When I Think of You
Words and Music by Ganes Paul

Verse:  I think of love and kindness when I think of you,
You make me feel like I'm everything,
You give me love that can surpass all loneliness,
I'm pleased with you for sharing your life with me,
You are the girl, every night, I pray to possess.

Verse:  It seems like I'm living a new life when I think of you,
I need you more each day for you are my loveliness,
You know what's touched my heart is the smile you possess,
It melted me down, makes me love you more
In your eyes there is love that makes me think of you every second.

Verse:  My love for you is like a fire that burns inside,
I've never known the joy of life until I met you,
We live in spirit when we are far away from each other,
When I think of you, I want to love you forever,
Everyday my love for you is growing stronger and stronger.

Verse:  It's like feasting when I think of you,
Your love is full with sweetness,
You are a dream come true,
I want to love you more when I think of you,
When I think of you, I love you dearly.

© 1993 Ganes Paul

Where Do I Stand With You
Words and Music by Ganes Paul

Verse:  We've been together for three beautiful years
But we seem to be drifting apart
Oh babe are you planning on leaving me here
When you know that its breaking my heart
The one you are seeing is bringing pain
And I don't know what to do
I love you so I have to know
Where do I stand with you.

Chorus: Oh where do we stand I have to know
Have you found somebody new
Baby, you know if you ever go
It will break my heart in two
I can't bear the feeling that I've lost you
I can't live one day without you
Oh please tell me I have to know
Just where I stand with you.

Verse:  When we met each other three years ago
My life was in a mess
Then you came along and brought me happiness
Forgive me for all the pain I caused you
I thought our love was meant to be
But you make it clear to me
That you want to be free
To go on a love spree.

Repeat Chorus

Verse:  Three years ago when I found you
I did adore you very much
And I thought I would keep that loving feeling
Because our love was a blessing.
Didn't you ever think that I didn't love you
Can you blame me for feeling betrayed
I gave you my heart and you tore it apart
So now I'm over you, I have better days.

Repeat Chorus

© 1993 Ganes Paul

Words and Music by Ganes Paul

Verse:    I can't forget all the great things you did for me
I just can't forget
When I left to abandon you were there
If you need me I'll be here
When everything fails you.
I will always be here for you
You meant the world to me
There's nothing I won't do for you

Chorus:  I will always be here for you
To love you and to guard you
You're the only one who ever touched my heart
I'll be with you till the end of time
You can count on me
I will always be here for you
In good and in bad times.

Verse:  I will catch you when you fall
I will take care of you when you're ill
Because I care for you
I will not let you bear your burden alone
When you are cast down
I will cheer you.
And make you feel better
When you are lost I will show you the way
When you are lonely I will be there by your side
I promise to love you forever.

(Repeat Chorus)

When I need someone to talk to you, you were there
You were there to restore my strength
When I didn't know what to do
You showed me a lot of compassion
In my life you are the beginning and the end
You can count on me when you need a friend.

(Repeat Chorus)

I will always be here for you
When I'm with you I'm out of this world
I want to be here for your
Everyday and every moment
I'll be with you till the end of time
You can count on me
I will always be here for you
In good and in bad times.

© 1993 Ganes Paul

Words and Music by Ganes Paul

I've been chasing you for many years now
And you pretend like you didn't know
I gave you my love but you refused
You think there's other men out there that are better
I feel so abused
You only want to see me when you want something
all you do is take
but in return you give nothing
I pray for you to be mine every night
With you everything is going to be alright

Chorus:  I want you, you're lovely, you're so sexy
I want you, you're lovely, you're so sexy
I want you, you're lovely, you're so sexy
You're playing hard to get
You always make me think that you love me
But you're only playing with my heart
And you don't give a damn when we're apart
Don't you understand how I feel
I want to be with you night and day
And make love to you everyday
You are my flame and desire
You don't need any other man.
I want you because I'm on fire.

(Repeat Chorus)

Let me be your man
Give me a try
Just open your heart and let me in
And let me be yours forever
And kiss your chocolate skin
Caress you, feel you, from head to toe
Because you're so hot and sexy
Your body against mine
Together we can handle our flame
And your life will never be the same

(Repeat Chorus)

© 1997 Ganes Paul