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"Fade To Black"
By: Carrie J. Smith (DFantum)
Rating: Strong R
Classification: MSR, Angst
Keywords: Romance, Angst, Scully POV
Spoilers: Requiem, All Things.
Archive: anywhere, just keep the name attached
Author's notes: Uh. The characters ALL belong to... sigh.... Chris Carter, 1013, and Fox. I'd like to think they were mine, but alas, I'm not THAT well connected in the business. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully also rightly belong to David and Gillian. (AND each other) ;-) Feedback is always welcomed with Fox Food, and Jello Shots. (props to me best bud, Cadey, who helped with the beta AND came up with the title) Flames will be used to light firecrackers on July Fourth. BTW, this is my first attempt at first person POV fic. Please, be gentle, it's tougher than it looks.

Fade To Black

I awoke in the hospital, still reeling from the news I had been given, when Skinner walked in. I knew by the look on his face that his news wasn't good. Mulder, my one true love, was gone.

"I already heard...." I heard myself sob. I could tell that he was broken up about our loss, as well. I knew that Walter Skinner felt towards Mulder like he was his son.

"I lost him... I saw... I can't deny what I saw anymore." I felt then that Mulder and I had finally found another ally in our quest. The one thing left was to find Mulder, to continue the search for the truth.

I recalled when I told Mulder about Daniel a few weeks ago. I told him that I once imagined spending my life with Daniel. But now I have something far more precious, I have a man who trusts me with his life, and his heart, just as I trust him with mine. I fell asleep on his couch, and he covered me with his much cherished blanket. We made love for the first time that night. He was more gentle with me, than anyone ever had been before.

"We will find him. I HAVE to." I knew I had to tell Skinner why. I needed to tell him why I had to find the man I loved. "I have one more thing to tell you. Something you can't let anyone else know." I took a deep breath and said the words I had wanted to say for so long, only I was saying them to the wrong man. " I...I'm pregnant." I smiled, as I remembered the last night we were together.

*Two days earlier*

I awoke in my Oregon motel room sweating, but chilled to the bone. What was wrong with me? I had to go to Mulder, my comforter, my touchstone. I ran to his door as a wave of dizzyness hit me, and knocked as hard as I could.

"Scully? What's wrong?" He looked frightened to death for me... for us.

"I...I don't know. Vertigo, I think. I just got cold and dizzy." I stepped into the room, trying to warm up. I knew Mulder would die for me, as I would for him.

"You want to sit down?" He whispered softly, in that concerned voice of his that I have grown to cherish over the past seven years. I shook my head, and walked to the bed.

"I just need to get warm." Mulder pulled back the blanket, and helped me under the covers. He then did the sweetest thing after he covered me up: he lay down behind me, and covered me with his strong arm, as he spooned me. "Thank you." I moaned, partly from exhaustion and fear, partly from desire for this wonderful man. The man whom I was partnered with so long ago, but could not live without now. I could almost not stand his body being so close to mine, but I was unable to do more than lay in his embrace.

"Scully, I want you to go home." I could feel the sadness in his voice rumbling against my back. I knew he was thinking one thing... what if my cancer was back.

"Oh Mulder, I'm gonna be fine." I felt his arm tighten against my waist in attempt to keep me from disappearing. I wasn't planning on leaving him...ever.

"No, it's not just that. Just seeing you, with that baby today; knowing everything you've lost. your sister, your health, and that baby...." I heard him sob softly as his words went straight to my heart. I knew he loved me, but I never knew he worried so much about me. That his life revolved solely around me, as mine did around him.

"It's not worth it, Scully." He sounded so sad, almost in mourning. "Maybe they're right."

"Who's right?" I knew who he meant, but I needed him to say it.

"The Bureau, everyone. The cost is too great. But for personal reasons, Scully." His breath warmed the skin of my neck, just as his arms warmed the rest of me.

*I know Mulder, we've both lost so much. Your mother and father, both of our sisters, and our future children, all lost because of our quest.* I couldn't bring myself to reopen any old wounds our work had caused, so I never voiced my thought.

As I heard his soft voice, I could hear the love that Mulder has for me. I also felt the proof against my back, as he cradled me gently in his arms. "There's more you need to do with your life, so much more than this." He kissed me ever so softly on the cheek, and tightened his hold on me.

I heard his soft sobbing in my ears, as he held me tighter, not wanting to lose me. "Mulder? Please... make love to me." I turned in his arms, and whispered softly, the desire for him growing exponentially with every second that passed. I kissed him tenderly, running my hands over his strong shoulders and back.

He slipped his hands under my shirt, and began caressing my breasts, causing my nipples to pucker. "Oooh, Fox..." I heard myself moan as his ministrations became more frenzied, more urgent. One hand slipped to the waistband of my suit pants, and began to unbutton them. I slowly moved my hands to the snap of his jeans, and began to pull the zipper down.

As I went, one finger trailed over his hardening length, causing him to groan in pleasure. "Ahhh, Scully." He began to slide my slacks over my hips, one of his fingers mimicking mine. Our sighs melded into one sound of extreme desire and love, mixed with a little bit of lust.

