House Arryn declared for none of the rival claimants
at the outbreak of the war, and kept its strength back to protect the Eyrie
and Vale of Arryn. The Arryn sigil is the moon-and-falcon, upon a sky blue
field. Their Arryn words are As High As Honor.
ROBERT ARRYN, of the Eyrie, Defender the Vale, Warden of the East, a sickly boy of eight years,
-- his mother, LADY LYSA, of House Tully, third wife and
widow of {Lord Jon Arryn}, late Hand of the King, and sister to Catelyn Stark,
-- his household:
-- MAESTER COLEMON, counselor, healer, and tutor,
-- SER MARWYN BELMORE, captain of guards,
-- LORD NESTOR ROYCE, High Steward of Vale,
-- Lord Nestor's son, SER ALBAR,
-- MYA STONE, a bastard girl in his service, natural daughter of King Robert,
-- MORD, a brutal gaoler,
--MARILLION, a young singer,
-- his lords bannermen, suitors, and retainers:
-- Lord eldest son, SER ANDAR,
-- Lord Yohn's second son, SER ROBAR, in service to King Renly, Robar the Red of the Rainbow Guard,
-- Lord youngest son, {SER WAYMAR), a man of the Night's Watch, lost beyond the Wall,
-- LORD NESTOR ROYCE, brother of Lord Yohn, High
Steward of the Vale,
-- Lord Nestor's son and heir, SER ALBAR, '
-- Lord Nestor's daughter, MYRANDA,
-- SER LYN CORBRAY, a suitor to Lady Lysa,
--MYCHEL REDFORT, his squire,
--Lady Anya's eldest son and heir, SER MORTON, a suil to Lady Lysa,
--Lady Anya's second son, SER DONNEL, the
Knight of the Gate,
-- EON HUNTER, Lord of Longbow Hall, an old man,
and suitor to Lady Lysa.