The Targaryens are the blood
of the dragon, descended from the high lords of the ancient Freehold of
Valyria, their heritage proclaimed in a striking (some say inhuman) beauth,
with lilac or indigo or violet eyes and hair of silver-gold or platinum
Aegon the Dragon's ancestors escaped the Doom of Valyria and the chaos and slaughter that followed to settle on Dragonstone, a rocky island in the narow sea. It was from there that Aegon and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys sailed to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. To perserve the blood royal and keep it pure, House Targaryen has often followed the Valyrian custom of wedding brother to siste. Aegon himself took both his sisters to wife, and fathered sons on each. The Targaryen banner is a three-headed dragon, red on black, the three heads representing Aegon and his sisters. The Targaryen words are Fire and Blood
1-37 AegonI Aegon the Conquer, Aegon the Dragon
37-42 AenysI son of Aegon and Rhænys
42-48 MægorI Mægor the Cruel, son of Aegon and Visenya
48-103 Jæhærys I the Old King, the Conciliator, Aenys' son
103-129 Viserys I grandson to Jæhaerys
129-131 Aegon II eldest son of Viserys
[Aegon II's ascent was disputed by his sister Rhænyra, a year his elder
Both perished in the war between them, called by singers, the Dance of the Dragons]
131-157 Aegon III the Dragonbane, Rhænyra's son
[the last of the Targaryen dragons died during Aegon III's reign]
157-161 Dæron I the Young Dragon, the Boy King, eldest son of Aegon III
[Dæron conquered Dorne, but was unable to hold it, and died young]
161-171 Bælor I the Beloved, the Blessed, septon and king, second son of Aegon III
171-172 Viserys II fourth son of Aegon III
172-184 Aegon IV the Unworthy, eldest son of Viserys,
[His younger brother, Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, was champion and some say lover to Queen Naerys.]
184-209 Dæron II Queen Næry's son, by Aegon or Aemon,
[Dæron brought Dorne into the realm by wedding the Dornish princess Myriah.]
209-221 Aerys I second son to Dæron II (left no issue),
221-233 Mækar I fourth son of Dæron II,
233-259 Aegon V the Unlikely, Mækar's fourth son,
259-262 Jæhaerys II second son of Aegon the Unlikely,
262-283 Aerys II the Mad King, only son
to Jæhaerys,
Therein the line of the dragon kings
ended, when Aerys II was dethroned and killed, along with his heir, the
crown Rhaegar Targaryen, slain by Robert Baratheon on the Trident.
The Last Targaryens
{King Aerys Targaryen}, the Second of his Name, slain by Jamie Lannister during the Sack of King's Landing,
-his sister and wife, {Queen Rhaella} of House Targaryen, died in childbed on Dragonstone,
-their children:
- {Prince Rhaegar}. heir to the Iron Throne, slain by Robert Baratheon on the Trident,
-his wife, {Princess Elia} of House Martell, slain during the sack of King's Landing,
-{Princess Rhaenys,} a yourng girl, slain during the Sack of King's Landing,
-Prince Viserys, styling himself Viserys, the Third of his Name, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, called the Beggar King,
-Princess Daenerys, called Dænerys Stormborn,
a maid of thirteen years.