He slipped a single finger into my depths, caressing the sensitive skin there. "Mulder......Please. With you." I loved this man, more than anything else. I looked into his warm hazel eyes, glazed over with love. I had never seen a more beautiful sight than him looking at me that way. I had to have him inside me. I grasped him gently with one hand, guiding him into my entrance. I felt the muscles stretch to accomodate him once again.

"Scully... my shirt..... I " I didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Shhhh, Fox. Leave it on this time. I need this...You need this. Let it happen" He nodded and slid all the way into me. I heard him moan, as he began to pull out slowly, then thrust back just as slowly. Stroke after stroke, he pulled out and pushed back into me, agonizingly slow. But, there was no way I was going to have this rushed when it may be the last time we would be together. I felt the tingle that signalled climax start in my belly and move southward. I cried his name and God's together, for surely this was a match made in heaven.

I felt him stiffen, sensing that he was close to orgasm. "Danaaaaaa..." He moaned, as he came, spurting his seed into my broken womb. I began to sob as I thought of the life that would never be created from this love of ours. He collapsed onto me, whispering tenderly against my neck. "God, I love you so much Dana. When this is over, I want you to be my wife." He kissed me gently, and fell asleep.

"Yes, Fox."I sobbed happily for the first time in my life. Soon, I was asleep, cradled in his arms, safe from the rest of the world, if only for one more night.

*Present Day*

Just then, I heard Skinner sob, bringing me back to reality. One in which I was pregnant with Mulder's child, and he was missing. "Scully, I promise you, we WILL find him. For you, and yours and HIS baby." He half smiled at me, knowing just how much Mulder meant to me. He started walking out, closing the door softly, as he saw me yawn.

"Sir? Before you go, I want to ask you to be our baby's godfather. I know Mulder would want that too." I held back another tear that threatened to fall.

"Dana, I would be honored. Get some sleep now. We'll discuss this more when you're awake." He sniffed back a sob, and then left.

My medicine started working just then. I closed my eyes, and softly whispered aloud a prayer. "Lord, I pray to you. Please keep Fox cradled safe in your arms until you see fit to return him to my loving embrace. Amen" I ended with one small sentence. "I love you, Fox Mulder." I laid my head back onto the pillow and slowly drifted off to sleep. As I went, I heard a familiar voice whisper in my head. " I love you, Scully." A tear ran down my cheek, and a smile crept onto my worn face. He was going to be alright.

Fade To Black Pt. 2

I woke up as has been the norm for the past month or so. Strapped to a cold metal table, feet and hands restrained. At least this time there was no shiny pointed metal object hanging down in front of my face. Oh joy, wonder what next? If it weren't for the fact that I know that she's waiting for me, I'd have given up after the first tests. One word passed through my mind...Scully. Sometimes when things get really tough, I can actually feel her, hear her soothing words to me. 'Fox, hold on...please.' I know then, I'm gonna be fine.

I try to smile as I remember the first time we made love. It was after I got home from England, searching for those elusive crop circles. She told me a tale about her life before me. Daniel, I hated him the moment I heard his name the first time. He was the person who made her almost give up on love, I think. More so than Jack Willis, more than likely.


"I once considered spending my life with this man." She told me, almost uncertain of the words herself. "What I would have missed." Yes, what we both would have missed, Scully. I would have missed out on the best thing to come into my miserable existence. And no telling what she missed out on. Kids, a husband, maybe even a Nobel prize for Medicine; who knows.

"I don't think you can know. I mean how many lives would we be leading. " I wasn't sure where this discussion would be heading, but I did know that now, I had a true partner in every sense of the word.

She looked sleepy, but continued. "Maybe there's only once right choice, and all the others are wrong." Yeah, she's going to crater any minute.

"And all the choices would lead to this moment. One wrong move, and we wouldn't be sitting together." I shudder at the thought, that she might have not been here with me, through the past seven years. "That says a lot, a lot a lot alot. Probably more than we should be getting into at this late hour..." I looked over at her, sleeping on my shoulder and knew that at that moment I was in love with her. That I wanted to spend the rest of my nights like this, watching her, holding her and loving her.

Lovingly, I brushed a stray lock of hair from her face. I wanted so much to kiss her, but I needed her to be able to share that moment with me. I covered her with my Navajo blanket I got after my Blessing Way ritual at Albert Hosteen's, and gently got up to go to my room.


"Mulder?" I heard a soft voice whisper to me in the night. I thought I was dreaming until I felt a strange warmth spread over my body. I opened my eyes to see Scully, her nude body draped over my half clothed one, her head laying softly on my chest. "Scully? When did you..." I didn't have a chance to continue as she pressed her lips to mine. I opened my mouth to her, our tongues meeting in a slow dance. She slipped her hand to my stomach, stroking gently as she went lower.

