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Chapters 14 &15

Chapter 14

“Can u actually believe we’re back in Memphis??,” asked a very excited Brittany.

“Yeah I know this is soo cool!”

“Hey! Are those the guys over there?”


“Over by the McDonalds.”

“Well let’s go see!”


“Is that them?” asked Zac who hoped the girls could tell it was them through their disguises.

“I believe so. Let’s go over and see,” replied an impatient and lonely Ike since Megan couldn’t go.

“Good idea. I wonder what Sarah’s friend Katie is like?” asked an anxious Taylor.


“Hey!” Zac yelled startling both Brittany and Sarah.

“Geez, Zac!! You scared the crap out of us!!” exclaimed Sarah.

“Sorry Sarah-bearah!” said Zac using Sarah’s new found nickname.

“Well let’s get moving! Katie’s probably waiting for us!” Taylor replied a little anxiously.

“Yeah that’s right. Where are y’all parked?” asked Brittany a little surprised at how excited Taylor was to meeting Katie. Luckily she was beginning to like Dan instead of Taylor.

The car ride to Katie’s was boring except for te fact that Zac was planning on actually asking Sarah out, which he wanted to do for a while but Dan was the problem. Now that Dan was out of the picture he hoped Sarah would say yes and he was thinking about it the whole ride.

When they finally arrived at Katie’s house everyone was happy to be out of the crowded car. Sarah hurried to the door with the guys and Brittany at her heels.

Chapter 15

Ding Dong Ding Dong

“Coming!!!” yelled a young girl’s voice.

“You guys better hide incase her sister Meredith opens the door! She’ll start screaming in your faces!” Sarah explained to the guys.

“Good thinking!” replied Zac.

The guys hurriedly snuck behind some bushes just before Meredith opened the door.

“Hey Sarah!!! Hi Brittany! I’ll get Kat......Hey! What’s that moving in the bushes??” Meredith said while running to the bushes. “OH MY GOD!!!!!”

“Uh hi,” Zac said.

“YOU’RE HANSON!!! OH MY GOD!!!” Meredith exclaimed. “I love you Zac!!”

“Uh, Meredith?” asked Sarah.


“Will you get Katie?”

“Sorry not now!!” she replied while running after Zac.

“HELP!!!! Sarah help me!!!!” Zac said while trying to get away form a hysterical Meredith. Everyone burst out laughing at this.

Meanwhile, Katie was watching all this from her bedroom window. “Meredith is such a little twerp!”she said after seeing what happened.”Guess I’ll make my entrance now!”

“Excuse me but would someone mind telling me why my sister is running sroun the yard like a lunatic?” Kaite said even though she knew exactly why.

“Katie! Hey girl! Long time no see!” said Sarah.

“Yeah I know! Meredith, mom says go inside and stop screaming! Sorry about her guys! She’s just a little crazied sometimes!” Katie stated.

“Well of course you know who Brittany and the Hanson’s are but guys this is Katie,” replied Sarah(do u know how hard it is to not use said over and over again!?!?!)

“Hi! Nice to meet you Katie,” said Zac.


“Yeah hi,” replied a tired Ike.

“And the same to you. Well I guess Taylor’s not in a speaking mood!”

“Uhh.....oh yeah hi!” stumbled Tay, who was taken by Kaite’s beauty.(Kaite wanted that!!*Happy now Katie?!*)

“I hope y’all don’t mind but I invited Erin over because I thought you were coming tomorrow!”

“That’s okay. I’m sure they guys would love to meet her.”

“Yeah just as long as she doesn’t scream in my face!” said Zac.

“Knowing Erin, she probably won’t do that but.........she loves ya Zac!” explained Kaite.

“Oh great!! Just what I need another screaming fan!!!!” Zac said but he was just kidding.

“Well I saw we go in now and eat lunch. Who agrees?” asked Katie.

Everyone replied,”Me!”

Chapter Index