My hands roamed her soft skin, pausing to caress each silky breast. My heart leapt as she moaned my name in sweet agony. "Muullllderr. God." No, Scully. God is who sent you to me. I slipped one hand lower, to the soft curls at the juncture of her legs. I slid one finger into her, massaging the sensitive bud gently.

Her hands weren't idle either. She ran her hands over the head of my cock, spreading the first drop of moisture over the head. "Scully, wait... I need to be inside you." She gently slipped my pajama bottoms and boxers off, careful of my erection. She grasped my cock once again, guiding me to her entrance. As I slid inside her, we both moaned in pleasure as we have done everything, together.

As I began to thrust into her, I could feel our souls finally merging into one. Scully shifted her hips, bringing me deeper into her body, her hips matching the rythm of mine. I began to thrust into her faster, moaning her name. As I felt her muscles contract, she screamed my name. The sensation of her orgasm sent me over the edge, shooting my seed into her womb. A tear fell from my eye, as I thought of the child that would never be concieved from our union. As I came down from the Scully-induced high, I collapsed onto her.

A while later, I woke, feeling her slender hand brush through my hair, and hearing her soft words. "Mulder, I love you so very much." I raised my head from her breast and stared deeply into her eyes, seeing the love there that equalled my own. "Scully, I love you, I always have." As I spoke, she fell into a peaceful slumber, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I soon followed her into the most peaceful slumber I had ever known. I felt safe, I felt completely at home.


All of a sudden, I hear the heavy metal door open, and the figure that has haunted my dreams these past months steps in. The Alien Bounty Hunter. He walks up to me and smiles that mysterious smile that causes my blood to freeze. "Agent Mulder, your tests are done. You may leave soon." With that, he was gone. Scully, I'm coming home, I am coming home. In my mind, I hear the words I have waited so long for: "Love you, Mulder." Yeah, we're going to be fine, just fine.

Fade To Black PT. 3

*Scully..... come get me.* I wake up safe in my own bed, sweat pouring out of me. I heard him, it was so real. *Scully. Help me.* I have to go to him. In a split second, I know where he is.


"Ohhh. Where am I" I awoke just now, laying on the damp ground. I think I know this place; yes, I'm still in Oregon. "Skinner!" I listen, but hear no one.

Slowly, I get to my feet. It was here, the ship was right here. I can see the imprint on the ground. The craft, where is it? Ten feet from me, I see Theresa. She's still breathing, although shallowly. There, over that hill, her husband- he's here too. I found them, but why isn't Skinner here. And where's................ *Scully!!!!!!*


"Sir, I need to go to Oregon. I know he's there." Skinner sits behind his desk, Kersh is here too. I can tell what he's going to say just by the way he rolls his eyes at me.

"Agent!" His voice booms loudly. "The case is closed. Mulder's been declared dead. You will NOT go as a member of this bureau."

Skinner bows his head. he knows he can't help me this time. I have to go to Mulder. He's there, I can feel him.

"Then I'll just go without FBI assistance. Sir, I need a week off." I hand a medical request to Skinner. He reads it, then passes it to Kersh, who sighs in defeat.

"Very well, Agent Scully. You will however not be paid while you're away." Kersh waves me away, and gives the form back to Skinner.

I pick up my cell phone and call the only people I can trust fully to help me. "Langley? Can you and the guys pick me up at the Bureau? There's something we need to do."


*Hold on, Mulder, I'm coming.* I try to sleep on the flight, but I can't get him out of my head. He's nearer now. I can hear him louder in my mind. I lay my hand on my now protuding stomach and rub gently. My child. Mulder's child.

"Scully? here drink this." Frohike hands me a cup of warm tea. The guys have been such a help to me these past few months. If not for them, I don't think I could have survived this time.


I walk around for what seems to be an endless time. she's coming. I can feel her closer to me now. *Scully, I'm back. Come get me, Scully.* She'll be here, I know it.

Theresa is waking up now. I have to help her and her husband."Where? Where am I? Ray?? Where's Ray?" Ray's waking too. I can hear him calling to Theresa.

"Shhhh. He's over there. We're all okay." She stops sobbing, and I help her to her feet. She runs to Ray,and they embrace. *Oh Scully, where are you?*


We're standing at the edge of the forest where Skinner said he vanished. *I'm here Mulder, I'm here.* Cautiously, I walk into the brush, the gunmen at my sides. "Mulder!!"

Langley puts a hand on my shoulder and turns my attention to three figures walking out of the brush. Two I vaguely recognize as Theresa and Ray. The third, I know better than anyone in the world. Even though he's thinner and his hair unkempt, I would know him anywhere. "Mulder!!!"


I help the other two up, and we begin walking. Suddenly, I hear it. the voice I have been wanting to hear since coming tohere in this Godforsaken forest. "Scully!" She's here. I run as fast as I can to her.

As we reach each other, that's when I see it. She....she's pregnant. "Scully... how."


"Mulder. Let me introduce you to your son." His eyes tear up as he realizes that he's the father. As if there could be anyone else.

He draws me to him, and we come together at last after all this time. As our lips meet, I realize that we can withstand anything, as long as our love survives.

Fade To Black